Chapter 1

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"Ready?" Yoongi asked his partner as he pulled his own machete out of its sheath.

"Always," Jungkook replied with a grin.

"Let's do this then."

The pair quickly approached the vampire nest - running on tiptoes to make as little noise as possible. Yoongi met eyes with Jungkook and nodded toward a second entrance - wordlessly telling him to enter through that door.

Jungkook split off to run for the second door. Yoongi waited until he got there. They glanced at each other one last time before slipping into the nest unnoticed.

The room was wide-open and each of the seven vamps were asleep in make-shift beds. The quiet was eerie - almost like they were already dead dead.

Yoongi quietly walked up to the vamp closest to him and peered down at her. He doesn't particularly like when he has to kill women - even vampires. But this group has been killing people all over the state for weeks. They're getting what they deserve.

He heard the whoosh of JK's machete and a head roll to the ground just as he swung his own - taking her head off in one clean cut.

The pair swiftly went to their next targets as the remaining vamps began to stir. Yoongi swung his machete again just as his target opened his eyes. The vamp had just enough time to panic before his head was cut clean off.

Jungkook had already taken care of another as well, which left three who were already on their feet and looking pissed off.

One ran toward Jungkook and the other toward Yoongi. The third seemed to size them up quickly and ran to help with Jungkook - obviously seeing his bigger size and deciding he's the bigger threat.

"Big mistake!" Yoongi laughed as he watched his vamp run toward him. Yoongi side-stepped his punch and the vamp stumbled forward past Yoongi who whipped around and sliced his head off from behind.

He turned around to see JK dancing between the last two. "Need help bro?" he asked teasingly as he headed their way.

JK glared at him before dodging the female's claws.

"Obviously!" he yelled as he pushed the much larger male vampire off of himself. Yoongi ran toward the vampire at full speed before baseball sliding past him - slicing his achilles tendon. He screamed as he lost balance and fell. Jungkook took the opportunity to finish him as Yoongi turned his attention toward the female.

She screamed at him in agony as he smirked at her. "Oh, was that your mate?" Yoongi chuckled. "My bad," he said as he pointed to himself with his bloody machete. She hissed at him and bared her fangs.

"Sorry about this sweetheart. Should have been more careful." He winked at her as she hissed at him again and lunged forward to attack. Suddenly, Jungkook appeared behind her and sliced her head off cleanly.

"What the fuck Jungkook? She was mine," Yoongi pouted.

JK giggled and shrugged his shoulders. "I had the easier kill."

"Touche. Glad you remember your training."

"I better. My trainer would kill me if I forgot."

"I sure would," Yoongi chuckled.

He looked around and began wiping his machete on a dead vamps jeans to clean it. Jungkook followed his lead and did the same with his own machete.

"I'm proud of you Kookie. That was our biggest nest yet. You did good," he added as he ruffled his hair.

JK smiled at his brother. They aren't blood but they are family in every way that matters. Closer than most real brothers.

"Thanks Yoongs."

The pair went outside and put their machetes away to clean later. They grabbed shovels to begin digging a grave for the vampires.

The hair on Yoongi's neck stood up causing him to look around the woods their truck is parked in. Not seeing anyone, or anything, he continued digging.

After a few minutes, he just can't shake the feeling they are being watched. "JK, grab my machete out of the truck."

"What's wrong?" the younger asked as he stepped out of the hole to do as he was told.

"I don't know. I feel like someone's here. Like we're being watched."

The younger looked around anxiously and grabbed both machetes - just in case - before jumping back in the hole and digging again.

"We scouted for days. There were only 7. You think we missed one?" he asked while working.

"Or it's something else. Better safe than sorry."

Devil in Disguise ☆Yoonmin☆ COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now