A Simple Outing?

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Narrator P.O.V.

Reita finished his bag of chips, crumpled it into a ball, and shot it into the small trash bin in the corner of the room making a perfect shot. 'Holy crap I just made that! Did he see my act of awesomeness?' Reita exclaimed in his mind.

Unfortunately, Ruki was too busy downing his juice to notice anything else, including the fact that the man opposite of him was staring at him. He gulped the last bit and slammed the bottle down with a loud sigh from not breathing the whole time.

"Whew, that was good. Thanks Rei." Reita nodded not breaking his gaze.

"Ne, what time do you think you'll be done for today?" Reita asked. Ruki had another mouthful of candy and stopped mid-chew and hummed while thinking about it.

"Well," he swallowed then continued, "It's around 4:30pm right now so... in around two hours I hope." he smiled. " Why do you ask?" the latter smiled and shook his head, "Oh nothing. You just look like you're starving." Ruki nodded.

"It looks that way doesn't it? Hehe well I haven't exactly stopped working since I got here this morning but your snacks did help a bit but, what does that have to do with what time I'll be finished today?" he asked innocently.

"Well, I haven't eaten in a while either so I was just wondering if you would join me for dinner when you've finished around here." Ruki's eyes shone with happiness and he smiled nodding his head in agreement.

"That sounds nice, I really could use a quick outing. Where were you thinking?" Reita leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk to rest his head on his palms smiling at the now fidgety Ruki.

"Anywhere you want is fine." he answered to the now lightly blushing chibi. He chuckled and leaned in a little closer. "So? Where will it be?" he tried again and Ruki looked down to the shiny tile below him avoiding all eye contact which only made it harder to decide on where to eat.

"Ano, how about that one ramen place further down the street?" Reita pretended to think hard about it just to give him a hard time before agreeing happily. They both really liked that place and if Ruki wasn't going to answer, he would've suggested it himself anyway.

"Hai, well then, I'll see you then chibi-chan." Ruki shot upwards from his seat and opened his mouth to protest against that possible fact but before he could, Reita chuckled and left.

The little aquarius sighed and sat down thinking he could let that "insult" go just this once, then he sat down and spun towards his laptop and continued the two hours he had left busying himself with work.

He didn't want to admit it but he was really looking forward to going with Reita to eat and he was slightly distracted thinking about how it would go. He really hoped he wouldn't screw something up, after all, it has been a while since they've done something like this.

Reita continued his bass recording, practicing a few parts here and there and Ruki sat there for most of the time scratching his head with frustration until he was finally able to scribble down a few words before his mind went blank again. He looked up and notice the time on the lower corner of his computer screen, "6:45" he read aloud and sighed.

5 minuets later, another knock at Ruki's closed door was heard.

"Hai, come in!" he answered just loud enough for the person on the other side could hear.The gap in the door grew as the chibi's noseless friend appeared.

" Yo! You ready to get some foooooood?" Ruki giggled and nodded excitedly.

"Yep! I'm starving lets go!" he got up from his seat, all of his stuff already stacked and organized for tomorrow. The aquarius slipped his black beanie on and adjusted his shoes, clothing, and oversized sunglasses before heading out the office door.

Walking out of the doors of the large company building, Reita cut in front of him and held open the glass door for Ruki as he exited. ' How polite.' the shorter commented in his mind and blushed slightly at this newly discovered chivalry.

" Thanks." he whispered but the taller blonde heard it despite it being barely audible.

Reita's P.O.V.

I watched as the chibi's little body made its way through the door I had opened for him. I heard his quiet thank you' and smiled knowing that I quite possibly made him blush.

As we walked down the busy street, taking a few turns here and there, I noticed his cute curious eyes wander from building to building looking around for our destination.

Smiling, I thought about how he looked like a little boy walking in town with his mom on their way to get ice cream or something. Aah, he was just too cute.

Every time I looked at his frail little body, I always felt the need to stay by his side and the want, to cuddle him and keep him safe.

Ruki's P.O.V.

We walked for about 15 minuets before our destination was in sight still a little further away which I was happy about. I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Our walked ended as silently as it began and we found ourselves at the entrance of the ramen shop.

It smelled so good and it only made me even more hungry!

"Shall we?" I heard Reita ask.

"Yes yes I can't wait it smells too good to just stand out here." he laughed at my remark and agreed once again opening the door for me. This is a bit unusual, I wonder what he's up to...


Thank you all for the positive feed back and reviews!!!!!!!!!!! ^o^ Next part might be uploaded later today or tomorrow, my brain is coming up with ideas Cuz I really want to make longer chapters so I'll work on that also XD Stay tuned for next chapter! I wonder what will happen during their dinner... Anyways Have a Nice day \(^o*)/

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