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~ Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated.Life's like this~
Complicated by Avril Lavigne

🤍chapter 11:major jerk🤍
Chifuyu's pov:

"Y/n, please!", I begged and begged her to open her front door and let me apologise for being rude to her. I can't stand her being mad at me, even tho I deserved it, "I'm sorry, please".

"Should've thought about that earlier", she yells at me behind the door. And she's right.

I messed up. I really did this time. I let my jealousy to get the best of me and I can't stop it, when Mitsuya is around.

Me and y/n have been friends for years and I used to think of her like the friend I can never replace with anyone. She was and still is the reason for the man I am today. But I feel like I fucked that up, when I started having a crush on her two years ago.

It was one very cold day. We were sitting on our usual spot on the swings, the place we met, when we were children. She was having fun and swinging around like she was trying to touch the sky. I was watching her, I felt like she really can fly and be as free as the birds.

I remember that I used to admire y/n so much, when I was younger. She is everything I wanted to be, when I was a kid. She was open, social and kind, while I was awkward. She can make a friend out of everyone. I loved her to bits and I still do now.

I had a bad day. I was sad and gloomy, I felt like I was about to ruin her day too. But that day y/n jumped off that swing, landed in front of me and leans closer to my face. I feel the heat in my face raising as her lips were just inches away from me. I was so scared and so confused at the same time, but my heart was going faster and faster.

'Everything is going to be alright', she told me that day and she hugged me so tight. Her body pressed against mine, I felt the comfort of her love. It was like my mom hugged me.

At first I tried to deny it. I wanted to fight it. I knew she would never be mine. And around that time she told me that she has a crush on Mitsuya from my class. I didn't think much of it at that time, they weren't talking much, so I didn't feel threatened. But it didn't take me long to realise...I had a crush on y/n.

And lately I notice her and Mitsuya getting closer and closer. And I get left behind. She was so close to me, yet so far. I knew that, if he starts to like her back...I have no chance. And I let this jealousy get the best of me.

Now I regret it badly.

"Y/n, please. Let me talk, let me apologise to you", I fell on my knees and I was on the verge of crying for the first time in years, "I don't wanna lose you", I said to myself.

And finally God heard my prayers, because y/n opened the door. She looked so sad, when I finally got the courage to look at her. Her arms locked together, her eyes looking down at me and her lip twitching. I stood up and I took her hands in mine immediately.

"I'm so sorry, I really am", I began explaining, I had no time to waste, "I know you did this, because you care about me. I just got so scared that Toman will do something to you, that I lost my temper at you. I'm truly sorry".

"You suck, do you know that?", she asked me.

"I know, I know...please, don't be mad at me, I acted like a major jerk and I hurt you. It was my fault, not yours".

"It's not only that. You've been acting like that for awhile now. And it hurts me every time, I don't know why you're doing this", y/n let go off my hands, "I want my old friend back, I want the nice Chifuyu back".

"I'm still here. I promise", I hugged her.

At first she was resisting me, but then she wrapped her hands around me and hugged me back. I was so grateful for the second chance and I swear I won't blow it away.

"You owe me a burger, dude", she said.

"You got it", I chuckled.

"And a (favourite drink) too".

"Yes ma'am".

Y/n lets me in her house and I took my shoes off, put them to the side and sat on her couch. She pulls out the emergency kit and cleaned my face off the blood. Then we played some music and one of her favourite songs came on the stereo. 'Umbrella' by Rihanna and Jay Z blast in the house and we sing together.

"When the sun shines, we'll shine together. Told you I'll be here forever. Said I'll always be your friend. Took an oath, I'ma stick it out 'til the end", we scream on top of our lungs and then she jumps on my back. I hold her up and I laugh with her.

"God, you got heavy", I complain and I feel a smack on the back of my head, "ouch!".

"Fuyu, you should never tell a lady that she's heavy!", y/n scolded me, "this is not really gentlemen behaviour, dude".

"I told you didn't care about this bullshit".

"To be honest with you..", she jumps off my back and looks at me, "..lately I really want to change myself. I wanna be more girly and stop calling everyone 'dude' all the time".

"But why? This is a part of you that we all love and know", I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, but...guys prefer softer girls, girl that need protection and gentle things. And I'm not really...the gentle type", she looks down.

"Bro, nobody cares about that. If someone is going to like you, they'll like you for who you are. You don't need to change shit".

"He's right, y/n", Hanma walks in the living room out of nowhere and both me and y/n look at him with shook.

"What are you doing here?", y/n asks.

"I'm here for fan service", Hanma winks at the reader and looks back at us.

"How did you get in my house?".

"The back door", he points at the back door and smiled, "can I make myself a sandwich tho, I'm kinda hungry?".

"Go ahead I guess".

Okay, enough breaking the fourth wall. Let's get back to the main plot.

"But on a serious note", I took y/n's attention back on me, "why do you wanna change yourself all of a sudden?".

"Well", she blushed madly, "I saw the girls Mitsuya used to go out with...and they are all so girly, pretty and gentle. I'm a tomboy, dude, I would never fit the criteria".

And here we go again. The jealousy is back and I feel it growing in me, I thought to myself, but I breath in and out, calm myself and look at her with a smile.

"You are unique in your own way", I said and I put my hands on her shoulders, "and, if Mitsuya can't see it, it's hit loss. I promise you".

"Are you sure?".

"Positive", I smiled at her.

This is going to be so hard for me.


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