Right now (Na Na Na)

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~Why'd you go and haven't seen my girl since then.Why can't it be the way it was, cause you were my homie, lover and friend~
Right now (na na na) by Akon

🤍chapter 9:date?🤍

The first day of high school was way boring, than I thought it would be. Most of my classes were like from 10 to 20 minutes, because the teachers decided to just introduce themselves and let us chill for the day. And on top of the boring day I had, Mikey called an urgent meeting of Toman, who Chifuyu and Baji disappeared around the third period.

I didn't know who I'm going to hang out after school, cause I definitely didn't feel like going home so early. Plus, I was about to be alone tonight again. Both my parents are doctors and most of the nights they work night shifts. And, if their home by some miracle-they sleep.

I don't blame them. I know how hard their job is, so I do whatever I can to help them with the house and the cooking. But it definitely feels a bit lonely sometimes, especially now that Fuyu is busy with Toman and can't sleepover.

I exit the building and I look at the cloudy sky above my head. The rain drops hitting the ground and the smell of fresh air around me make my lungs feel relieved. I loved the rain, but I sure hated to get wet, so I just sat on the stairs and planned to wait till the rain stops, so I can go home.

Some drops were falling on my h/c hair making it a little bit wet, but it wasn't that big of a deal. I let my head rest supporting it with my hand and I stare at the wet ground. I felt so sleepy all of a sudden. I yawned and my eyes began closing. The rain is so calming that it can easily put me to sleep.

The drops continue to fall on my head and I knew I will be sick by the next day. Well, that's what I get for not bringing an umbrella with me today, I thought and I smiled to myself.

Suddenly the drops stopped taping on my head and a shadow appeared above my head. I look up to see a black umbrella covering my head and Mitsuya holding it for me also trying to hide from the rain. He smiled at me so gently again and I couldn't help, but smile too.

"Why aren't you at the meeting?", I asked him and I turn my head to the side

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"Why aren't you at the meeting?", I asked him and I turn my head to the side. The rain began getting stronger and stronger.

"I talked to Mikey, told him I'll be busy today and I can't make it. He said that it's fine", he explained to me and sat beside me, "why are you alone? No one to hang out?".

"Unfortunately", I smiled, "but in this rain it's not really a lose, am I right?".

"What do you mean?", he chuckled, "Don't you tell me you'll let a little water stop you from having fun. That's not the y/n I know".

Mitsuya was right. I don't wanna waste my free time and do nothing. I can still find someone to hang out and go to the skate park.

"Look, if you want to..", he made a pause and scratched the back of his lilac hair, "I'm free now and have nothing to do, so...".

"Just be straightforward and ask me on a date already", I winked at him obviously joking, but then he said something that made my heart stop for a split second.

"Go out with me. Now", Mitsuya looks into my eyes dead serious. I felt so nervous and my palms began getting really sweaty. This...is this really happening? I thought to myself.

"Are you...for real?", I had to make sure.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?", he smiled at stood up still holding the umbrella over my head, "we both have nothing better to do, so why not?".

Mitsuya gave me his hand and waited for me to take it. I slowly put my hand over his and he grabbed it, then pulls me on my feet. I almost slipped from the wet ground and fell, but he wrapped his hand around me and pressed me to his body holding me up.

"So, what do you say?", he asked me.

"Umm..okay, we can hang", I nodded my head casually, but inside I was freaking out.


"Have you eaten? Cause I'm kinda hungry", he said and finally let go off me. I know, I know...a sad thing, but I hope he'll hold me again.

"Same", I said and I step on the next step.



We both laughed and started walking to our favourite burger place. He was walking closer to me the whole time and we talked, laughed and just had fun. It felt natural, it felt like we have been talking for years.

When we arrived at the burger place we even had the same order. It was so funny and cool at the same time. And when he looked at me with those big eyes, I felt on top of the world.

We sat on a small table across from each other and 'Promiscuous' by Nelly Furtado started playing at the background. Both at us looked at each other. It was obvious he too liked this song as much as I did, so we starting singing to each other. And then...those lyrics came..

"I'm a big girl, I can handle myself", I sing and I stare right into his eyes, "But if I get lonely, I'ma need your help. Pay attention to me, I don't talk for my health".

"I want you on my team", he sings back to me in a very playful way.

"So does everybody else", I winked at him.

"Shh, baby, we can keep it on the low. Let your guard down, ain't nobody gotta know. If you with it, girl, I know a place we can go", Mitsuya don't stop staring at me the whole time and his eyes move from my face down to my body and back up. I feel the tension he felt too, but I kept my cool.

"What kind of girl do you take me for?", I said with a playful smile on my face and Mitsuya just smiled at me right before the burgers came to our table.

"You're a nice singer", he took a potato chip and put it in his mouth, "you should think about a singing career".

"Oh really? You think? Am I the next JLo?", I started posing a little bit and he bursted out laughing, when he saw me.

"I'm serious", he even whipped a tear. Okay, it wasn't that funny, I thought, "you're pretty, you can sing, you have great social skills and you are the smartest person I know. Is there something you can't do?".

"Well....yeah", I blushed a little bit.

"What is it?", he raised his eyebrow.

"I can't...I can tell someone how I feel", I blush ever harder and I turn my face to the side.

"Ohhh, there's a guy", he said and even tho he was still smiling..there was a little bit disappointment in his voice, "is it Chifuyu?".

"What? No! Why would you think that?".

"It's just because you two are always together and...no offence, but it's kinda hard to believe that there's only friendship between a boy and a girl. I mean...one of them always ends up with feelings", Mitsuya explained.

Then I remembered Hanma's words from this morning: 'he's jealous, he likes you'. I was a little bit shocked. No, it can be. It just can't be, not Chifuyu, I thought to myself.

"Do you think...Chifuyu likes me?", I asked.

"Hmm", Mitsuya thought about it for a second and then turns to me, "I mean..it's possible, I don't know. He acts normal around you, so I'm not sure. But it is possible".

'But it is possible', these words got pierced in my mind and I got quiet for a moment. How is it possible? Did he actually?


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