Rained In

273 14 14

Quick note: Sorry about such a late update today I got super super busy! Anyway Aoi, Uruha, and Kai will be appearing soon don't worry this isn't just about Ruki and Reita and sorry about how short these are, I want to try and update everyday on this cuz it's so exciting plus I don't have much time to write longer chapters but I will work on it!!!!!So I hope that this one will be at least a little longer than the others...Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter ^0^)/

Ruki's P.O.V.

As we made our way to my home, I noticed dark bundles of clouds heading our way. "It looks like a storm is coming." I brought up the possible fact hoping to get something going but Reita only hummed in reply.

"It does huh." Ugh! These weird awkward silences are beginning to annoy me. I want conversation! Selfish as it may sound, I just really wanted to talk with him but I don't want to be too annoying.

We were only a few more minutes away and it began to sprinkle over us. It started looking really dark outside and with my sunglasses over my eyes, I could hardly see a thing! So, I removed them and hooked them into one of the small pockets at the front of my beige sweater.

We neared my home within minuets and it began to full on start pouring on us as we took the last few steps to my front door.

"Aah damn it." I cursed as I fumbled around with my keys trying as fast as I could to avoid getting anymore soaked, even though that was pointless. Both of us were already drenched and shivering. When I finally got the door to open, we practically fell inside, our teeth chattering madly.

"S-Sorry Rei, y-you go-t-t w-wet." man, it was really cold! He shook his head. N-No it's-s f-fine. I-t-ts n-not your f-fault." I didn't pay attention. I couldn't! There was no way for me to when I noticed how tightly his shirt clung to his torso.

No Ruki! Not now! I need to get us into dry clothes and warmed up quick!

"Hey, you go on ahead and take a warm shower first. I'll go find some clothes for you to change into afterwards." my voice finally returned back to normal as I spoke to my half frozen friend.

His shivering had mostly stopped and he replied more clearly this time. "No, you go first, I'm not cold anymore." I frowned after he gave me a reassuring smile. He is a guest at my house now and it's my duty to take care of my guests. I really don't want him to get sick because of me.

"No Rei, you are not going to catch a cold on my watch!" Oh no he wasn't!

My diva mode was was heading towards full command and Reita noticed. Knowing it was better not to go up against that, he gave up and headed towards my bathroom. I had to follow him up until the door just to make sure he doesn't die or decide once again that he's too macho to let the rain stop him.

"There are fresh towels in the cabinet. Don't be too long, I still gotta shower to."he faced me before shutting the door and thanked me.

I smiled, he was so sweet but it's raining outside. Anyone would do the same when given a nice hot shower after freezing for a bit. Damn I sound so emo... The door shut and a click was heard, indicating that it was now locked.

Meant To Be [Aoiha, Reituki]-WILL BE REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now