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Aoi P.O.V.

Uruha and I walked inside, the scent of fish and such was almost overpowering if I wasn't so hungry. The hostess at the front desk asked us how many were to arrive but I told her it was only us two and she led us to our seats slightly more secluded than most areas but it was nice and quiet.

After she handed us our menus and asked what we wanted to drink, she left us to figure out what we wanted to eat. Uruha practically tore open the book and I couldn't help but giggle a bit at how excitedly his eyes scanned each page.

"Oooh that looks good~ Oh and I've tried that one before, it was the best! Agh there's so many things to choose from and they're all so good!" Uruha ranted. He was so cute, getting so frustrated over something like food.

"Well, which one do you think I would like best?" I asked flipping to the sushi pages. He sighed and shook his head. "I don't know, you would most likely love everything." Geez, the food here must be amazing if Uruha is prasing it so highly like this. I bet he's eaten everything on their menu!

Never underestimate Uruha and food. He could probably stuff more into that little belly of his than any of us! Well, except maybe for Reita, the two are a pretty close tie when it comes to eating.

"How bout that one?"

"How about this one?" We both said in unison as both of our index fingers pointed to the same order. I could see Uruha blush, then start giggling with me following the act.

"It's decided then. We'll share that one hehe." Uruha nodded smiling still and set the menus aside for the waitress to come by and pick them up. I sighed and leaned my elbow on the table and rested my chin on the palm of my hand.

For some reason, I found myself staring at Uruha's lips. Oh why did they have to be so close and yet, so far away from my own? Seriously, God needs to stop messing with me and let me have him! I sighed again and Uruha picked up on them.

"Ne, are you okay Aoi? Is something bothering you?" I smiled at the look of concern on his face. Just too cute. "Nah I'm fine ducky." his worry disappeared in a snap and was replaced with the most adorable pouty look ever. "What is with you and calling me ducky today?"

I probably laughed louder than I should've at that becuse I could see the people walking past us give me a weird look.

"Hehehe why not? You keep pouting those ducky lips of yours as if you want me to call you my little duckling." I couldn't hold back my chuckles, not with what he said to me next.

"What!? Your little duckling?!" His face was turning a sweet shade of red and I almost lost it. He was so freaking adorable that it was hard for me to decide to just devour him instead of the food, though that probably isn't the best idea right now. I hadn't even confessed to him yet! But, I need to and I will just, I can't figure out when. He can be so difficult to read at times especially when I needed to be able to the most.

"You're so cute when you're flustered." Ok Aoi, don't get too flirtatious. You don't wanna scare him off. That said, I was a bit surprised when I saw him blush more and bit his lower lip. Oh God that was just too much. Damn it now I sound like some boy driven middle school girl but holy crap it was hot.

Meant To Be [Aoiha, Reituki]-WILL BE REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now