0:300 The wake-up call

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You lay comfortably in your bed, your breath was slow and steady. A hasty ring startled you from your slumber. You quickly grabbed the phone realizing that you didn't put your work phone and personal phone on silent. You checked to see who called you, expecting maybe Kick or Logan to be the ones who called because they're usually still up at this hour which was unhealthy. This was a new number, unknown at that. Deciding not to pick up you laid yourself back down, but it rang again, and again. Finally being fed up you grabbed the phone and answered "What?" you said in an obvious upset tone. "Dont talk to me like that, learn some fucking respect" you knew who this was by the way he hissed his words at you, but you decided to play dumb. "Who is this? And how did you get my number?" you questioned innocently, "Y/CN don't test me.." he said in an almost whisper. That whisper made you feel something and it felt good, "Oh Sergeant Russ.. is someone dying?" You questioned sounding not so amused with him. "People die everyday, every hour, every minute, and every second.. But I need you to come meet me at my office at 07:20 sharp we have a lot to discuss before Elias calls us in to chat. Do you understand?" His voice sounded heavy, "Sure thing,"  "I'm only taking a 'Yes sir or Yes Sergeant' you got that?" his voice sent shivers around your body as it was both monotoned and raspy, a breathy exhale was released from the other line which made your body heat up. "Yes Sergeant.." you slowly replied trying to process what you'd heard. The other line died as you lifted the phone from your face and watched the screen of your phone say 'Call Ended'. You tossed your phone across from where you were on the bed and laid yourself back down, sighing and closing your eyes.

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