The argument

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After the mission, you and Keegan were immediately exfiled and sent off to help the others. While in the helo, you rummage around the portable armory. "A DDOS system?" You questioned as you picked up the small device and quickly added it to your bag. Your eyes wandered off to what Keegan was doing, which didn't look like much. Until you saw it was a report on you, "Hey, what's that?" You asked, slowly inching yourself closer to Keegan. "Report on my new partner." He replied sounding as blunt as possible. "How come I don't have one of those?" You genuinely questioned as you read the first sentence of the report, Keegan slaps the report closed and darts his eyes at you. "You don't have one because there's nothing to complain about." He hissed out, "Sure there is, there's a lot actually." You snapped back, "Oh yeah? Name some Y/CN, I'd LOVE to hear it" Keegan said sounding a little irritated, not knowing why he had the sudden urge to be all aggressive you quickly matched his energy. "Let's see, bad at communication, disappears without telling his partner, oh and uh hmmm... A huge jerk," you responded, trying to sound as calm as possible just to tip him more off the edge. After that, Keegan scoffed and started to ignore your existence, to be fair, he did start it by making a smart-ass comment. The rest of the ride was quiet and tense, Keegan sitting on the opposite side of the helo suddenly decided that the window was more important than the report and anything revolving around you. After an hour of this horrible silence, you both made it to the target destination when Keegan suddenly bolted up and immediately got into position in a panic. Following him and grabbing your sniper and gun, you laid out into position next to him as the helo left for reinforcements. After setting up your sniper you saw something horrific through the scope, a gun being pointed to Hesh's head, and Elias is nowhere to be seen. Keegan wasted no time and sniped the armored man who dared to raise a gun at his teammate. You followed through with a secondary shot to that same guy's head which gave your team enough time to get up and fend for themselves. You both helped out Hesh, Logan, and Merrick by sniping the enemies to your best abilities. "Keegan, Y/CN. We're up and moving. Get here as soon as possible" Hesh instructed through the communicator, "Check, we'll meet you in the kitchen" Keegan says before picking up and heading downstairs, he didn't even think to wait for you. Soon after you caught up with him, you shot him a nasty glare to which he responded with a scoff. You heard gunshots going off at the other side of the building meaning the rest of the team already ran into some tangos, Keegan quietly took out each guy with almost no problem... Almost. A guy noticed him right before he was about to take him out, he elbowed Keegan and raised his gun to shoot, without thinking you shot your gun, which killed the man but revealed your position. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Keegan shouted, "What? Wait so this is my fault?" Keegan paced around seeming pissed, he didn't answer. "Okay so let me get this straight, I was supposed to let him dome you in the fucking head?!" You said in response to his silence. You both hear footsteps, your heart began to pound as you were both in the open, Keegan grabbed you by your plated vest and lead the two of you into a cramped closet. The footsteps got closer and then reached inside the room, "Search high, Search low, just find those stupid ghosts NOW" one of them ordered. Keegan looked at you, his eyes finally saying something instead of being an endless void. You couldn't tell what his eyes were saying but it pained your heart to see it, they looked hurt, maybe sorry? It's hard to tell. You readied your gun and hoped for the best, you mouthed a "good luck" to your masked partner, who nodded and got his weapon ready. As a soldier neared the closet lady luck hit you both, "Got something going towards the kitchen," one soldier said. "Then what the hell are we doing standing here? MOVE!" the one soldier in charge yelled. The 8 men left and headed to the kitchen, "Hesh, what's your location?" Keegan immediately asked as soon as he noticed you both were in the clear, as he talked to him you quietly opened the closet door and slithered out. "Movin' to the kitchen, why?" Hesh asked, "We're almost there, you better find a place to hide. Lotta guys headed right to you" Keegan says quickly as he leads the way. " how many?" "Too many," you said, "Oh look who's finally talking," Merrick says sounding relieved to hear your voice. Keegan grabbed your hand as he quietly hurried towards the kitchen, he gave your hand a tight squeeze when he heard others nearing your position. You both stopped and a sudden rush of adrenaline kicked in, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you away all day..." Keegan says, his eyes locked onto yours. "I just... This whole partner thing is new to me, I get working with a team but I just preferred not relying on just one individual." he says, his voice sounding low and chopped. "Why are you apologizing? This is getting weird." you asked, you felt that maybe something bad was about to happen and he sensed it too. "Just in case we don't see each other again, I don't wanna end things without apologizing for being a dick," He says, Keegan inched closer without realizing it and so did you, eventually, your faces were so close it was hard to tell the details on his mask. "Well, there are other ways to make it up to me, and one of them is surviving" Just then Keegan lifted his mask and brought his face closer, to where his nose touched yours. He leaned in and gave you a peck on the cheek, then backed away and put his mask back on. "Then I'll make sure to survive for you, partner" He declared, you could hear the grin in his voice, but you were shocked by the kiss he gave you, like, why on the cheek?

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