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It had been two hours since you and Diego woke up from your nap. You texted Kevin to see if he was home. He was. You let him know to come down to Diego's apartment. You guys spend the rest of the evening talking about your brothers birthday trip and what everyone should bring.

"Your birthdays in two months?? What are we gonna do?" Kevin asks.

"Maybe Cancún?? Miami???" You say indecisively.

"Miami would be cool." Diego says chewing his food. He was eating flan that Kevin had made for you guys. There were little pieces of flan on the sides of his lips. You give Diego a playful disgusted look. He just yawned at you.

"Then let's go to Miami." You say smiling to both of them.

"Hell yeah!" Kevin says.

"I've never been, it must be nice." Kevin says excitedly.

"Mhm... we'll have to hit the strip clubs down there." You say wiggling your brows to both of them.

Kevin giggled, Diego on the other hand, stayed quiet. He stared at you.

"Strip clubs are overrated." He said, softly chewing his flan.

Kevin immediately raised his brows. "Bro since when?? We literally went to one last week." Kevin says eyeing Diego.

"Wait, you guys went last week!?" You ask almost sounding offended. Why didn't they tell you.

"It was only for a bit. It doesn't matter." Diego says, hoping for the topic to change.

"Is this where you met your date??" You say, teasing Kevin.

"No. I went for a jog and I bumped into her." He says smiling.

"Dumbass." Diego says to Kevin.

"How did you rizz up Y/N? There's not much there is there??" Kevin says with a hint of attitude.

"I'm calling it a night." You say getting up.

"You sure??" Diego says, looking over to you.

"Yea. I have some stuff I have to get done anyway." You say bye to the boys and finally head out.

When you get to your apartment, you head for the shower. You were exhausted from your meetings today. You were gonna finish some paperwork but, you decided to head to sleep.

Your phone buzzed next to you, but you were so tried you ignored it.

It was Diego.

Message: Let's go out tomorrow.

El chico del apartamento 512Where stories live. Discover now