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Jungkook: Y/N...?

He said tapping her shoulder which made her come out of her flashback

She looked at him as the realization hit her that the Jungkook sitting in front of her isn't her best friend, he is a monster who forcefully married her and hurt her father.

Jungkook: Are you alright...?

She nodded her head slowly and then looked down and starts eating her food

Y/N: Jungkook..!

Jungkook: Hmm...?

Y/N: Dad, I want to see my dad!

Jungkook stopped chewing his food and looked at her with a sharp gaze

Jungkook: Why are you so desperate...?

He said furrowing his eyebrows

Y/N: Because he is my dad, as you have already married me you have to let my dad out of your cage, your mission is already accomplished..

She said looking back at him with a sharp gaze.

Jungkook smirks

Jungkook: If you insist then sure, you can meet him!!

He said and starts chewing his food again as she sighed in relief

[Time Skip]

Jungkook: Any good news..?

Kang: Yes Mr. Jeon, Mr. Kim agreed for the meeting!!

Hearing Kang's words Jungkook smiled in victory

Kang: He said that he is ready for the meeting but this is his last meeting and after that you have to deal with his son, he is retiring and giving all his power to his son..

Jungkook: Great!!

Kang: Also he arranged the biggest party for you after two days, it's a welcome party for you!!

Jungkook: Alright, I'll be there!!

Kang: He invited your whole family and your wife most importantly as you guys got married so they want to welcome both of you greatly!!

Jungkook nods

Jungkook: Also get that asshole out, Y/N wants to meet him.!

Kang: *Nods* Alright boss!

[Time Skip]

She cried as she hold onto her dad's hand while looking at his weak figure in front of her, 

Y/N: D-Dad..

She placed a kiss on her dad's hand and cried.

Y/N: I'm s-sorry, I'm s-so s-sorry d-dad, t-this is all my fault! Every-everything is happening because of me, please f-forgive me dad!!

Mr. Park: It's not your fault dear, don't cry..!

He said wiping her tears as he cried

Mr. Park: Y-Your dad wasn't able to save you from him, forgive me!

He cried making Y/N's heart clench as she clench her fist feeling a rush and rage towards Jungkook

Mr. Park: H-How will you spend your whole life w-with him?? He'll hurt you my daughter he is dangerous!!

He hugged her while crying

Mr. Park: I never thought he'll turn out to be like this!! Y/N p-please run away from him!

Y/N: S-Stop crying d-dad, p-please I can't see you like this..!

She pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears.

Y/N: Please take care of yourself, please dad take proper medicines..!

Mr. Park: I-

Before he could say anything else Jungkook suddenly appears

Jungkook: How much time do you guys need..?

He said looking at his watch

She wiped her tears after what Jungkook said he couldn't stand him, she felt angriness and rage towards Jungkook

Mr. Park: I-I'm about t-to leave!!

He hugged and patted her head

Mr. Park: Take care of yourself, dear!!

Y/N: P-Please don't go dad!

Mr. Park: I have to go dear, take care of yourself!!

She nods

Y/N: You too...!

She slowly let go of his hands and watch him walking away with tears in her eyes.

Jungkook walks towards Y/N

Jungkook: Aish, why are you crying?? At least he's alive!

He held her chin but she quickly slammed his hand away

Y/N: You're a monster Jungkook, I can never love you back, you know when we love someone we make them smile we make them happy, but you!! You are only giving me pain, I hate you so much!!!

He chuckled and held her face tightly and harshly wipes her tears

Jungkook: This is how I love, sweetheart!!


His grip got tighter and tighter.

Y/N: Please let go of me

She hit his chest as she felt herself getting choked by the tight grip as Jungkook let go of her harshly

Y/N: Am I suppose to be happy for what you're doing!!?? I've never seen such a monster like you!!

She said and ran away

Feeling an anger rush through Jungkook he threw the large vase making a loud thud sound

[2 Days Later]

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