The Mission

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"Time?" "20:10" you answered shifting from your crouching position to a stand. "Our little birdie should be getting ready for his bath, accompanied by women of course," Keegan says while pulling out two pairs of binoculars from his duffle bag, he tosses you one. "What a weirdo..." you pulled your pair of binoculars up to your face and skimmed around the bottom floor of the house, "18 guards, ground level" you called to Keegan, "Mid level, 7 guards Keegan called.

"Top floor, 13 guards" you called out

"Top floor, 12 guards" Keegan called out at the same time, you both turned to each other.

You frown at the miscount that he clearly made but he glares at you with his eyes saying the words for him "You are wrong"... you opened your mouth to speak but he interrupts you "It's twelve. get your eyes checked out." You slightly gasped at the insult and recounted but when you checked two of them left their post, "I counted fucking 13 so don't even try me, Russ." you hissed back, he turned his head away from you not saying a single word after that. "God what a weirdo" you tilted your head while looking at Keegan and then slowly shifted your head to the target, your eyes widened at the disturbing display of his "bath time". Keegan's reaction was actually to cover your eyes, when you felt his hands over your eyes your face started to feel hot. "I don't want you to head back to the base being haunted by this" Keegan whispered in your ear, his voice sent vibrations down your body, causing your spine to feel a chill. He then shifted your head and body away from the display and let go, once you were able to see you were met by the edge of the building. You backed up in shock thinking he was trying to kill you, "you motherfu-" "oops didn't mean to" he quickly said, resting his hand over your shoulder.

You both had made it into the target's yard, unseen by enemy personnel. "Keegan Y/CN. Sit" Elias commanded the two of you. Keegan was the first to sit down and you followed not too long after. "Do you have any idea as to why I partnered you both up for Sin City?" Elias asked. "No sir" Keegan responded, his voice sounding a bit raspy. "You two are the best at being stealthy, you're both quick killers, and I need that to get rid of our target. The second he's eliminated you'll exfil to Rorke's base and follow up with the rest of us, yes sir?" Elias says as he picks up a picture frame of Logan, hesh, and his wife. This was years ago as the Walker brothers were boys in that picture. "Yes sir" "yes sir," Both you and Keegan said at the same time. "Y/CN, take the one on the left, I got right" Keegan whispers before sneaking behind one of the guards, you do the same, both of you silently taking out the targets with your combat knives. "I got blood in my mouth..." you groaned trying to spit the blood out. "Dont be a crybaby," Keegan says while cleaning his knife. "Not all of us wear a balaclava, dick" you responded muttering the last part. He was about to say something but then stopped himself, "Follow me," he says as he sneaks into the house, you follow his lead and see the guards on the ground floor some of them moved from their positions, maybe to the other floors. "Too many to go unnoticed, get your gas mask on, and let's air this baby out" Keegan commands, you reach to your side and unclip your gas mask from your utility belt, putting the gas mask on you reach for your tear gas and wait for Keegan's signal. Keegan raises his hand and then flags it down, you both toss tear gas into the room as the guards are now coughing, their systems being overflowed with the gas, causing painful coughs, blurry vision, and bloody noses. You and Keegan take out the targets one by one, one of the guys snuck up behind you and reached for your mask, fear and adrenaline rose into your system as you started to pull away from the coughing foe. Keegan throws his knife, hitting the enemy right between his eyes, you quickly fixed your mask thankful that he didn't rip it off. "Bastard.." you muttered towards the dead guard, picking up Keegan's knife from his skull.

You finally made it to the target's room, the things you're hearing make you want to take your custom honey badger and turn it onto yourself. Keegan looks at your disgusted face and let's out a small chuckle, "what you find this funny?" you asked feeling embarrassed by the fact that Keegan found the situation humorous. Before Keegan could respond the door to the room opened, the target? No. A woman who was barely dressed, your face turns hot at the sight of her as Keegan's eyes went from her to you. His face was clearly unreadable because of his skull balaclava but he pulled the woman away after she shut the door, covering her mouth, he then knocked her out. "Did you... Kill her?" you questioned, your face was still a slight shade of red. "Why? Wanna ask her out after this?" Keegan said sarcastically, you scoffed and then looked at the closed door. "What's the game plan, big boy?" you asked, readying your gun. "Take this drill charge, plant it on the door, kaboom" Keegan said offering the charge to you, you crouched over to him and grabbed it. "Right righttt" you replied planting the charge onto the door and activating it's drill. You back away from the door as the impact blows it back, Keegan walks in nonchalantly with two pistols in his hand, shooting everything that moved in the room. You stared in awe at what your partner just did, no offense to Kick but Keegan was very impressive, Kick was more of a tech guy while Keegan was a cold killer. You moved I'm after Keegan as you both scanned the room for Alejandro, He was in the closet, you lunged towards him with a knife, taking him out with no struggle. "Keegan to Exfil team, ready for extraction, ASAP," Keegan said through his communicator.

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