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Y/N: Y-You....?

Her breath hitched and she felt her heartbeat getting faster as his eyes were piercing through her soul making her uncomfortable and weird..

Taehyung: Aren't you happy to see me here..?

He said with a smirk on his face.

Y/N: W-What are you doing here..?

She said with a sharp tone as fear and angriness can be seen in her eyes.

Taehyung chuckled and turn around as Y/N sighed in relief thinking that he's leaving but his next action made her shocked when he locked the door from inside and again turned around to face her and this time he takes his large steps towards her.

Y/N: Wait!!

She started backing away and soon her back hit the sink behind her.

Y/N: Don't hurt me!!!

She said with a shaking voice but Taehyung kept on walking forward until there was only 3 inches gap between them.

Taehyung: I told you that we'll meet somewhere alone.

Y/N gulped as she felt anger towards him.

Y/N: Look, I-I'm already married, a-and I-I'm n-not that type of lady, UNDERSTAND!!

Taehyung laughed under his breath.

Taehyung: I won't hurt you don't worry, well won't you ask why am I roaming around you like this....? Well the answer isn't that I want to use you or something, it's just that I want to give you what you deserve.

Taehyung: And trying to get what's mine!!!!

Her eyes widened hearing his words

Y/N: I don't have anything that belongs to you!! I don't even know you truly!!

Taehyung: Lies!!!

He said with a annoyed tone.

Y/N: I'm not lying, I seriously don't have anything of yours!!!

She said trying to convince him thinking that there is some kind of misunderstanding building up between them.

Taehyung: You have!!!

Y/N: W-What...?

Taehyung: My heart..

She stared at him deeply thinking about what he said now she was all lost that she didn't realize him getting closer and closer to her until there was half an inch of gap between them

Taehyung: Give me my heart back or else be mine.

His words made her come back to reality as she realized how close they were, she stared at his beautiful eyes and he stared back into her hazel eyes as both of them was lost while looking at each other.

Y/N: I-I, I can't be yours, I don't understand anything!!

She said and tried to move away avoiding the awkward situation but Taehyung placed his arms on the sink around her blocking her in his arms.

Taehyung: I'm not Jungkook, I won't hurt you and I know that you deserve better and I'll give you the happiness you deserve and you want!!!

Y/N: I-

Jungkook Y/N...???

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door as Taehyung moved away from Y/N

Taehyung: I'll be waiting for you in the Nam-Nam Café tomorrow be there!!!

He said like whispering and hid behind the curtains and Y/N walks towards the door and opened it and saw Jungkook

Jungkook: Y/N... Are you alright..?

Y/N: Y-Yah, I'm f-fine!!

She walked outside and closed the door immediately.

[Next Day at the Jeon's Mansion]

Kang: Boss, the tickets are ready!!

Kang placed the tickets of a flight on the table and Jungkook went to the corner and take a sip of his beer

Jungkook: Hmm, where is she now.. Is she still sleeping..?

He asked Kang.

Kang: She was having her breakfast..

Jungkook nods his head and signaled him to leave.

He again jumped into the pool and started swimming but stopped when he heard footsteps coming this way

Jungkook: Y/N...?

Y/N walks forward and stop as she kept her gaze down cause she didn't want to look at naked Jungkook

Y/N: Jungkook, I want to say something!!

Jungkook: First look at me!

Y/N slowly looks at him and saw him wearing a robe, he slowly takes himself out of the pool and walks towards her and grab her arms pulling her a little closer

Jungkook: What is it..?

She takes a deep breath before speaking.

Y/N: I-I'm missing my o-old life, I mean that I feel like I'm caged here I want to go out alone and have some fun by myself, can I go??

Jungkook lifts up his eyebrow.

Jungkook: Alone..?

He pulled her more closer.

Jungkook: It's dangerous for you to go out alone like that, Y/N...

He said with a sharp tone.

Y/N: I'm fine, I want to be alone for sometime, you already know that I hate being inside...!

She said looking down at his chest.

Jungkook: Alright, but my bodyguards will be there with you and protect you..!

Y/N: No, Jungkook I want to be alone because I feel weird around your guards..!

Jungkook: Shh, Y/N if it comes to your safety I can't take risk, your safety is the most important and I can't lose you!!!

Jungkook: So, my guards will be always around you all the time!!!

 She scoffed and moved away from him.

Y/N: Come on Jungkook I'm tired of you, I said I want to be alone...!!! I'll be alright, I don't need anyone beside me and no one will hurt me because in my whole life I've always been alone, I used to go alone outside and nothing happened so if you have this much power you don't need to show me!!!

Jungkook chuckles and leans closer to her

Jungkook: Alright, but there is a time limit I want you to come back at sharp 8!!

Y/N sighed in relief and nods her head

Jungkook: Take care...!

He placed a peck on her forehead.

[Time Skip]

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