Survival to the... just survive!

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You and Keegan finally met up with the rest of the team who were terribly injured. You noticed Elias wasn't, hoping that this isn't what you're thinking and that maybe he was relocated and captured you decided now wouldn't be the best time to ask what had happened. Suddenly Merrick falls to the ground, his wound plaguing his body with pain. "We gotta hide now!" Keegan says, as Hesh picks up Merrick and carries him into an office room, where you, Logan, and Keegan quickly follow into. You noticed the radio that Logan has is beaming with noise that could get you all caught. "Turn the radio down," you said in a harsh whisper, Merrick then shushes everyone as the Federation soldiers near into your current position.

One of the soldiers was instructed to check the office room, your heart stopped as your mind was rushing on what to do, this was unusual for you. As your mind was racing Keegan lunges out of the shadows, silently taking the soldier down before he could do any callouts to his team. As the enemy leaves without checking for their missing teammate, you all leave towards a mall-looking area (tbh I haven't paid attention to where we were located in this scene..)

"Attention everyone." A sudden voice appears on the intercom, it was Rorke. "Some friends of mine have gone missing, Return them to me dead or alive, and you will have done your country a great service," he says, as you look around for the intercoms, "Merrick, Hesh, Logan, if you're listening... good luck" Just then you had set your DDOS system in the perfect spot, knocking down the camera feed and the intercom's reach. Merrick scoffs at the last comment Rorke had made "Thanks for the shout out asshole" He says as you jog up to him and give him a hand. "Thanks, Y/CN," He whispers, you flash a small smile before your feelings get all swelled up, what if they don't make it...?

Keegan opens these glass doors that lead us to the escalators and ground floor of the mall (safe to assume it's a mall y'all). You hustle down the stairs as Merrick and Hesh noticed enemies on the Ground floor near the direction the exits were, "we won't be able to get around them." You called back to the team, "Wait until they get close, Y/CN stick to Logan" Hesh said. You nodded and headed towards Logan, sticking next to his position. "Alright Keegan, kick it off," Hesh says, Keegan shoots the first shot, and You and Logan quickly followed, "Shit, Y/CN you got medium rounds?" Logan calls out. You checked your ammo pouch, you were pretty low on ammo, but you had enough to spare with him. "Yeah, here you are," you said handing some over, "Thanks, I owe ya," Logan said reloading his gun and then getting back into action.

You turned to get back into position when you saw the masked man looking at you, "... what?" you questioned the man with the void-like eyes that seemed to be burning holes into your skin. " 'hErE you gO, ThAnkssss I oweee yA" Keegan surprisingly mocked, your mouth shot wide open when you heard this idiot. "We are literally in the MIDDLE OF BATTLE?!" You shouted. (I'm so convinced that Keegan is actually really childish when he's jealous... like cmon it's so cannon)

Keegan then shrugged as if nothing had happened and went back to work, you decided to do the same. Still kind of checked out by his actions your shooting became a little sloppy. Logan decided to push the enemies from the right side while you covered the middle, Keegan went for the left side. Not too long after the enemies were dead, everyone started to head toward the outside.

Keegan wasn't too far behind you, is what you thought, you turned to check on far he was when he suddenly got stabbed in the arm. Your eyes widened as you bolted toward him and the enemy that managed to play dead and get away with it. Keegan fell to the ground as the enemy raised his knife up to do a final blow, you tackled the enemy and immediately threw punches, something inside of you didn't let you stop after the first punches, soon blood was all over your hands and he was no longer moving. As soon as you snapped out of it you rushed toward Keegan, he had already bandaged his wound. He was stabbed in the arm... so he just fell over because he was knocked over, a literal wave of relief and embarrassment hit you. "How did you even let yourself get knocked over like that? That was just sad." You said, fixing his loose bandaging. "You're really gonna say this right now like I didn't just get stabbed...?" He questioned looking at you as you rolled your eyes.

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