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Memories from you and Gio came flooding in. Your relationship with him was so toxic. Looking back you wonder how you stayed so long, but deep down you knew it was because you loved him. Gio was with you when your mother fell ill. He knew everything.
What made it even worse is that he broke up with you two days after your mothers funeral. You gave him everything but he gave you nothing. When you asked for the bare minimum you were told you were asking for too much. To appreciate what you had.

You should've never been asking for flowers, but when you did you never received them. In the relationship he was always right. You were wrong. Back then it used to hurt you thinking of him and your relationship, but now all you could think about was You. You needed to get out of the relationship. You needed to believe in yourself. You needed to love you. 💕

"I don't care." You say smiling.

SLIGHT TRIGGER WARNING (eating disorders)

You knew Alexis was just trying to look out for you, and you appreciated it. Everyone saw how badly the relationship effected you, specially with the loss of your mother. You were hospitalized due to the lack of eating. You lost your appetite. It took weeks to get you back into a healthy state.

"Oh.. Okay." Alexis says smiling back brightly.
Alexis wasn't expecting your response, but he was glad to see he had no effect on you. When you finish eating you and Alexis finally get up. You turn around and you look over to Gio.
He's eating with a woman, and next to them is a child. You froze. They all laughed together. You smiled. Back than this would've hurt you but all you could feel was happy...and somehow...you thought of Diego. Was this what you wanted for both of you? For your future?

"Come on" Alexis says slightly bumping into you. You turn to look at him. You smile.

"Let's go. How do you feel about ice cream?" You and Alexis slowly walk away.

"You're still hungry!!!?" Alexis says in shock.

You laugh.

"Qué!??? Y el postre!!?" You say smiling to him.

Alexis shakes his hand to you. "Only if you're buying."

Sure enough, you stop to get ice cream. This time you get a coco ice cream, and Alexis got a arroz con leche ice cream.

It was around 1 pm when you finally got home. You sit down on your living room floor and start wrapping your brothers gifts. You could hear soft music playing from Diego's apartment. You get quickly, and press your ear against his wall.

"El color de tus ojos, despertó mi interés y solo tengo ganas de verte otra vez." You could hear Diego softly singing. You smile. This was one of your favorite songs.

"Perfecta en cualquier sentido, con pantalón o vestido robas mi respiración." You slowly move off the wall, you walk back over to your area on the carpet, and continue wrapping. After you finished, you placed the presents on the table. You had gotten Jorge some shirts and pants. You also bought him two colognes. unfortunately the present you were having made wasn't here yet, but you received word saying it was shipped and should arrive soon. For lunch you decided to have a salad. You took your salad and drink out to the balcony. You brought your laptop outside with you.

You began working on paperwork you hadn't finished. This wasn't how you wanted to spend your Sunday afternoon but you knew work had to be done.

You spent hours doing work. The sunset had begun to set, and yet you still continued to work.

"Hey stranger." You turn to the left. It was Diego on his balcony.

You frown.

"Stranger??" You say sounding offended. "And here I was beginning to think I was the love of your life." You say giving him a frown.

Diego smiled. He tried to.

Diego had seen you dressed up and dressed comfortably, but he'd have to admit, seeing you in shorts with a tee, was your best look, specially when you tied your hair up and wore your glasses. He couldn't stop staring at you. He was star struck.

"El color de tus ojos" you sang smiling. You were teasing him.

"Dime qué no está prohibido, quizás me animo y te pido verte el sábado a las Diez." Diego says smiling. He was singing to you. Diego had never sang to you before, and if you were being completely honest, he was actually a good singer. You would never tell him that though, it would only go straight to his ego.

"Wow Lainez....you're soo good." You say adding sarcasm.

"Only the best for you." He says winking.

Diego and you talk for a bit until you finally go back into your apartment.

Soon enough the night came to an end, and it was time for bed.

El chico del apartamento 512Where stories live. Discover now