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~ No matter what I do.All I think about is you . Even when I'm with my boo. Boy, you know I'm crazy over you~
Dilema by Nelly & Kelly Rowland

🤍chapter 6:caught you🤍

Me, Ran and Rin were walking around pushed all the way back from the crowd. The sky began getting darker and darker, more people began leaving the park. All of the Toman members were dressed in black tracksuits with symbols on them, that I can't mention, and had beers in their hands. 'Baby one more time' by Britney Spears playing somewhere in the distance.

I felt so nervous as the crowd of guys started to gather closer and closer to the big fountain in the middle of the park. The music got lower, until it completely stops. I turn around to see, if Rin and Ran were close to me, but they were gone. I started to look around panicking for them, but I didn't see them anywhere.

Shit, I curse in my mind, where are they? I had to find them as soon as possible, because if I get caught and I'm alone-I'll be dead. Shit, shit, shit! I continued to curse in my mind as I was pushing the crowd away to find my friends. The street lights turn on and everyone became really quiet. I stop in my tracks to make sure no one has seen me and I turn to the fountain.

There was sitting Manjiro Sano, mostly known as Mikey among the students at our school, and his best friend Draken. On the other side that cry baby Takemichi. I was so confused for a little moment. Don't tell me that shorty is the leader of the gang, I mentally slapped myself as I watch everyone salute to Mikey, no way he is. You gotta be kidding me.

"I caught you", someone whispered next to my ear and I jump out of fear, his hand wrapped around the upper part of my hand and he pulls me to a darker spot. His lavender hair and his strong back were hard not to get recognised, this was Mitsuya.

Mitsuya looks around us to make sure we didn't get any attention on us, then he pulls me behind a couple of trees close by the fountain. Mitsuya is now standing in front of me, his arms crossed, he's frowning and looked pretty unhappy to see me here.

"Heeyyy~", I tried to play it oblivious to the situation and to be the dumb one, but I don't think Mitsuya believed my act.

"What are you doing here?", he immediately started scolding me, "do you know how dangerous these meetings are? You are lucky, that I saw you first".

"I'm a lucky girl", I giggled a little bit to make him a little bit softer and it eventually worked. Mitsuya let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes for a second, then he took my hand again, but more gentle this time.

"Come on, I'll get you home".

"I can't go", I said, but I didn't pull my hand away, "I have to find Rin and Ran".

"I'll tell Chifuyu to take care of them. We need to get you out of here faster".

Mitsuya told me to wait for a second, while he finds Chifuyu. I stood hidden in the shadows, while Mikey was talking about some gang with a really weird name that wanted to start a fight for some territories. I listened to it closely and all I understood was that soon..Chifuyu might be in a really big danger.

Mitsuya comes back, but not alone this time, my dear best friend Chifuyu was with him and the little guy looked furious.

"What are you doing here?", he whisper yelled at me and I rolled my eyes, "I told you to stay away from Toman, didn't I?".

"Yes, yes", I said, "can you find Rin and Ran, so we can finally go home?".

"I'll try, but you're going home now. Mitsuya will drive you", Chifuyu gave me instructions like he was my father and not my friend.

"But..", I couldn't finish my sentence before Mitsuya took my hand and started to lead me away from the crowd still hiding in the darker spots of the park.

When we finally exited the park outside of it were parked maybe around 100 and 50 bikes of different kinds. I was mesmerised by how many are there and how clean they were. Mitsuya sat on his bike and gave me the spear helmet he had with him. I put it on and I sat behind him waiting for him to put his.

Mitsuya puts the key in and twist it. The sound of the muffler cuts the air and Mitsuya squeezes the steering wheel. I wait for him to start driving, but he doesn't move.

"You have to hold onto me", he look at me through his shoulder and my cheeks started burning immediately. HOLDING MITSUYA?!

I swallowed my shyness and I reach for his shoulders, then I man up enough and I hug him around the waist and I press my fronts to his back. I could feel the muscles on his back and how hard he was. I closed my eyes and I feel us already moving.

The cold breeze hits my bare thighs making me regret choosing jeans shorts tonight, but I suck it up and try not to think about it. Mitsuya is driving way slower than I have seen from him around the neighbourhood. He makes a slow turn and I see the light of my street.

I don't want this to end, I whine in my mind and made a sad face, that thank God nobody could see from my helmet. In fact, would it be too much, if I come back in the park and make Mitsuya drive me back home again?

Mitsuya stops the bike in front of my home and I pull the helmet off my head. He did too and looks at me. His eyes were way softer now and his usual smile was back on his face. A small dimples on the side of his mouth.

"You're safe now", he said and his eyes follow me till I step on the sidewalk.

"My hero!", I said with sarcasm in my voice and chuckled after that, Mitsuya let himself laugh too and his eyes got fixed on mine.

"You know what Toman is capable of", he starts speaking to me with a soft tone, way softer than the one he spoke to me in the park, "me and Chifuyu just don't want something to happen to you, okay?".

"Yeah, I get that", I nod my head.

A small awkward silence appears between us and I feel my nails scratching the skin on my hand. I always do that, when I'm nervous. Mitsuya took his helmet once again ready to put it on.

"Well, I better get going now", he puts the helmet on, "don't forget about that Rihanna album", he gave me a sweet smile.

Oh no, y/n, he's leaving. Come on, be bold for once and take some action. I encouraged myself and I look straight into Mitsuya's eyes, he was surprised, it could be read on his face.

"Do you...", I took a quick pause and I scratch the back of my head, "do you wanna come in and listen to it with me?".

Mitsuya's eyes were wide open. I guess he didn't expect me to invite him in. Then his face got soft again and smiled.

"I would like that", he said.

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