Whatever U Like

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~ I thought you knew me by way you're talking to me.You get any closer to me, then i might just have to let it go. Something 'bout that cocky thing, you got me wanna see what's really going on~
Whatever U like by Nicole Scherzinger

🤍chapter 19:let's make it complicated🤍

I decided to go back to school. I can't spend my life locked in my room and wait for Chifuyu to just come and made up with me. My life has to go on, even if he's not a part of it. So I put one of my best outfits on, did my hair, put some light make up to hide my dark eyes and I smile to myself in the mirror.

 So I put one of my best outfits on, did my hair, put some light make up to hide my dark eyes and I smile to myself in the mirror

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You can do this, I encouraged myself and I took my school bag in my hands. I said my goodbyes to my mom, who just got back from a night shift and left the house.

Hanma was waiting for me in the car. On the back seat Baji half awakened, half asleep gave me one lazy smile, when I got inside the car. Hanma twisted the key and started the car, then started going through the radio stations to play a nice song. 'On the floor' by Jennifer Lopez starts and I pull his shirt.

"Don't you dare change this station", I look at him and gave smiled at him. Hanma looked visibly uncomfortable and nodded his head.

The car finally starts and Baji comes closer to me, since he was sitting on the back seat, and we sing our hearts out, while Hanma is focused on the road-one hand on the steering wheel, the other hanging through the window.

All the windows are rolled down, the song at maximum volume. The wind is blowing through our hairs as me and Baji give our best performances. People on the streets that we passed by were looking at us in a weird way, but we didn't care. We lived like we only had today to live.

Baji's hair is flying everywhere, mine too and we smile bright, while we sing every lyric of the song. Hanma is smiling and tapping with his hand on the door of the car.

We finally enter the school grounds and Hanma looks back to park the car. Both me and Baji wait patiently the car to stop, so we can get out. Everyone around us gathered and I see them bopping their heads to the song.

Hanma finally parked. He didn't have the best parking skills, but the ride is free, so I can't really complain. I get out of the car along with Baji and we laugh together, while Hanma is locking the car. I took my bag in my hands and I turn to the school building.

My eyes move fast and they land on his. I see Chifuyu standing there waiting, probably waiting for Baji. His face looked disappointed to see me here. He turns his back at us and walks in the building.

"CHIFUYU, WAIT!", I shouted after him and I throw my bag at Baji's hands, then I started running after him.

Chifuyu speeds up his walk, when he saw me running after him. I clinched my fists and I speed even more. Chifuyu tried to run to the men's bathroom, but I caught up to him and I jump on his back. We both fell on the ground, face flat on the floor and he looks back at me.

"Are you crazy?!", he screams at me, "I could've hit my head, y/n".

"I'm not going to let you go until you listen to me, Fuyu", I told him and I press him hard to the ground by pushing his back. He tried to fight me, but he couldn't.

"Okay, okay!", he finally gave up, "I'll listen to you, just please let me go, okay?".

I stand up and I let him be free. Chifuyu stood up and cleaned his clothes from the dirt, then looks at me. His eyes cold, no sympathy in them at all. I grab his hand and I dragged him to the nearest classroom.

I push him inside and I walk in, then I lock the door and stay in front of it in case he wants to leave mid conversation. Chifuyu sat on top of one of the desks and crossed his arms, then his big blue eyes got fixed on me.

"Chifuyu, please", I started talking by beginning him and walking closer to him, "I'm sorry for what I said. I was mad and sad that you didn't told me, I was confused. I didn't mean anything I said. I don't wanna lose you, I love you and I can't afford to lose you".

"Did it mean anything to you?", he asked me all of a sudden and looks down at the ground, "the sex with Mitsuya I mean, did you liked it?".

Is that a trick question?

"It doesn't matter. I was more sad to lose you, than anyone else", I explained to him.

"But you're not denying it", he once again got his eyes fixed on me. They looked sad and tired, he looked so different, "you liked it".

"Fuyu...I..", I looked down. I didn't bother hiding my guilt.

He kept quiet for a moment, then he stood up from his seat and comes closer to me. We now are standing in front of each other, his body was tense and his eyes never moved away. I looked down, I didn't want him to see the guilt I had. Why do I feel so bad?

"Well, now you know how I feel about you, so I don't need to hide it anymore", he spoke and slowly lifted my chin up, so I can look into his deep blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, Chifuyu, please...", I spoke again as I stared into his eyes, "...you mean the world to me, you are my best friend and...".

"Don't say those words", he cuts me off.

"Can you please forgive me".

Chifuyu bends down to be the same eye level as me and I can't help, but look away, because I was too ashamed to look at him. Knowing now how he feels about me.

"Y/n, never said those words again", he said.

"Which word? Best friend?", I asked in confusion and I raised my eyebrow.

"I don't wanna be your friend anymore, I want to be the one you will fuck, whenever you please and kiss everyday".

"Chifuyu, I don't kno-...".

Before I could finish my sentence he cuts me off by kissing me. My eyes were wide open, when I felt his soft lips on mine. Chifuyu puts his hands on my lower back and picks me up, I wrap my legs around him and I hold him tight to not fall.

He deepens the kiss even more and I finally let the feeling get the best of me. I closed my eyes and I felt my back pressed to the wall. Chifuyu continued to kiss me so passionately and I felt his tongue entering my mouth. My stomach was going crazy as I felt his hands rubbing up and down my tights, while he was kissing me.

The feeling I felt was magical. I can't explain to you how this kiss made me feel. It wasn't like the ones with Mitsuya, this one felt soft and comforting. It felt like home. It felt amazing as electricity ran through my body.

Chifuyu finally broke the kiss, but he was still holding me up in the air pressed against the hard, cold wall. My whole face was burning from embarrassment and he had a smile on his face. A big bright smile.

"From now on I'm not your friend", he said in a low voice and we stare at each other, "from now on the friendship is dead".

I didn't say anything, because I had no words left to speak. I thought this was going to be easy, since I was sure I liked Mitsuya and had no feelings for Chifuyu. But this kiss..this magical kiss that made me feel so good and so hot...really confused me. What am I feeling?


A/n-haha...it just got complicated.

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