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[In The Jeon's Mansion]

A middle aged man entered inside the huge basement and take his steps towards the swimming pool, looking down as the nervousness can be seen in his face and his forehead was sweating

Kang: Mr. Jeon.

???: Hmmm...?

The man inside the pool immediately replied with 'Hmmm'.

Kang: Mr. Jeon Jungkook, Park Min ho denied to meet you.

Jungkook smirked and slowly take himself out of the swimming pool, he wrap the towel around his tiny waist, the water was running on his thick body as he tuck his hair behind with his hand

Jungkook: Bring that asshole here!

He spoke with a  deep husky thick voice as his eyes were burning red due to the angriness

Kang: Alright Mr. Jeon.

Jungkook: And one more thing, I want each and every detail about her, what she does, what she eats, who she will meet with, everything!

Kang: Okay.

[At The Gureomji-Cafè]

Y/N: One Caramel Latte please..

She ordered while rubbing her hands due to the cold weather.

Y/N: Thank you..

She grabbed the latte and give money to the counter, soon her phone started ringing.

Y/N: Park Y/N is speaking, how can I help you?

She said while placing her latte on the table, she also sat down on a chair

The client on the call asked her about her appointment with Y/N as Y/N is a physiotherapist,

Y/N: Let meet at 4:30 o'clock

She said.

Y/N: Alright, bye take care of yourself!

She closed the call and placed her phone back on her bag and started drinking her latte

Y/N: Tomorrow is dad's birthday and I'm so excited..

She said while smiling

[The Cage]

And old man was tied up with ropes and was consciously lying on the chair

Park Min ho: Let me go!!

Blood was dripping from his forehead and he was badly beaten up

Kang: We can't let you go until our boss order us, he wants to talk to you about something important and he's coming.

Park Min ho: I don't want to talk to him about anything, let me go!!

He shouted

Park Min ho: Your Boss is a FUCKING MONSTER and I'll never give him what he wants.

Jungkook: Are you sure.....?

Everyone started shaking as soon as they heard his voice, they even forgot how to breath due to fear, Jungkook takes his threatening steps towards Park Min ho

Jungkook: I'll get what I want! If I want something I get it, you already know right Min ho?

Park Min ho: Let me go!

Jungkook laughed like a maniac before kicking Park's stomach hardly.

Jungkook: I want her!

He grabbed his face harshly

Jungkook: I want your daughter!!!!

Jungkook: I want Y/N!!

Park Min ho: She's my only daughter, don't take her away from me!!

He cried in front of him but Jungkook showed no mercy

Jungkook: Look, I want to marry her so let me do it or else I have many other ways to get her.

Park Min ho: My daughter will hate you after she'll find out about me, she'll hate you forever!!

Jungkook smirked

Jungkook: I don't care whether she hates me or not, I only care about how I feel for her and no one can change me nor stop me neither her!

Park Min ho: I can't believe you turn out to be this selfish,

Jungkook: I'm selfish about my needs, if I want something I don't care what the world says, and I don't care what she says.

Jungkook: Now listen,. I'm going to marry her soon in my own ways, but if you speak another word from this dirty mouth of yours I'll kidnap her and make her mine in my own way and you'll regret it.

Park Min ho: D-Don't hurt her please, I beg you!!!

Jungkook: *Smirks* Goodbye!

He turns and walks out of the room leaving him alone

[With Y/N at her house]

She was sitting on the couch reading her favorite book

Y/N: Where is dad!!??

She dialed her dad's number but his number was switched off

Y/N: Switched off?? It's his birthday tomorrow and he seems to be nowhere argh dad!!!

Y/N: Last year I wasn't able to celebrate his birthday because I was out of the country, wait I should also call my friends right, Lia, Emma, Eva, Mimi, Sarah, and Kevin.

Y/N: But, I wish I could call him too but I lost touch with my best friend, I still respect him but he never respect my opinions.

Y/N: Back in 2012 he confessed his feelings saying that he loves me but I never loved him, he was just forcing me to become his girlfriend but I reject him and that's what made me lost touch with him, and after that he moved abroad

Y/N: And then he never came back, maybe he is somewhere in this city but never came in front of me..

Y/N: My ex best friend, Jeon Jungkook!

Suddenly someone ringed the doorbell

Y/N: It must be dad.

She ran towards the door and open it with a wide smile on her face but suddenly her smile faded away as she saw tall guards as they forcefully enter inside the house.

Y/N: Who are you...??

Kang: Park Y/N right...?

Y/N: Yes but who are you...?

Kang: Right? Take her.

He told those guards to take her away with them as they grab her arms

Y/N: Leave me!! Who are you???

Kang: Listen, Our Boss wants you right now and we came here to get you, come on he is waiting for you in the car!

Y/N: I don't want to go, let me go who is your boss and why does he want me???

Kang: Our Boss is the most dangerous human being and if you waste more time you'll regret it, so you better come with us, Mr. Jeon is waiting for you!!

Y/N: J-Jeon...?

She drown into deep thoughts as all the dark thoughts started to flash in her mind

Kang: Take her away!!

Y/N: No wait, Who Mr. Jeon??

Kang: Jeon Jungkook is our boss and he hates waiting so you better come with us.

Y/N: J-Jungkook???? No it can't be him!!

Those guards started to drag her with them but she stood there with full force and start screaming

Y/N: Let me gooo, I don't want to meet your boss!!

Kang: Yo-

He walked inside the house grabbing everyone's attention, Y/N looks at him with wide open eyes as she couldn't believe what she saw.

He take small steps towards her and didn't take his eyes off of her

Jungkook: Let go of her!

He said to his guards who were holding Y/N's arms

She stopped breathing as her heart started to race fast as she saw his ex best friend in a whole new look, his looks were more dominant and scary than before, her mind was only thinking about one thing 'Did he came back for me?'

He kept staring at her and his hand automatically moved towards her face wanting to touch her face but Y/N stepped backwards

Y/N: What do you want Jungkook???

She said with a trembling voice her whole body was shaking as his presence make her weak as she felt like she's just a weak person in front of his powerful figure

Jungkook: *Smirks* Same old question, don't you know what I want??

He said as he starts walking around her

Y/N: Jungk-

Jungkook: Shh, I'm not here to listen to your opinion, I came here to get what was always mine!

Y/N: Jungkook, I d-don't l-love yo-you!

Jungkook walked closer to her and grabbed her arm pulling her closer.

Jungkook: You have to! You have to love me no matter what, it's your fate that I write!

Y/N: J-Jungkook, p-please d-don't, y-you, you're hurting me!!!

She said trying to push him away but she was weak in front of him

Jungkook: You're still so stubborn Y/N but this time you have to be mine or else you have to pay something in return and you'll forever regret it and hate yourself.

She froze at her place and look at him

Y/N: What do you mean?

Jungkook: Your dad is in my cage, Y/N.

Her tears started to fall, she felt her heart getting heavy

Y/N: N-No, h-how, Jungkook how could you???

Jungkook: You didn't left any other option for me, didn't I told you that I love you! All I did was just love but what did you give me in return? Hatred? You never loved me back, was I that bad?

Jungkook: But now! If you still disobey me, I'LL KILL YOUR DAD!

Y/N: Jungkook, how could you kill someone? WHY DID YOU BECOME LIKE THIS??


Y/N pushed him away and was about to run but he was fast enough to catch her, he place the white handkerchief on her mouth and she slowly start losing her consciousness.

Jungkook: NOW YOU'RE MINE.

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