Give it up to me

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~ From ya look inna mi eye, gal, mi see see you want me, when you gonna give it up to me,becah your body enticing me, makin' me yearn it,when you gonna give it up to me~
Give it up to me by Sean Paul

🤍chapter 5:shopping and crushes🤍

It was a hot ass day. Me, Fuyu and Baji were standing right in front of the mall. We walk in and we immediately bump into all those people came to shop for the new school year. 'Candy shop' by 50 cent is blasting in the mall, all the teenagers laughing and walking from shop to shop to get the latest juicy cotour track suits.

Baji puts his hair in a ponytail, then fixed the collar of his shirt and slaps Chifuyu on the shoulder pointing at some high school girls waiting in line for some sales.

"You see that, Fuyu?", he asks, "this is what I'm talkin' about. Cute older chicks. Just my type".

"Oh please", I rolled my eyes, "it's not like they will give a time of their day to a middle schooler", I laughed in his face, which made Baji make a pounding face.

"If you like to know the ladies love me", all of the readers are screaming at this time as Baji fixes that long, beautiful hair with no gel, "they will beg me for my pager, just you wait".

I just want you to stop for a moment and just imagine this cringe ass moment for a little bit. A 50 cent song playing, while Baji is leaving us to go and talk to visibly older girls. His steps are slow, he is definitely imagining himself in 'Top Gun' (if you know this movie you are in my generation).

Me and Chifuyu watch the couple minutes right before disaster. Chifuyu comes closer to me and pulls me, so he can reach my ear.

"I bet you 20 yen he is going to get slapped", my best friend whispers to me.

"I bet you 20 yen they will slap him in the face and kick him in the nuts", I also whisper.

"Deal", we shook hands.

Can you guess who won the bet?

I'll give you a minute.

Chifuyu did.

I push 20 yen into my best friend's hand as Baji was walking back to us with his cheek red and burning from the slap he just received. I gave him a cocky smirk and crossed my arms.

"I thought the ladies loved you", I said.

"Shut up, shortie", he said defensively and just sat on the bench next to us. Chifuyu chuckled a little bit, but stopped immediately, when Baji gave him a dirty look. You can't blame him for laughing, I thought to myself.

"Well, while the king of the rejections and his right hand are trying to win all the girlfriends at the mall", I stood up, "I am going to the music store to see the new demos. I'll meet you guys here, okay?".

"Okay", they said at the same time.

I took my skate into my hand and I walk to the escalator to get to the fifth floor. Then the bright lights of the music store shine right in my face. I smiled from ear to ear as I walk in and see what your moms will call 'music CDs', yeah.

I immediately ran to the Hip-Hop isle to see what's new and my eyes fell right at the new album by Rihanna 'A girl like me'. Say what you want, but this album was fire. No one can convince me otherwise. I reach to grab the last copy and my hand feels a warm touch of someone else's skin.

My head immediately turns 45 degrees and my eyes met those beautiful big eyes of his. I can recognise these eyes everywhere. Mitsuya was standing right in front of me, his hand on the same album I wanted. Our eyes lock for a moment, then he pulled away.

"Ah..sorry", he said awkwardly and scratched the back of his head, "you can take it, if you want. I don't mind".

"It's the last copy", I chuckled nervously.

"That's why you should take it", he made a step back, but continued to stay close to me, "and you can let me borrow it..after you listen to it".

HAVE A REASON TO TALK TO MITSUYA ONE MORE TIME? HELL YEAH, my inner thoughts were getting louder as my face was heading up too, SAY YES, DAMN IT!

"Okay", I said and took the CD with me, then I turn to fully face him, "I'll give it to you on the first day of school, if you want".

The first day in school was in a week, so I guess it's enough time to enjoy the album and think of how to get closer to him. It was the perfect plan in my head.

"Yeah, sounds cool", Mitsuya smiles at me one more time and I swear my knees were about to go numb any minute now. I have to take this CD as fast as I can, pay for it and run before I embarrass myself more.

Unfortunately...God had other plans for me.

"Ayyyy, isn't that y/n?", I heard a loud shouting coming from behind me. I can recognise this voice everywhere. I turn around and I see two of my classmates Rin and Ran Haitani (let's pretend they are all the same age, go to the same school and all those stuff, they have no gang).

Ran was waving at me with so much energy, while Rin was just standing there staring at me with his usual tired eyes. This is the first time ever since I see him awake, usually his face is always down laying at the desk and peacefully sleeping in every class.

They both walk up to me and Mitsuya, who was still next to me standing quietly as the two guys stand next to me and started messing with me.

"How are you, shortie?", Rin ruffled my hair and completely messed it up to the point when it was unrecognisable and there was no style left, "haven't seen ya in months".

"Well, I see that you're busy", Mitsuya gave an awkward look at the two tall guys staring at him with confusion, "I'll get going now. It was nice seeing you here, y/n".

"Y-You too", I tried to play it cool, but the only thing I could think of was how bad my hair was and how wrong the whole situation was.

Mitsuya turns his back at me and walks to his usual friend group that he mostly hangs out with-Mikey, Draken, Kazutora, that weird kid who cries for no apparent reason. And I was left with the two brothers.

"You didn't have to do that", I push Rin's hand off my head and I fix my hair.

"Sorry, I only support Chifuyu x y/n", Rin said and crossed his arms, then nods his head in agreement, "I even have fan fics saved in my Wattpad library for you two".

"A what?", I asked confused.

"Nothing", he smiled from ear to ear, "are you free to hang, we have nothing better to do".

"I'm actually here with Chifuyu and Baji, they are waiting for me downstairs", I explained.

"Ah sweet! I haven't seen Fuyu lately, it will be a sweet reunion. And for Baji...well, I don't mind being separated from him".

"Nobody does", i added, "then..let's go".

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