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A shy smile appeared on her lips as she stared right into his eyes, butterflies were dancing inside her stomach as her heart was beating faster

On the other hand Taehyung smiled in victory and looked at her eyes with his intimidating one's wanting to make her feel more

Jungkook: How's the food love?

Y/N flinched as she heard Jungkook calling her making her come back to reality from her dream land.

Y/N: I like it..

She said with a straight face

Taehyung: I'm glad you like it, Y/N....

He spoke while his gaze was stuck on her.

Jungkook placed his hand on top of Y/N's hand and smiled as Taehyung kept his gaze at her with a serious expression this time when Jungkook placed his hand on hers

Jungkook: I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back.

He stands up and walk towards the bathroom leaving them alone

Taehyung: Beautiful, you are looking beautiful today.. Y/N.

He said with his deep voice, Y/N kept her gaze low feeling shy

Taehyung: So what have you thought about it...?

Y/N: About what...?

She said looking back at him.

Taehyung: About us..?

Y/N: Taehyung.... I'm married.. What about Jungkook...?????

Taehyung sighed before speaking

Taehyung: Do you love him?? Obviously you don't Y/N.. But you love me.. and I want you I can't see you with Jungkook anymore if we love each other then no one can stop us from loving each other.. You understand right?

Taehyung: You love me right?

He placed his hand on top of Y/N's hand

Y/N looked back at him, she knew that extramarital affair was wrong but something was stopping her from speaking, maybe she was already in love with Taehyung and ready to give herself to him because she never felt this kind of love, she only dreamed of it.

She nodded slightly

Taehyung: Y/N.. I'll forever protect you no matter what, I won't hurt you like Jungkook did.. And I'll give you the happiness and the love you deserve!

Suddenly Jungkook walked out of the bathroom entering in the Dining Room as Taehyung moved his hand away quickly

Jungkook: Alright, well Taehyung I want to tell you that I won't be able to join the meeting with your Dad this time cause I'm planning to go on a honeymoon with Y/N soon.

Y/N's jaw dropped hearing his sentence, Taehyung looked at him with a serious expression

Taehyung: For real...?

Jungkook: Yeah, I want to spend sometime with my beautiful wife...

Taehyung shift his gaze on Y/N and stared at her for sometime and then shift his gaze back at Jungkook and nods his head slightly

[Back at the Jeon's Mansion (In the Bedroom)]

She was sitting on her bed using her phone while Jungkook was sleeping next to her

Her mind was only thinking about Taehyung since they came to the dinner, it was like he caged her heart and mind, she couldn't think of anything but him all she want is him.. Just to distract her mind she started watching something.

Suddenly her phone started buzzing and it showed an unknown number, she didn't want to pick it up at first but then she picked it up

Y/N: Hello....?

????: Hello, Y/N!

Her eyes widened hearing the persons voice

Y/N: Taehyung...?

Taehyung: Y/N... Were you sleeping..?

She quickly got off the bed and walks out of the room slowly so Jungkook couldn't wake up.

Y/N: Taehyung...? Why did you call me at this hour...?

Taehyung: I miss you so much Y/N.. I can't sleep I was only thinking about you!

She smiled

Y/N: You're thinking about me...??

Taehyung: Yes Y/N.. I can't get you out of my head and I feel like you're also thinking about me, aren't you??

He spoke in a flirty tone

Y/N: Y-You're right..

Taehyung: Y/N.. You're going with Jungkook??

He spoke with a firm tone.

Y/N: Obviously, it's Jungkook I can't say no to him..

Taehyung: Why..? Y/N you can't go.

Y/N: Taehyung, I have to go, it's Jungkook....

Taehyung: No I don't care if it's Jungkook or not, Y/N you're only mine.. You can't go...

Y/N: Jungkook is dangerous and I'm scared of him.

Jungkook: Y/N.......?

Her heartbeat stopped hearing Jungkook's voice from behind, she turned around slowly facing him with fear in her eyes, Jungkook slowly walk towards her while his intense gaze was stuck on her.

He stopped in front of her and pulled her closer to him by her waist as she landed on his hard chest

Jungkook: Who's my Princess talking to huh....?

He tuck the string of her hair behind her ear and intensely stared at her.

Her heartbeat got faster and no words came out from her mouth, I was lost of words and she felt like Jungkook will kill her today

Jungkook: Princess....? Who are you talking to??

He traced his fingers on her arms giving her chills and goosebumps all over her body, he tightened his grip on her waist making her hiss in pain

Jungkook: If you don't reply to me this time, YOU'LL FACE CONSEQUENCES PRINCESS!

Y/N: I-I... I was talking to my Dad.

She lied to him hoping she wouldn't get caught

Jungkook: Is that so....?

He bended and grabbed the phone from her hand as she flinched by his sudden action.

She looked at him with a fearful gaze, Jungkook looks at her and then on her phone

Jungkook: Unknown Number?

Jungkook: Your dad called you from an Unknown Number..??

Y/N: H-H-He changed his number, that's why.. He called me using his new number haven't saved his number yet that's why it says Unknown..

She sighed in relief when Jungkook nods and placed her phone on the sofa.

Jungkook: I'm so excited for our honeymoon!

He smiled as Y/N began to think about what Taehyung said earlier.

Jungkook: Whatever, It's midnight let's go and sleep..

[Next Morning]

Jungkook stands in front of the mirror staring at his reflection, soon his eyes went on Y/N sleeping peacefully Jungkook smiled knowing the fact that they're going on a honeymoon today.

He walked to her and kneeled down to her level and placed a peck on her soft lips.

Jungkook: Y/N, wake up baby... It's time for the flight.

Soon Y/N opened her eyes and flinched as she saw Jungkook an inch away from her

Jungkook: Calm down it's me your husband.. Get up we're going on our very first honeymoon.

She was stuck at her place looking at Jungkook dumbfounded, all the things Taehyung said last night started to flash in her mind.

She was only thinking about one thing.... 'Should I go???'.

Jungkook: Why did you space out?? Y/N?

Y/N: J-Jungkook, I can't go!

His expression changed into a serious one

Jungkook: Y/N...? Why?

Y/N: M-My head is spinning I don't know Jungkook, I can't even open my eyes!

She lied.

Jungkook: Baby, are you alright?

He said getting worried.

Y/N: No, I can't Jungkook... We can't go!

She said faking it.

Jungkook: I should call a doctor... I'm here with you! Nothing can hurt you.

Y/N looked at him feeling bad, why is she feeling that way? She knew how Jungkook was excited for their honeymoon and now because of her he cancelled it.

Jungkook: If you're not feeling well, then it's okay we aren't going.

[5 Days Later]

She entered inside the cafè hiding her face with a black mask.

Her eyes sparkled and a smile appeared on her lips as she looked at the person.

Taehyung: I missed you, love.

She smiled

Y/N: Me too.. I have to act being sick for a whole week, Jungkook didn't let me out thinking I was sick.

Taehyung: You've done the thing I told you.

He smirked

Y/N: Yes because I love you, and I can do anything for you..

Taehyung: I love you too.

'I've already succeeded in my mission' He thought

Taehyung: You don't love Jungkook? Right?

He spoke lifting his eyebrow.

Y/N: Obviously, no.. I don't love him I only love you!

Y/N: You also only love me, right?

Taehyung: Yes.. 'No, I can never love you, I don't love anyone'

He thought while smirking.

Y/N smiled

Taehyung: We have to make our relationship more closer.. I want you completely Y/N.

Y/N: I'm already yours..

Taehyung: Yeah, but some work has to be done.

[2 Hours Later]

Namjoon: You look happy today, Taehyung?

Taehyung: Yes I am...

He sat down on the sofa using his phone.

Namjoon: Why..?

Taehyung: I have finally made it, it was hard to make her fall for me but now it's done.

Taehyung: Now.. Only a few steps are left!

He smirked victoriously

Taehyung: She doesn't love Jungkook, but Jungkook is crazy for her! I'm thinking what he will do and how hurt he will feel after finding out what his beloved wife is doing.

Namjoon: And after that both of us will kill them!

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