08:45 The Office

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You were sitting in Elias's office, he was going on a rant about the last mission he had and how things could've gone south. Kick looked at you rolling his eyes as you giggled, "Right I'm so boring, Y/CN do you know why you were called in here?" Elias then asked with a bit of annoyance in his tone. "No, I do not know why maybe because of the privates?" you then questioned with a little sarcasm just to get his blood boiling a bit. "I called you and Kick in because I'm separating you two" your expression stayed at a frown as you furrowed your eyebrows, turning to your current Partner you then realized he had nearly the same expression. "What's this all about?" he questioned, you can feel a worry start to build up in Kick's body and you couldn't help but wonder how this would affect you. "Look, I feel like maybe separating you two can build stronger relationships with others." Elias sighed out before he continued, "So." he began as he tossed you a file, "Keegan P. Russ?" you questioned, "Open it" and you did, while opening the file a small gasp escaped from your lips, "but why him?" You looked up he shook his head, "Dismissed Y/CN" he looked over to Kick and tossed him the file. When you shut the door behind yourself, file still in hands you heard Kick interrupt your clouded thoughts with a loud "NOOOOOOOO".

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