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Tears began to roll down from her eyes, as she cry holding onto the sink

Y/N: She can't be my mom!

Every word said by Mr. Kim awhile ago started to flash in her mind

Y/N: I hate her, she left my dad and me when I was a teenager, I need her but she left us and come to her love!

Y/N: She left my loving simple dad and come to this Mafia Family, but does Jungkook know about it?

She began to think about it as suddenly someone entered inside the bathroom as she began to wash her face so no one can find out that she was crying.

She ignored she person and went out hiding her face

[Outside of the meeting room]

She stood there crossing her arms waiting for Jungkook still those thoughts never left her mind

Suddenly someone patted her shoulder which made her flinch

Taehyung: I can smell sadness and angriness from here!

She looked at him as he walks towards her and stand there entering his hands in his pocket while looking forward as there was a light smirk on his lips.

She wiped a drop of tear

Y/N: W-What do you mean?

He smirked and kept his gaze forward

Taehyung: I can understand, being a wife of JEON JUNGKOOK is must be sad yet dangerous right?

Y/N: I-I'm n-not sad, I'm fine!

She said avoiding him.

Taehyung: You can't even lie, I know you're not happy with Jungkook, I know everything!

He said with a gentle yet deep tone, Y/N looks at him with a shocked expression and wide eyes.

Y/N: Y-You don't have to interfere in my life, I'm happy with Jungkook!

She said with a sharp tone which made him chuckle.

Taehyung turned himself towards her and faced her while gripping her chin a little tighter

Taehyung: You can't get happiness while just sitting there and accepting what you're getting, if you want peace maybe you should look around a little more

He leaned his face closer and whispered something

Taehyung: Jungkook can never give you the love and happiness you deserve.

He smirked moving away leaving 4 inches space between them.

Taehyung: Let's meet again, somewhere!


Leaving her in shock he turns and walks away while smirking.

[Back at the Jeon's Mansion (In The Bedroom)]

She was sitting on the bed thinking about what Taehyung said earlier

She was in her deep thoughts when Jungkook came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel around his waist as the water was dripping from his wet hair.

Jungkook kept his gaze on Y/N and slowly walks towards her, he then grabbed her wrist pulling her closer to him leaving no space

Jungkook: What is my baby thinking, huh?

Y/N: J-Jungkook l-let m-me, let go of me!

She tried to move away but he tightened his grip around her waist.

Y/N Jungkook please wear something!

She kept her gaze down didn't dare to look at his intimidating gaze, Jungkook slowly lift her chin up and stared deeply at her, soon his gaze shift on her lips as he bite his lips while looking at hers making her feel disgusted.

Jungkook: You have no idea how much I'm controlling myself right now, I can't hold onto myself more longer!!

He said and leaned his face closer closing his eyes feeling Y/N's hot breath in his lips giving him goosebumps

She kept her lips sealed as he started kissing her roughly which made her hard to keep her lips in one place, soon her lips started moving but it was hardly feeling anything, all she felt was like throwing up because she never wanted this, she never wanted to spend these moments with Jungkook

Jungkook: I love you so much!

He moved his hips a little away and joined both of their foreheads

Y/N: This is not love Jungkook, and I don't know what's going inside your head but I don't love you!

She said those words which were EASILY triggering Jungkook as his expressions got serious and he harshly grabbed her face pulling her closer making her hiss in pain

Jungkook: Don't speak in front of me, I'm controlling myself because of you and you have no idea what I can do with you and your so called dad, I CAN FUCKING KILL HIM LIKE IT'S NOTHING AND STILL YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT!

Jungkook: Don't forget that I'm a MAFIA not your old best friend Jungkook!!

He harshly let go of her.

Y/N: You're not my old Jungkook, who'm I used to trust and care, I only have one feeling for you and that is HATE!

She said and walked away

[With ????? and Taehyung]

Jimin: Bro, you are interested in Jeon's Wife??? What the fuck???

Taehyung: Come on, you know it's not about the feelings!

Jimin: Then?? Bro if Jungkook finds out things will get worse, either you'll live or him!

He said shockingly.

Taehyung: He'll die no matter what, and one more thing it's not about my interests it's about revenge and it's about mission which I will accomplish.

Taehyung: I will take everything from him and destroy him, and one of his precious thing or person for him is Y/N, he can even kill for her and even die for her, POOR LOVER *He chuckled*

Taehyung: But I don't have any kind of feelings for anyone, especially not that Y/N at all, I'll just use her, take her away from Jungkook completely make her mine and then leave her or maybe kill her.

Jimin: She's innocent!?

Taehyung: I don't care!

[At the Jeon's Mansion (In The Bedroom)]

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