I Want To Know If You Love Me

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Aoi's P.O.V.

Aah, what should I do? I want to get his attention more often but make sure to not seem creepy while doing so...

I know! I'll start off by buying him a drink! He seems a little tired from cleaning up around the recording equipment so he shouldn't be too suspicious of my action.

While his back was turned, I slid out the door and zoomed down the hall to the vending machine. "Hmmm." I wonder which one he'll like?

I had to hurry before he finished so I chose out a can of soda and hurried back as fast as I could without shaking the can up. I slid back in without being noticed and sighed quietly. Good, he isn't done yet.

"Uruha, I've brought you something." he paused, turned his head towards me and smiled. "What is it?" Hehe here we go, he's gonna thank me and wanna give me something in return. My plan is fool proof mwahahaha. "Here." I said smirking and holding it out to him.

"A drink! Did manager-san get this for me?" I mentally face palmed myself so hard I almost got a head ache but I still kept a smile on my face.

"Uh ehehe. Actually I did." he looked almost shocked and it made me feel kinda bad. Maybe this wasn't enough to start out with. Patience is difficult... He did end up thanking me though and accepting it which made me glad enough.

I didn't want to just stand there and stare the whole time, so I decided to be useful and help him out. I watched as he took sips on and off while he cleaned and threw it away when it was empty. Luckily, there really wasn't much to fix so we finished much quicker. And afterwards, it got quiet for a while so when he spoke up, I nearly jumped.

"Aoi, you know you didn't have to stay here with me. You could've gone home already." I shook my head and smiled kindly easing the guilty look on his pretty face.

"What kind of gentleman would I be then? If I left you all alone, it would be boring wouldn't it? And leaving you to do all of this would be rude of me." He smiled with relief knowing that I was doing this by choice.

"Well, I'm glad you did so on your own will. I'm done now so you can go ahead." Oh no, I am not done with you yet Uruha. "I'm good. Ne, I've got nothing planned for the rest of the day, would you like to grab a bite to eat with me?"

What's this? I think I see blush on his cheeks, could this mean something? Surely not, I've only begun 'Mission Capture Uruha's Heart'. Could I already be making progress. I guess I'll have to wait and see what his answer will be.

"Un, I've got nothing for the rest of today either. Okay, I'll go." he said smiling the usual goofy looking smile I loved. It was uniquely his and fit him so well. I did a small victory dance in my head. Yes! Phase one: Ask Uruha on a 'date' Check!

Weird, since when did I come up with phases... Oh well, that doesn't matter right now because I get to treat him to lunch! I know, call me over excited and all but we haven't done anything like this in a looooong time so yeah, I'm excited.

Meant To Be [Aoiha, Reituki]-WILL BE REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now