🌼"..but I want you back"🌼 [purelily]

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PureLily Hurt/Comfort

[White Lily]
3 months. It's been 3 months since she separated from the corrupt of power. 3 months for her to redeem herself and wouldn't you know? She's still sitting by the riverside alone.
It's not like anyone would want to forgive her anyways, she made horrible decisions, terrible mistakes that hurt those dear to her, why would she deserve forgiveness?
Lily's bleak velvet eyes stare numbly into the water, her jumbled reflection hovering around the crystal waters. Clutching her stomach tightly, she let out a sigh, before getting up and leaving.

[Pure Vanilla]
3 months and she hasn't returned. She didn't actually make it, did she? Maybe that glimpse he saw of her was a result of grief, nothing more than a hallucination.
His soft hands gently caressed the small lily in his vase, it never seemed to wither away, no matter how long it's been, almost as if she's still there.
Still there..
Pure Vanilla's eyes opened wider, he pushed himself up from his chair, clasping his staff and putting on his waffle cone hat. Heterochromic eyes flicker towards the window, the Vanilla kingdom main square visible from the view, but down below stood a beautiful thick forest that seemed to stand there since the beginning of time. Was it unlikely that she could ever possibly be alive after all this time? Yes, definitely, but he didn't care, there's always going to be that 1% chance he's willing to take.
Walking down the town square, citizens waving and giving him a friendly smile, to which he responds the same without stopping.
His gold sandals slide across the crystal pad as he mutters some unknown spell, and teleports down to the ground.

[White Lily]
"Ow. Ow."
Bandaged fingers run over rough patches of dark red skin, looking like a bruise gone horribly untreated. Dark Enchantress would never truly leave her, the more time passed the more it stung, and it became quite difficult to manage. Her breathing stiffens slightly, small tears welling up in her eyes due to the sharp pain. Or maybe it was all the memories leaking through her mental barrier.
Her open hands spun around a sprout, making it's stem enlarge and grow, a lily sprouting from the top, petals opening up and twisting outwards, it's red center bud standing up as if to reach out to the far away sun.
Bringing her head forward, she tried to listen for any sign of natural life, but no matter how many she grew, the lilies stood silently, mimicking White Lily herself as she lay in the field of the quiet flowers.

[Pure Vanilla]
Like the wind, he moves across the grassy forests as if he were floating just above it, barley causing more than a ruffle of the greenery under him. Rays of sunlight beam through the clustered leaves, occasionally being obstructed by the many forest critters, and Pure Vanilla's shadow.
The deeper he moved in the forest, the more his mind doubted. She couldn't possibly be alive, he was chasing nothing, nothing more than a burning memory.
But still he moved, still he hoped that even if it takes him years, he gets to see her once again.
To see her once again..
He looked distantly into the messy forest, there were no real signs of her, no footprints, no path, no shuffled leaves, nothing.
It hit him like a brick, she wasn't alive, he needed to accept that, he needs to move on.
But he just kept walking forward, eyes focused on the withered hope that his heart will be full once again.
The withered hope.
Until it wasn't withered anymore,
until he saw her.

a/n: for a visual note, Pure Vanilla and White Lily are distanced from eachother, so if one ran towards them, it would take like 5 seconds for them to reach the other

[White Lily]
"White Lily Cookie!!"
She froze.
That voice...
Could it be..?
She spun her head around, short fluffed hair flinging back as her whole body turned behind her, sun-rays beaming directly onto her as if she was some sort of prize. The light made it hard to see, but the gleaming heterochromic eyes gave it all away.
She whispered, voice shaking.
"Oh no no no..."
This wasn't real, was he really there?
Why is he here? After everything that had happened why would he want to come to her?
Did she forget to apologize?
Was she lacking punishment?
Was he going to hurt her?
Voices spun in her head, fear peeling away at her heart, she couldn't move, every inch of her body stood frozen in place.
On the other hand, he, Pure Vanilla Cookie, took a step towards her, and then another one, and before she knew it he was running towards her.
She jolted back, her lips quivering to try and find something, anything to keep him unleashing his anger.
"I-I'm sorry-!! I didn't mean t-to-..."
She stammered more loudly this time, but nothing could come to mind, all her regrets, everything she wanted to apologize for seemed to burn away from her mind when the chance finally came.
Stupid, stupid stupid!!
Her eyes shut in fear of what will happen next, her limbs beginning to shake, breathing picking up its pace.
She heard his footsteps move closer and closer, she didn't dare look up anymore, time felt as if it was slowing down. She knew what was going to happen, she knew what she had to expect, the burning pains that would ripple through her skin until it eventually evened out as her life slips away before her very eyes, her blood on the hands of the very man she loved, but the very man she betrayed.
She expected pain to be the first touch, not an embrace.

[Pure Vanilla]
Crashing forward into her body, he hugged her tightly, as if he was never going to let go. His eyes shut with tears streaming down his face onto her trembling shoulders.
"I missed you, I missed you, I missed you so so much..!!"
He cried out, burying his head lower into the corner of her neck. He could feel how tense she was, maybe he struck some fear into her? But it soon faded as he felt her own arms trail up and wrap around his back as well, much more quiet sobs drowning themselves in his own clothing.
Nothing seemed to really happen anymore, not around them at least.
All those doubts faded away with the wind like the withering in his heart, she really was here, right in his arms alive. Time seems to mess around, the longer they held, the more time he felt pass by, mere seconds turning into hours. He didn't care however, if he could he would hang onto her until the end of time, but eventually they break off.

"Where have you been all this time? Why didn't you return?"
The healer looks forward into her eyes, trailing his fingers from her shoulder to propping up her chin. She opened her mouth as if she were to say something, but shut it and looked down before starting once again with a sigh.
"I-I didn't really know how to return."
Looking somewhat hurt, he gently opened his eyes and spoke, "But you didn't have to abandon me as such; I could've helped you.."
"But.. after everything I've done nobody would truly want me back."
Beads of tears form in Lily's velvety eyes, pulling back from the healers grasps while subtly folding in on herself.
Her hands held tightly around her stomach, facing to the ground.
Pure Vanilla simply stares for a moment, then flicking his eyes wider, he holds her by the hands and speaks, "But I want you back!!-" his voice soft, but cracking with desperation in his eyes, "-I-I want you here with me, I want to see you alive and well, no matter what you've done!! Please.. " his own set of tears forming, "..please don't leave me again..."
It was a rare sight to see such a calm and noble person breakdown, his voice heightens and cracks the more he sobs, head hanging down as his tears hit the grassy floor.
"..i-i'm sorry i-"
"Pure Vanilla, no."
She said, quiet but stern. White Lily wrapped her hands to hold him close, fidgeting with his golden hair in the process.
"Of all people, you shouldn't be apologizing. This isn't your fault, I hope you don't think that," Her voice soft yet loud enough for him to hear. "I'm sorry for continuously running away, and I promise this time I'll stay."
The last sentence caught the vanillian's attention, his head lifted, tear stained faces meeting one on one.
"You promise..?"
"With all the sugar in my dough, I promise."
He straightens up slowly, wiping the tears on his tan face all while smiling practically ear to ear.
'..oh how i've missed that smile.'
The floral thought, smiling nearly the same.
The two stare in silence, admiring and enjoying time they get together after years. Until, with hands still on each others shoulders, White Lily leans up, connecting her lips with his.
Pure Vanilla's eyes widen at the touch, but returns the kiss almost directly after.
They embrace for what seems like all the years they've been separated, all the years they couldn't have together, however it was only 7 seconds.
As they break off, Lily blurts "I've told you that I love you, right?"
A small chuckle leaves the healers mouth in response, "Now you have."
Hand in hand, the two walk back to the Vanilla Kingdom, talking to each other as if they've never stopped. The sun setting in the distance, glowing against the thick trees; a large light beam near the floating lands suddenly shooting up to the sky as two lovers appear in the Vanilla Kingdom, together once again.

[1659 words]

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