Our First True Kiss

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Ruki's P.O.V.

Reita and I found ourselves being stared down by Kai intensely. The hard look he gave us made me shudder. We were surely gonna get an earful...

"Why are you two late?" his sweet voice only made us feel even more guilty. Both of us bowed in apology after he questioned us. 15 minuets isn't even that bad so there really shouldn't be a reason for Kai to be so upset.

"Well, we ended up having to rush a bit this morning and we did get breakfast on the way here so..." Kai cut me off.

"So you should know better than to make us wait like this! And you knew we were having a meeting today, why did you sleep in?" I would rather not answer that question...

I started to feel really bad. For me to be late like this was highly unusual, he should know that!

"Gomen." Reita and I said in unison. We headed inside the studio and found a seat on the cushiony leather couch in the corner. Sinking into it, I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed wondering what this meeting's topic was.

I heard Kai sigh also before starting the conversation. "Alright then, lets get started. First off I would like to discuss which order we will record our new song in. Anyone wanna go first?" Aoi's hand shot up.

"Oh meeee I do!" Kai nodded and Uruha snickered beside him. Leader-san nodded his head and wrote Aoi's name down on a notepad laid beside him. Uruha raised his hand next, then me, Reita, and lastly Kai.

After writing all of our names down, we discussed good dates to set our upcoming lives on and after that, we had finished, no more than about an hour and a half later.

During that time though, I caught Reita staring at me a couple of times. Weird, I wonder why. As we exited the building, Reita once again holding the door open for me making me blush, I decided to ask him.

"Ne Rei, why were you staring at me so much during the meeting?" he looked me in the eyes as we walked back to my place. I shifted feeling slightly uncomfortable with his eyes on me that way.

"What? Wouldn't you do the same if something beautiful was right next to you?" Oh my god. This was so strange. I know I say that a lot but seriously, this is new to me!

"That's true, I guess." The time was now 45 minuets after 11 o'clock and my stomach started growling with the need for sustenance. I blushed and covered my belly with embarrassment when it let out a particularly loud rumble. There was silence, then out of nowhere Reita started laughing very hard.

"What!? It's a natural function don't laugh!" I exclaimed half angry half embarrassed. Reita shook his dead during his spontaneous fit.

"I'm laughing because it was cute!" he said still laughing his head off. What? How on Earth could someone think a tummy grumble is cute? Well, Reita is kinda strange that way so I wouldn't worry about it too much but still!

He finally stopped after many minuets. I wondered how someone could laugh that hard and long over something so insignificant, it astounded me. His hysteria had finally come to a complete stop and he turned to face me with a kind smile.

Meant To Be [Aoiha, Reituki]-WILL BE REWRITING-Where stories live. Discover now