Part:7 (explanation)

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Siddharth and family reached the wedding hall. The girls were going gaga over Siddharth whereas the boys kept on gawking Sana's beauty.

Poor Sana felt very awkward as social gatherings is something she likes the least. Moreover Siddharth's sudden Fiery look to her made her feel so intimated that she grabbed Rita ma's hand tightly to hide from his unbearable glaring.

Sana's POV

& today my eyes quite a few time got locked with my fear. At first I tried to smile, but neither he reciprocate nor seemed happy. The fire in his eyesball, curve on his eyebrows & his jaws flenching made me look downwards in fear. Why did he look so angry? So pissed off?
However, now what I wanted to do is hide from him. Stay much away from him & preparing myself to not start crying evn if he scolds me anytime for any unknown reason.

But raging gaze makes my eyes teary. I hold my tears back biting on my lower lip harshly while looking at his eyes. Before I could look down this time, his anger replaced with an  caring look. I was now at ease.

Sids POV

As soon as she stood outside of the car I saw her blouse's last three backbutton open. Fire on the top, two boys of her age were looking at her white open back like some nasty pigs!!! I was loosing my cool on the boys. 
Mom looked too busy to notice that so Was Dad. Irritating fact: She's so delicate that I had to resist myself from dragging her with me to any room to fix that. Cz not in any way, I'm making her feel uncomfortable under my gaze. She can feel shy but never uncomfortable.

While thinking all those, i found this small figure to catch my fuming eyes & alas! It made her cry. She was in all tears before even I could control my inner anger. What am I supposed to do with such fragile thing on earth!!????

I hurriedly exchanged my expression into a comfortable version as I dont want her to think that “I was upset on her". Never!cz I know she had no idea bout the button thing.

She looked ease under my gaze, making me sigh & restart looking for someone to help her. Obviously girl. & thankfully my idiot cousin squad gathered around me to ask me hell lot of questions regarding business but all my focus was on the girl who was hiding behind my mother.

I coughed a bit & told my youngest cousin to check on Sana's button & help her a bit in a low tone so that only she could hear me.

Giving me a big smile, Ananya(my cousin)  took Sana along with her.

Pov ends

“T...thank you" Sana meowed being embarrassed.

“That's okay.I am gotta get the apple laptop finally" Ananya retorted making Sana more confused,“ji?"

Anayna the thin lip holder informed Sana the whole scenario making her red in shame. But before she could process Rita ma pulled her with her(R) to introduce with the elders of the family. She politely greeted each & everyone with her genuine & beautiful smile. In no second she made their heart warm for ownself.

Siddharth who was surrendered with some business tycoons couldn’t stop his eyes from keeping a check on her. And someone was noticing Siddharth's this different side very accurately.


Sana's POV

I was trying my level best to hide my inferior complex & move out from my comfort zone. But my inner anxiousness was killing me after a period. I needed to take a break & calm my over beating heart before It bursts out. I therefore, walked out to the lake side & sat on the bench closing my eyes before taking few deep breaths.

As soon as I calmed myself down & gathered enough strength to fight with the frightened soul, I found him, my biggest fear talking with Anand bhai while smoking. He seemed to type on the pad that Anand bhai was holding for him.

I kept looking at the sight as for the first time I was realising how much big he is in everyway. Anand bhai looked so small comparing to his huge bulky yet well build body. His biceps, long legs, wide thigh,big palms, muscles on chest made his personality more horrific. But in a good away as I would Lie if I say that his figure as a man was not perfect. He was perfect than ever.

How I wish he had not such overbearing aura. Maybe then I could ask him to teach me how to gain such body. I am tired of being the smallest one.

While I was thinking all that I saw him to notice me who was looking at him like a lost child. He threw his cigarette & started walking towards me. Oh my god!! Not here. Not here. I prayed madly. But maybe I was late as he signed Anand bhai to leave & walked straight to stand right infront of me.

**cry & run ** my brain ordered.

I stood up as soon as he sat on the bench, beside me & prepared myself to run to save my life!  But his super dominating voice entered in my ears “Sit down"

Gulping I turned to him, holding my tears. Is he going to scold me for looking at him like that?  Or worse? Wait,is he going to beat me like he did to the guy that day?? Looking at someone is not a big offence. Is it? He would understand right?

All the negative thoughts roam around my brain as I sat down keeping a big space from him while stammering, “So...s..sorry "

I know his eyes were on my fingers with which I was holding my saree's pallu tightly.

“I..i...didn’t mean to stare like that..Ap..i mean...mein..meine..I..never saw someone with thi..this height...i mean..It's I mean being tall is good.. I no..I mean.. I..."

“That guy had harassed one of our lady client with bad touch & stuffs" He said ignoring my stammering fully. My cheeks turned red.

“So, It was a need to punish him to prevent other’s from doing such act. Right?" he added making me nod like a freezing doll. Yes, I was freezing as his aura made the whole atmosphere cold! The lakes water seemed to stop, my breath & the shining stars too.

“May I..may I go inside?" I almost begged. Don't know why. Or maybe his intimidating vibe made me request him so timidly.

He nodded & without wasting anytime I ran. Ran faster than ever.

Only thing that came out of mind was, “So,The guy deserved it"

I dont know why He gave me an explanation but that worked magically in me. I was now not in guilt for not being able to save him from such torture.

Pov ends.

Siddharth, this is not right" a voice came in Siddharth's ears who was still sitting on the bench.

Sid turned his head & found Ashok uncle standing in a distance with a worried face.

“What?" he asked making Ashok uncle reply, “I'm your father, Siddharth. I can see how you see Sana & what you did now. I can see what your intention is. But, I Won't let you do that, she afraids you so much & you two will be a very bad match! You have no control on your anger & she needs to be handled delicately & You have never done anything without being harsh!"

She's mine dad" before Ashok uncle could react anything he added, “and I get what I want"

Part finished

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