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Cleaning your gun and refilling your utility belt you felt a presence. Of course, you didn't hear it come in but you noticed it about 2 minutes ago, "How long have you been here?" You questioned with a dark tone, back still facing the unknown intruder. There was silence, after 5 long seconds, you turned around to see dead silver-like blue eyes that almost put you in a trance first gaze. Still keeping stature you asked again but firmly this time, "How long have you been here, SGT. Russ?" this time you had caught his attention as his tall frame loomed towards you. "How long do you think?" his monotone voice echoed, his words being laced with slight venom which was supposed to intimidate you. Hearing footsteps outside marching in sync and random voices all around the empty room with just you two, you decided to back up just a bit so things didn't look wrong. "2 minutes" you then mumbled to him before the doors were busted open. The walker brothers Logan and Hesh were also following behind Merrick. You knew the Walker brothers well so a small playful smirk rose on your lips when they noticed you in the room. "Keegan and Y/CN? A little suspicious if you ask me" Hesh teased, "Naughty" Logan then tagged on, the two brothers laughed as you rolled your eyes. "Aha, really funny Tweedledum and Tweedledee" you sneered at the two, you turned to your side to realize your silent newly assigned partner had disappeared. A shocked look in your eyes showed as you realized he was in the farthest corner from you. Logan walked up to you taking the dirty cleaning rag out of your hand, "He does that a lot, be careful" He winked.

NEXT DAY, 06:30 AM

It was early, not too early to spar with Hesh as Logan kept score. A loud grunt was let out of Hesh's mouth, "That's all you got? I can go all day Hesh" You grinned trying to assert dominance with Hesh, in reality, you were getting tired out yourself. He tried to pounce on you as you jumped back, trying to land on your feet gave him enough time to throw himself back at you again. Barely dodging his reckless attack you were both interrupted by a certain tall man, you were distracted by his chest, a black tank top covering it, and the tactical pants that he was wearing... Of course, he had his mask on still, you were so distracted that you barely noticed that you were pinned to the ground, "Ha! tap out Y/CN!" Hesh cheered, snapping back into reality "Fuck that hurts" You squirmed under Hesh, tapping the floor three times with your dominant hand. Hesh helped you back up as you guys headed toward Logan. "Y/CN 5 and Hesh 3" Logan read out the score as Hesh complained saying that Logan was picking favorites, you were too distracted by Keegan, he was putting the hand wraps on as he looked in need of a good spar, you slowly gulped and walked up to him. "Hey. Wanna spar?" you didn't want to ask that, it was the last thing you wanted to do... You had no idea what he was capable of and here you are asking if he wanted to spar with you- "Let's go then" His low voice sent shivers down your spine, playing it off you hurried to the sparring ring. Hesh counted you two off, the second he hit one you hopped backward to distance yourself a bit from Keegan. The way he moved was quick and silent, you wouldn't expect it from a guy who's 6'1 but there he is looming over you again, you backed up into a wall as he struck his fist next to you, "You seem distracted Y/CN," He commented grabbing you by the shoulders and tossing you back into the ring, "shit" is all you could muster up as you got up and grounded yourself. "Hey, Keegan be a little more gentle with them!" Logan said more concerned about this whole sparring offer you gave Keegan. "I got it.." you mumbled charging at Keegan, charging a kick to his core he backed up from the impact. Now groaning and pissed Keegan's moves have gotten quicker. He still hasn't directly struck you but instead picked you up and forced you into the ground, wrapping his hands around your wrists and putting his weight on your hips. His bleak void-like eyes put you in a trance, your body started to heat up, your heart was racing, and you couldn't help but squirm under him in a pathetic attempt to get out of his grasp. His hands tightened their grip and he moved his head closer to yours, the void pulling you in deeper. Your lips slightly departed, and finally, words slipped out, not your words, his. "Get your head in the fucking game if you want to even be seen near me"

Is That all you got? (Keegan P. Russ X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now