Can we not be selfish?

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"How did you even let yourself get knocked over like that? That was just sad." You said, fixing his loose bandaging. "You're really gonna say this right now like I didn't just get stabbed...?" He questioned looking at you as you rolled your eyes.
Soon you both caught up with the rest of the team after making it to the exfil sight the team hopped onto the helo. You saw kick and smiled, relieved to see him after all this chaos. Merrick and Keegan were being examined as Logan and Hesh silently grieved over their father. This didn't feel like a win to you at all, there was so much that was lost, and it felt weird not having Elias around.
When the helo made it to the ship Logan and Hesh were escorted to their father's quarters, Merrick and Keegan were rushed to the medic leaving you to make your report in your sleeping quarters. It took damn near 4 hours to focus on your report, you kept thinking about that whole mission, your recklessness, Elias's death, Keegan's kiss, it was all too much to think about. Suddenly a light knock was heard, you checked the time on your digital clock and realized it was one in the morning, you carefully got up and silently made your way toward the door. "Who is it?" you asked quietly, but there was no response, "Hello? Who's there?" you said a bit louder, but still nothing. Cautiously, you opened the door and saw Keegan, before you could say anything he forced his way inside of your room, grabbing you by your waist. "Y/CN, I... missed you," he said in a worn-out deep voice, pulling you into a tight embrace. "What? Are you okay Keegan?" you asked, he then looked at you, and inches closer to your face, "one more word and we'll collide, Y/CN," he said, "what-" he then crashed his lips onto yours, his grip on your hips getting tighter as he pushes you down in a sitting position on your bed. The two of you were now just sitting on the bed, staring each other deeply in the eyes, your mouths still locked in a kiss. This felt right to Keegan. It felt like everything he had ever wanted and needed right at that moment. After a few seconds of silence and just enjoying the moment, he finally broke the kiss and slowly looked down at you, taking your face in his hands." For an annoying brat, I gotta say, you feel great kid" he smirks. "Yeah? Well, I guess you're not so bad yourself huh?" you said as his hands roamed your body.
A wave of guilt suddenly hit you, "Look-" you started as you slowly got up and backed away from where Keegan was. "It'd be selfish to enjoy ourselves while people are grieving, others are injured, and lives are at stake still," you explained, Keegan stood up and then looked you up and down. "You're right, but can't I be selfish for once? Can I not have you for at least tonight? What if I don't have another?" Keegan embellishes, you looked down, not wanting to face him in the rear that you're too weak and would give in to his pleading.  "It's not fair Keegan, there's Too much at risk for this to be happening, you should be resting up." You said staring at the floor, almost afraid of what he would say next, your heart was screaming in anticipation. He silently made his way to your figure and grabbed onto your hand, "Then I will be selfish another day, a day where I can have you all to myself" and with that, he had left your room.

(This is short, I know. It's probably not as good as the others too. But I was working last minute security last night yk the night I was originally supposed to write and post and literally was partnered up with the love of my life. He's like Keegan frfr, he talked about how we needed spotters and snipers watching down for us and it made me giggle sm🤭)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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