Sk8er boy

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~ He wanted her.She'd never tell. Secretly she wanted him as well, but all of her friends stuck up their nose~
Sk8er boy by Avril Lavigne

🤍chapter 3:what are you hiding?🤍

I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I don't know, if I was excited, because Mitsuya spoke to me for the first time, or the worry that Fuyu is obviously hiding something from me. I was about to find out the truth today.

I got up from my bed, washed my face and my teeth first. Then I brush my long/short straight/curly hair. Then I put some black eyeliner on and mascara. My favourite part of my morning routine came-picking up the outfit. I open my drawers and I pull out dark brown baggy pants with a lot of pockets on them, then a cute white top with a pink dragon on it and to top it off a shirt on top.

The 2006's style was amazing. Simple, yet so stylish and nice. I took my skate with me and I got down to the kitchen. My mom was drinking her morning coffee after a night shift and my dad was still asleep.

"Good morning, mom", I greeted her and I press a kiss on her pale, tired cheek, "how was work last night?", I ask her, while I was looking through the fridge for a breakfast.

"It was okay. You know, like every night shift can be", she smiled at me, "I got a call last night from miss Baji. She said that Keisuke didn't come back home last night, I thought you might know something".

"I don't know, mom", I shrugged.

"Since you two are in the same class maybe you know why he's been going out so much lately. I assume he told you".

"No idea", I turn to her with a piece of toast in my mouth, I bit it off, "Chifuyu was out late last night too, they might've been together".

"Chifuyu is going out without you?", my mom asks in surprise, "that's new, I thought you two do everything together".

"I thought so too", I said in a low voice.

Lately Chifuyu has been acting strange. And now Baji is involved too, Mitsuya has something to do with them also. I'm scared that these three can get in trouble, if they continue to go like this.

I left the house at 10am and I ran up to Fuyu's house before everywhere else. Today we were supposed to crash in the mall and see, if there are new demos out for me to buy. But when I knocked on Chifuyu's door nobody answers.

That's strange, I thought, he usually wakes up before me. I put my skate on the porch and I start climbing up to Chifuyu's room. It was on the second floor facing my room for years. I hold on tight as I open the window to sneak in. Chifuyu was still sleeping peacefully, his hair was messy and his face was covered in bruises.

I took a closer look for a quick moment, then I bend closer to him and I carefully shake him to wake him up. Chifuyu opened his blue eyes and they look straight at me. He turns to the opposite side and covers himself with his blankets.

"Come on, Fuyu", I tried to pull his covers away, but his grip on them was too strong for me to fight, "you promised me to come with me to the mall, dude".

"I'm coming. Just give me a minute", he said, well...more like mumbled to me and then turns to face me with his tired eyes.

He looked like shit. He was dressed in grey sweatpants, oversized white t-shirt and his hair was all over the place. His whole face looked so messed up and his lip was swollen. Gee, who hurt you, man? I thought to myself.

"What happened to you?", I asked him, when he finally woke up enough to think straight.

"Nothing", Chifuyu turns his head to the side.

"Fuyu", I gently took his face and turn it, so he can face me, then I look him in the eyes, "is someone bullying you? Did Mitsuya did this to you? Did he hurt you?".

"What? Of course not!".

"Then who did? And don't even think about lying to me, dude, I already know there is something fishy with you. Baji is also involved in this, so I'll ask him as well".

Chifuyu thought about it for a moment, then he let out a sigh and looks at me dead in the eyes. I got worried for a moment, so I sat down next to him waiting to hear it out. And he told me the truth.

He told me how he joined a gang called Toman, because of Baji and he told me how every night they have meetings. He also thought me how last night they had a huge fight with another gang and that's why he is so fucked up. Baji and Mitsuya are also part of this gang, most of the guys from our school are too.

It was a little bit hard for me to believe that my sweet, innocent best friend Chifuyu might be part of a street gang, but the evidence was more than clear. He was telling the truth.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?", I asked.

"Nobody was supposed to know", he explained to me, "Baji warned me to not tell you for your own safety. I don't want you involved in this".

"Is this why Mitsuya was here last night?".

"You saw him", Fuyu said this with so much disappointment in his voice for some reason. I don't know how to feel about this, "yes, he came here to tell me about the fight. You weren't supposed to see him at all".

"And now what? You just gonna continue to fight every night till I can't recognise you anymore?".

"'s just a temporary thing".

Yeah, temporary my ass.

"I hope you're right", I stood up and I wait for him to get up and get ready, but right before I leave the room Chifuyu grabbed my hand and made me face him.

"Y/n, promise me you won't tell anyone that you know about Toman", he looks in my eyes.

"I won't", I assured him.

"You have to promise. I don't want you to have problems with the other members. Please, y/n, just give me your word and keep it".

"Okay, okay", I let out a sigh, "I promise I won't tell anybody that I know about Toman".

"I hope you'll keep your promise".

After those words I left the house to wait for Chifuyu to get ready. I sat on the chair where Mitsuya was sitting last night. I was really trying to process the information I just got about my best friend. Looks like we have our secrets after all, I thought to myself.

"Hey, hey, y/n!", I hear a cheery voice not so far from the house. I turn to my left and I see Baji covered in dirt waving at me with so much energy, "nice seeing you here!".

I waved back at him, but I couldn't hide the fact that I was so disappointed in him. I'm pretty sure he dragged Chifuyu into this gang.

"I haven't seen you in forever, what are you up too",Baji leans against the reeling of the porch and continues to smile at me.

"Nothing much", I look him up and down, "what happened to you? Are you okay?".

"Yeah, yeah. Just a little accident with the bike, nothing serious", he laughed it off. Damn you, Baji Keisuke, you're a good lier, "are you waiting for Chifuyu?".

"Yeah, we are going to the mall".

"Ah, shoot. Let me join you two. I need to go and buy some new shirts", Baji explained to me and I just nodded my head, "give me 10 minutes to get ready, I'll be here before Fuyu gets ready".

"Okay, I'm waiting".

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