Caught It For You

266 21 18

Narrator's P.O.V.

For the second time, Uruha was running as fast as his long legs could take him but this time, it wasn't away from his long awaited love, it was towards him.

He wanted so badly to be wrapped in his strong arms and be held close to his warm chest, whispering words of love to each other.

It was getting late now as their meeting had been begun later than usual, and Uruha wondered if Aoi was already asleep.

It was probably likely but that wasn't going to stop him. He waited too long to hear those words and there was no way he was going to let the possible chance of something beautiful blooming between them disappear.

"Aoi." he heaved as he sprinted down the side walk. "Don't worry, I'm coming."

Storm clouds from yesterday had yet to leave and it had begun sprinkling once again, but Uruha didn't care.

Aoi. That was the only thing on his mind now. Getting to Aoi.

He had made a terrible mistake and he wasn't going to leave it at that. He loved the raven guitarist too much to leave him like this.

The thought of him crying over Uruha and getting depressed only motivated Uruha to run faster and almost pass his limit.

Yes, he goes out to jog just about every morning but sprinting? This was going to be the death of him! All for Aoi, everything for Aoi. He would give his all for him just as he always did and always will. Even if he rejected his apology and feelings.

The thought of that possibility made Uruha tear up. He didn't want that at all!

Amongst his depressing thoughts, he had finally reached the house Aoi resided in.

Uruha stood frozen in front of the door that would lead him to his love. He wanted to move and knock against the hard surface but something kept him in his place.

'Move Uruha move! Just knock on the damn door!' he screamed in his mind so loudly that he actually thought he had said it.

He started shaking, his fist trembling and he knew exactly why.

'What if Aoi doesn't want to see me? What if he never wants to speak to me again? Should I even be here?' he worried and worried, eventually chewing through the skin on his lower lip causing it to split and bleed out.

The bitter and horrible taste of blood tainted his mouth and he tried to rub it away only to cause more to flow in.

"Damn it!" his voice was no longer in his head. 'Oh crap. What if he heard that?' He was really getting worked up over nothing but that obviously was not the case with the dark honey blonde.

Time was of the essence the he thought and it really was starting to get dark out. He was just stalling now but the courage just wouldn't find him!

Then he remembered, the sweet words Aoi whispered to him in the flower field and how he held his hands and face so gently as if they'd break if he moved his wrists with the slighest jerk. The great lunch they ate and being held as they walked.

The confidence finally ran right through him and he raised his fist against the door and hit it loud enough for the raven to hear.

Meant To Be [Aoiha, Reituki]-WILL BE REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now