Can't Escape

176 12 7

Narrator's P.O.V.

It all happened so fast.

The sweet honey blond man felt an imense rush of just about every feeling he'd ever felt. Nothing could describe the way he was feeling now and amongst all of the rush, he was running.

He shot up after Aoi had said those three specific words to him and was running away.

He was running away from the man he had wished to hear those words for over a decade now and didn't even glance back to see if Aoi was chasing after him or not.

It was too quick!

All of this in one day, Aoi beginning to be kinder around him, more talkitive and affectionate, and even treated him to lunch! Too much in one day and Uruha just couldn't take it all in at once, especially with the bang of getting confessed to in the end, so he ran away.

He really didn't know whether he was ecstatic or in despair, or if he was just nervous and feeling that if he spoke after that, he would screw it all up.

But it was too late, he had already ran off and torn things up but none of that crossed his mind at the moment.

All he was thinking about was getting home as quick as possible and he didn't even notice the many warm tears that were sliding down his face in heavy streams.

Mostly beacuse of the fact that it has begun to rain on his trip back. It didn't even begin with a light sprinkle to warn everyone of the shower ahead, it just came down all at once very much like how Uruha's heart felt.

Dropping down into the pit of his stomach making Uruha choke on a sob.

The instant he threw open the door and fell into his house, he slammed it closed and collapsed on his neatly made bed sobbing. Why?

He had no idea, he just felt like it. Letting it all out onto his fluffy pillows and bed sheets leaving them soaked as he cried himself to sleep.

After Uruha had left, Aoi didn't move a single muscle.

He remained knealing on his knees staring into nothing as if he had suddenly become blind.

'What have I done...' he thought to himself.

Then, as a crashing wave of realization hit him mercilessly, he felt like the most retarded person in the entire universe.

Uruha hadn't even given any signs that he was attracted to Aoi the same way he was attracted to him and Aoi failed to notice that.

He was completely selfish, not even thinking about how Uruha felt and how confessing like that would affect him. Aoi only felt the excitement for himself and he cursed himself for it.

What if his dear Uruha thought he was some weirdo now or some selfish brat. Aoi knew he had screwed up and taken it way to quickly. What happened to taking it slow huh?

Didn't he know this was going to happen if he didn't. He was surely going to scare off his love before he got any chance of getting closer to him and now look. It had all happened and it was the opposite of what Aoi had planned.

All the warmth had left his body as he felt his eyes and nose stinging. Thick rivers of tears had left his eyes and were now dripping onto his pants.

Meant To Be [Aoiha, Reituki]-WILL BE REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now