Part:3 (His Arrival)

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3 months later

Sana who has been now very comfortable in the mansion, was making tea for her two favourite people. Ashok uncle & Rita maa. Suddenly two maids entered in the kitchen saying, "I'm shivering from now only"

The other one replied, "Same. Here. I'm already sweating! Things gonna again be tight in this house. The rules. The system. Everything. Our holiday is over "

Sana amused as she heard their little whisper & asked, "is everything okay, sheetal di?"

"okay for now. But it Won't be for long" other one replied making the fearful Sana gulp hardly. She asked fearfully, "k.. Kyu?(w..why?)

"The main master of this mansion is coming back home today, From his business tour" sheetal replied making Sana's heart skip a beat. As she already has seen Siddharth 's pic with his parents in the drawing room's hulk sized photo frame.

In this three months of her living in the mansion, not for once Sana could gather the courage to look at the frame properly. Her looking at the photo first, was her final last as she couldn't fight with the dominance aura that the photo's main man Siddharth's face screamed.

His dark brown eyes, toned muscular chest, smokey lips & mainly the look had shaken the hell out of her in the very beginning. From the day actually, she was fearing for that very day when Siddharth would return. She didn't want to face such intimidating person or his single glance. He looked like the biggest fear & people talks same too.

She heard a lots of stories of Siddharth from the surrounding about his bad & uncontrollable anger. His aura. His strictness. His way of punishing the guilty. She feared all of those. Only his name had the power to make her sweat like a small frightened baby mouse. So, the maids, guards & every other person used to scare her more using his stories just see her frightening reaction. She used to hear those stories in one breath as if hearing ghost stories.

Only, Rita maa used to scold them saying, "umhm...Don't scare my baby. Shut up all of you. He's not so scary.. He's just a bit strict that's it. "

But Sana feared that too.

However, her fear was coming home & that was the only truth for her now.


The loud horn of five jeeps in a row entered the mansion making Rita maa look at Ashok uncle gladly saying, "there comes your son"

They both walked towards the door just to watch the guards giving salam to Their son who was busy in checking files which were being carried by the surrounding men of him. Though he was checking through all the files, his face has the icey calmness that he carries forever. It felt like the atmosphere paused, losing to his dark dominating aura. Even the guards hold their breaths as their boss was passing by. No one wanted to make a single mistake as It would not be well & that's an open Secret.

"Assalamualikum,janab" Ashok uncle took everyone's attention making Sid walk towards him alone & hug him lightly replying, "Walaikumassalam, dad"

Rita maa's eyes became teary as she hugged her son very tightly mumbling, "Uff, this mansion felt like an Orphanage without you. I missed you, Siddharth "

He wiped off her tears replying, "Too dramatic, mom". Rita maa faked anger for 2 sec & then laughed hugging him for some more time.


Rita maa pinched on Ashok uncle's thigh & whispered, "Start talking!! "
as she & her husband both walked in Siddharth 's office room & nervously sat infront of him.

Siddharth's ocean alike calm eyes where going through the documents that his P.A Adnan & Romi Chacha were making him check while standing beside gently.

Ashok uncle coughed a lil, "Siddharth, can you please listen to us for a sec?"

"I'm hearing", his deep yet low voice sounded back making Rita maa gulp.

" have... a baby" Ashok uncle whispered fearing his denial.He (Sid) raised his eyebrows and looked to his father for a sec Making Rita maa talk hurriedly, "& she's she's safe. I..mean i..i know her childhood. She's my late friend's daughter. She's very innocent, very sweet & not at all dangerous for us. As..she had no place to go..we bought her home.. H..her only relative too denied to keep Her & used to torture Um..we had no choice & the right choice.. So, we can keep her here, right?"

Rita maa talked this so fast that none could here clearly. But only the sharp Siddharth.

His parents consciously looked at their son & waited for him to respond holding their breath.

"This is no Orphanage, mom. Adnan will take her to one of our Orphanage. She'll be okay, there" he smoothly said while signing the files.

"w..hy will she stay in the Orphanage? I have accepted her as my daughter & I want to keep her to me. It was my dream forever to have a daughter & finally I'm enjoying being a daughter's mother. Don't decline it please " Rita maa this time defensively told making Ashok uncle add, "Yes, Siddharth. She...she's a bundle of joy. We can't loose her. It has been 3 months already"

He didn't reply anything making Ashok uncle ask, "Siddharth?"

"I want her background file in details, Adnan" he ordered making Rita maa push a file to him gently saying, "I knew it"

Siddharth looked at his father & they both shared a stern look knowing Rita ma's over excited nature.

"I'll check upon it" he spoke back making his parents smile.


"Didnt Sana come back, home from College? " Rita maa asked the maids while serving his son the late breakfast.

Sheetal replied, "She just entered home a bit ago & was looking for you & sir(ashok)"

"Kaha hein ab? (Where's she now?) call her here " Ashok uncle ordered another maid making that specific one reply, "Wo, younger mam is in the prayers room. Her namaz 's time was running out"

Rita ma nodded proudly, but suddenly Siddharth stood up making her realise that her son has already finished his supper. Throwing the tissue in the plate, he started wearing his blazer taking  Anand's help making Ashok uncle ask, “Are you again going somewhere? "

“Have a meeting dad" he replied before leaving the dinning table making Rita maa follow him with a complaining face, “You really don't have any time for us. This is so bad!". Ashok uncle walked along too.

Sid wrapped his arm around his mother replying, “Just another tight schedule, i know".

Rita maa: I used to consider your father as the busiest human being of this world. And now, my son is defeating that too. Wow life!No one has  (Sarcastically) any time for me

Ashok uncle smiled, “ Madam, you are forgetting. You have a daughter now!" & then directed his finger towards the prayers room in front of which all of them were standing just then.

She excitedly giggled holding Sid's palm, “yes...see,there's my doll"

Though, Siddharth had no interest in looking into but his mother's excitement deserved one look. And so, he looked aside into the room, through the white curtains.

Sid's POV

Something happened inside me, that I never experienced  before. My eyes stucked on the little figure that was covered in white cloth.

Part finished

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