Poker face

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~ I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be, a little gamblin' is fun when you're with me.Russian roulette is not the same without a gun and baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun~
Poker face by Lady Gaga

🤍chapter 5:little spy🤍

I love to admit that I had fun that day. I didn't feel uncomfortable, or bored at all, because with Baji and Rin it's hard to be bored. There are two types of guys and I know the difference between them. You have the quiet type, which you can see in Chifuyu and Ran. And then you have the loud type, which is these two idiots, who just can't shut up.

I didn't think Rin was the type of be loud, since he never once acted goofy around others. And I know the hard core fans of the TR fandom will say: "ohh but he is not like that, he will never act goofy and have something in common with those goofy types". Well, Karen, I created this personality. Deal with it.

We had fun at the mall, then we crashed in the arcade, we got to the market for some popsicles and apparently I wasn't the only one stunned by Chifuyu's flavour choices.

"HOW CAN YOU CHOOSE GRAPE, ARE YOU CRAZY, MATE?", Baji shouted the whole way to the kid's playground after we left the store, he just couldn't understand Chifuyu, "you are so unmanly, my dude, that's why you haven't lost that virginity yet".

"Acting like you did", I spoke back to him in order to defend my best friend's honour.

"As I said I'm a ladies man", Baji gave me a smile and turns to face all of us walking backwards, "the girls are dying to have me".

"Nobody, who listens to Usher can be called 'cool' in this generation", Ran said before stuffing his mouth with hot flavoured Pringles.

"I DON'T LISTEN TO USHER", Baji screams at us out of nowhere, "it was a rumour that stupid strip pole Hanma started".

"Speaking of Hanma, I heard he's in jail again. Will be back for the new school year", Rin told us and we all didn't look surprised at all.

Most of the kids in our school are like that. Just a bunch of delinquents, who love to get in trouble for the love of the adrenaline. That's why this stupid business with the gangs started not too long ago.

When the first gang was created I think I was in elementary school. Half of the population of Tokyo was afraid and the other half was amazed, it's just how it worked.

I guess most of the young people in Tokyo were just looking for some excitement and we just happened to find it in street fighting, alcohol, cigarettes, hip hop music and bikes. We had that desperate need of something to happen, so we created what we could best...


"Can someone tell me what time is it?", Chifuyu asked all of us, while looking up at the sunset above our heads. The day passed and we didn't even realised how not only the day, but maybe the whole summer break passed way too quickly.

"It's seven thirty", Rin spoke back to him and we all sat down on a bench close to the swings, on which me and Chifuyu always come to.

"Ah, shit! I gotta go", Chifuyu immediately stood up again on his feet and looks at Baji, who was too busy pounding over that Usher comment we made, "Baji-san, didn't you say you have something to do at home too?".

"No?", Baji said in confusion, but then Chifuyu kicks him in the back and gave him a dirty look to help him 'remember', "ohhh yeah, I totally forgot. I gotta make...dinner".

"Diner? Since when you can cook?", I ask him and Chifuyu looks at me with a warning. Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm just playing along, I thought to myself.

I was pretty sure they were about to go to another Toman meeting, which I didn't quite liked at the time. I thought Toman was way too much for Chifuyu to handle and I was worried for him, really worried.

I didn't want him to be a part of a gang, not because I didn't think he was manly enough, but simply because I never liked the idea of these gangs. It was pointless to me. And I was right all these years to be afraid.

"Since ever", Baji said proudly, "and I gotta be quick, if I wanna make it on time".

"Yeah, same", Chifuyu added.

"Oookay then..", I said and I look to the other side to hide my anger from Chifuyu, who was still trying to please me with his cute looks and sweet smiles, "see ya around".

The two boys left and on their way Chifuyu gave me a quick tap on the shoulder. I didn't even gave him a look, I wanted him to know that I was against this gang shit. But I failed on the way to make that perfectly clear.

Even tho I hated the idea of violence and the pain these guys were going through, I was still really interested in why are they having all those meetings and why are they every night. I wanted to know what they talk about, what they do and who is also in Toman.

I wanted to see what's so 'fun' about being a part of something that might take your life away. And I had just the right plan.

"Have you two heard about Toman?", I turn to the Haitani brothers, who were still sitting and chilling beside me, "I heard they have a meeting tonight".

"So?", Ran asked with visible confusion on his pale face.

"Wanna crash it?", I smirked from ear to ear and made both brothers look at each other, then they also smiled.

"Heck yeah!", Rin shouted.

Apparently the Toman meeting were more public than we expected. They were held in a park close to Shibuya, which was very open spot for people outside of the gang to be part of the meeting.

I was wearing a short baseball jacket with the letter 'W' on the back, a white Nike hat and a pair of jeans shorts. I was trying my best to be unnoticeable, but I can't say the same for the Haitanis. They pulled up in purple suits, their hair done, styled for a Balkan wedding like they were about to steal the bride (and if you're from the Balkans, you'll appreciate that).

We looked like fools and I couldn't hide my anger and disappointment, when I saw them. I grab them by the hands and pull them back in the crowd to hide them better, then I turn to them and slap them across the shoulders.

"Ouch!", they said at the same time.

"Are you two dumb?", I scolded them, "do you want us to get caught and killed?".

"I told him it's a bad idea", Ran sighed.

"What? I thought we gotta be unrecognisable for this spy play", Rin looked at me, his face completely dumbfounded, "nobody has seen me in a suit before, no one will know it's me".

"Hey, Rin, how's it going, man", a random guy walking past us greets him.

"...okay, maybe I was wrong".

"No shit", I curse in his face and shook my head in disapproval, "never mind, let's just try to not be seen, okay?".

"Okay", they said at the same time.

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