Another Day A New Feeling?

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Narrator P.O.V

The day in the studio began like any other. The GazettE were recording bits and pieces of the new songs they had planned for their new album Dogma. Takanori Matsumoto, or better known as Ruki, their vocalist, stood in the doorway of his little office space in front of a mirror shivering.

"Man, why is it always so cold in here?" he asked himself. Trying to ignore the temperature, he whipped out his phone and leaned himself against the wall and crossed one leg over the other standing for his occasional selfie.

Tapping the red button on the screen with his thumb, he looked over the picture which of course only showed half his body revealing his feminine legs covered in ripped black skinny jeans, Nike's, and an over sized sweater the reached down to his mid thigh, they never fully showed his face.

Opening up his Instagram, he posted the picture and captioned, "Another day in the studio. It's so cold in here! #sleepy #can'tthinkofnewlyrics." Almost immediately he received many many replies that read "I love you Ruki!!!!!!!!!!!" or, "Good Luck❤️" he smiled and sighed at the comments and made his way back into his office.

The chibi slumped down into his rolling chair and spun in circles for a while feeling incredibly bored. As if someone had heard his thoughts, a knock sounded on the door frame and a quiet "Hello?" Snapped Ruki out of his daze.

He spun back around to face the door and when he saw who the timid voice belonged to, he smiled his cute smile that could turn anyone's frown upside down at the sight.

"Rei!" he exclaimed happily. "Yo!" he replied as he made his way into the room, his boots clacking against the floor as he did so.

"Um, so, did you need anything?" he asked looking at Reita with cute big eyes. Reita grinned in return and nodded holding a plastic grocery bag being slightly deformed due to its contents.

"I brought some snacks and ended up getting more than I should've. You wanna share?" Ruki nodded and giggled.

"Sure! What all did you get?" the older stuck his hand into the crinkling bag and moved over to Ruki's desk, placing down the bag he took out his hand to remove a small bag of chips, then one bag became three bags and the vocalists only waited patiently as the bassist revealed an assortment of juices, chips, and candy.

"Wow. Was all of this really bought accidentally?" the chibi gave Reita a playful suspicious look and he looked down sheepishly raising his hand to scratch the back of his head nervously.

"Hehe, I couldn't help it..." Ruki facepalmed.

"Seriously Rei, you need to be more careful!" he giggled again.

"So, what do you wanna eat first?" the shorter hummed thoughtfully and tapped his chin with his right index finger.

"I waaaaaaaant... that one!" he removed his finger from his face and pointed to the Orangina juice and a small pack of gummy candy.

"Hai, it's all yours midget chibi-chan!" Reita teased. Ruki puffed his cheeks adorably and glared at Reita.

"I am not a midget!" Reita chuckled at his response. "Sure you aren't." the younger sighed smiling slightly and grabbed his snacks, then flopped back down into his chair. He took a quick glance at the man across from him and began to open his juice bottle.

It was silent for a minuet but Ruki didn't want the talking to stop. "So, how's your recording going?" he asked trying to spark up another conversation.

"Well..." Reita began before tearing open a bag of chips, "It's been going pretty well, the sound is nice and I've been putting lots of feeling into my playing." he replied thoughtfully. Ruki hummed in response.

"That's good. I can't seem to think up any lyrics for some reason and I've been so tired lately and now all I wanna do is get my hair done an-!" he ranted and Reita knew that when this little diva began complaining, it wouldn't stop for a long while so he did his best to end it before it could go any further by cupping his hand over the midget's mouth, preventing him from any further speaking.

"Mrmphf, ey! Oove ur hnd!" that was all the taller could make out. "Only if you stop complaining about everything and eat your food, you're gonna need all the energy you can get!" Ruki sighed and nodded closing his eyes and Reita allowed his hand to remove itself from his best friends face.

After that, Ruki grabbed a handful of his candy and stuffed it into his mouth smiling at Reita who smiled back.


~I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. The next one will definetly be much longer I promise! I just wanted to get something started up here and see if anyone of you want me to continue. As always comments are greatly appreciated! ^^

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