Chapter 32

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With that decision put off until tomorrow, Yoongi and Jimin begin the climb upstairs. Yoongi is so tired of being in the medical room and ready to see his own again.

"Agghhh," Jimin calls out as another wave of sharp pain stops him in his tracks. By the time Yoongi has turned around, Jimin is doubled over holding his temples like he's trying to keep them from bursting apart. 

"Jimin! What's wrong?" Yoongi asks in a panic. At the same moment, Jimin hears the voice in his head again.

"Jimin. This is my last time asking nicely. Come for check-in or you are going to have a no good very bad day tomorrow."

Jimin quickly nods his head, unsure if the response can even be seen. It must though, since the sharp pain instantly dies down to the dull throb from before. 

"I'm ok Yoongi. My migraines have flared up. I need to go get a refill on my medicine tomorrow."

"I'm sorry baby. We'll send Jungkook first thing in the morning."

Jimin shakes his head. "I can go. It's no big deal," he says as he tries to move past Yoongi to go up the stairs. He does not want to have this conversation right now.

Yoongi grabs his arm to stop him. "It is a big deal. There is a demon out there looking for you right now. I was MIA for days and couldn't help stop him. That changes tomorrow. But you absolutely have to stay here until he's gone."

Jimin sighs but nods in agreement. How the hell is he supposed to check-in if he can't even leave the house?


A few minutes later, they're stepping into the hot shower. Jimin immediately reaches for the body wash and squirts generously into the wash cloth. He places it under the water and rubs it into a lather before turning to Yoongi. 

"Turn around," he asks.

Yoongi complies and Jimin begins washing his shoulders and back. He rubs slowly, massaging the sore muscles as he goes. 

Yoongi moans lightly as the tension in his body starts to melt away. Suddenly, he feels Jimin squeeze his ass and his whole body tenses again.

"Hey! What the fu...what are you doing?" he asks as he feels the washcloth glide softly over his ass.

Jimin giggles. "Just wanted to remind you of our deal," he teases as he squats to wash the back of Yoongi's legs. 

Jimin stands again and begins to rub Yoongi's back and shoulders some more. 

"How could I possibly forget that?" he whispers quietly.

The hot steamy water, massage, Jimin finally so close again...the combination is...intoxicating. He leans his head back on Jimin's shoulder and closes his eyes. He thinks back over the last few days.

He whispers again, "when the djinn took us...before my mind was completely gone to the toxin... all I could think about was not making it back. What that would do to Joon. All the people who still need our help. Not getting to see you again... I was so sad. I wanted to fight it but my body just wouldn't help me. It was like being prisoner in my own mind."

Jimin hugged Yoongi even tighter to his chest, listening intently as he quietly re-lived details he hadn't even told his brothers.

"Somehow the djinn knew to use you in the fantasy world," Yoongi chuckles. "You were my boyfriend... my parents were there too... and Kookie's and Joon's. It was...perfect. Too perfect, obviously.

I could hear Jungkook screaming my name... I guess before he passed out too. But part of me wanted to stay there. In that life. Where I was safe. Loved. I didn't want to be pulled out, even if it meant dying in there."

Jimin feels tears spill over his watery eyes. "Yoongi I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how painful it must be to have been with them...just to have them ripped away again. It's not fair."

Yoongi nods and turns around to face Jimin. He instantly starts wiping his tears away. "It was...but what I realized today is that I can't possibly have everything in that world. But there are things that can still be real. My brotherhood with Namjoon and Jungkook. My desire to be a good son that they would be proud of. And hopefully...a relationship with you."

Jimin looks at Yoongi with wide surprised eyes. "In that world, you were my person. My lover. My friend. My confidante. I want that here too. Officially. I know it's crazy because I said it was too dangerous. But I was wrong. I have this feeling like we're meant to be together. And you must feel the same way. Otherwise, why would you endanger yourself to come save me? And stay with me all night when you didn't have to?"

Yoongi softly pushes Jimin's hair out of his eyes. "What do you say? Will you be my boyfriend?"

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