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~ Yeah, you can start over you can run free.You can find other fish in the sea. You can pretend it's meant to be, but you can't stay away from me~
Animals by Maroon 5

🤍chapter 17:liers🤍

Hanma decided that it was a bad idea to let me stay home alone in my condition, because I quote: 'knowing you, you'll do something really stupid on your own'. So the Haitanis volunteered to stay at my place for the night.

"I'll come by in the morning to check on her", I heard their conversation before Hanma left to go back to the party and clear the air, "till then I count on you two to keep it cool".

"Yes, boss", Rin said with annoyance.

Hanma took a quick look at me one last time before he left my house and drove off to do only God knows what. The Haitanis closed my front door and came to my room.

I was curled up in my covers, my knees pressed against my chest and I hide my face in them trying not to show my tears to them. Ran sat on my right side, Rin on my left and then both wrap their arms around me in a comforting hug. I feel my sadness getting stronger as my tears were not free and running down from my eyes to my chin.

"I can't believe he didn't tell me", I said through my tears as I bury my face in Ran's neck and I feel both of them tapping my back to cheer me up, "I thought I gave him enough comfort to trust me with his feelings".

"Not to sound rude, y/n, but what would change, if he told you?", Ran asked me and I look up at him, "we are talking about feelings here, feelings for his best friend. It's not easy to come out and say 'I like you' to the person, who you viewed as your best friend your whole life".

"Plus, do you have feelings for him?", Rin adds and plays with my hair, "even, if he told you he likes you, you two still would be fighting, cause you clearly don't like him back. It will hurt him so much, so it was easier for him to just keep it to himself and try to move on".

Maybe Rin and Ran were right. I care deeply for Chifuyu, he has been my closest person from the very beginning. There's no one, who can take his place, but does it count for love?

I can proudly say that I love Chifuyu. I love him with my whole heart, there's no one better than him. But am I in love with him? I don't know.

"What should I do?", I ask both of them, "should I apologise to Fuyu?".

"I think you should come clean with yourself first before coming clean with Fuyu, you need to figure out what you want", Ran explained to me and hugged me tighter, "you need to understand a lot of things before talking to Chifuyu about such sensitive topics like love".

"Yeah, you're right...thank you, guys".

"Those love triangle stories never end", Rin rolled his eyes and a little smile appeared on his face, "it feels like I'm watching Fruits basket. Two hot guys fighting over you, it's like a fcking anime. So entertaining".

"I'm glad my misery entertains you", I look at him and smiled, then he ruffles my hair and pulls me into a tonight hug.

Mitsuya's pov:

I can't explain how guilty I felt. No, not because of Chifuyu, but because of y/n. Her words really stuck up to me. I care for her, she came in my life and for just one week she changed so many things for me. She changed my point of view over love and what I want. And what I want is her, no one else.

That's why I'm sitting in front of her house, I raise my hand to knock on her front door, but I'm hesitant. What, if she doesn't want to talk or listen to me? My own insecurities started speaking to me. They mess with my head.

No, Takashi, chill and do it. You have to do it, or you're losing her. I breathe in and out, then I finally found the courage to knock. I hear steps coming from inside and my heart starts jumping like crazy in my chest. She's coming.

It wasn't y/n. The door got wide open and the Haitanis both stand in front of me. Rin had his arms crossed, while Ran was calm. They still had their clothes from the party on, so I guess they are staying over.

"Yes?", Ran spoke to me with that scary, dark tone in his voice trying to scare me off

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"Yes?", Ran spoke to me with that scary, dark tone in his voice trying to scare me off.

"Is y/n here? I have to talk to her", I try to push them and walk inside, but they both caught me and push me back outside, "what the fuck? Let me in", I shout in their faces.

"She doesn't wanna speak to you right now, so if I was you..I would chill out", Ran gave me a scary look and Rin follows right behind.

"I don't give a shit, I have to talk to her", I began getting irritated and that wasn't my style at all. I'm usually the type to be calm during arguments, but now I'm losing my patience and I can't stand it.

Rin pushed his brother back and steps up to me. Now he's all up in my face, bends down to be the same eye level as me. His eyes stare deep into mine and a sadistic smile appeared on his face face. I stay still, completely frozen and just wait to see what he has to say.

"Listen, little guy", he started speaking to me in a deep, low voice and his eyes had that devilish spark in them, "I suggest you to keep your voice under control, because I'm not Chifuyu. I will beat you up, break all your body parts and then I'll tear you apart with my bare hands, do you get me?", he smiled even wider.

My eyes travel to his horrifying smile, then they go straight to his brother who was just looking down at me with those cold eyes and emotionless expression.

"Do it then", I said and I stood still ready to get my beating, "I won't move until I see y/n".

"Don't push me, Mitsuya", Rin warned me, "you don't wanna rub the wrong places".

"Rin, enough", Ran pulls him back in the house and then turns to me, "you fucked up. There is nothing you can do to fix it. What you did was a bitch move and I hope you know it, dude".

"I know. That's why I'm trying to fix it".

"You need to make peace with Chifuyu before you talk to y/n".

"I have no peace and no agreements to make with this fool", I raised my voice again, "I owe him nothing".

"You owe him an apology for the lie", Ran still kept calm, but I saw in his eyes that I was getting on his nerves, "if you wanted to be with y/n so bad, why didn't you just told him?".

I stayed calm. Maybe I was wrong for that, yes, but I really was planning to leave her alone and let him have her. heart just didn't let me give up on her. I want her as bad as him.

"Please", I finally gave up and turn my back to leave, "tell y/n that, if she ever wants to talk to me and listen, I'll be waiting for her".

"Will do", Ran said before closing the door.

If I can't talk to you, I'll find other ways to tell you how sorry I am, I thought to myself and I walked away from her house.


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