💖🖤 Crows hold grudges 🖤💖 [black raisin+crepe]

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Black Raisin and Strawberry Crepe Angst

Another artistic apology, scrapped into the pile. Strawberry Crepe hummed quietly, pacing around with a finger pressed against their lips, various thoughts and ideas swarming their mind as they kick a few broken creations around.

"No.. No that wont- Oh!!"

Perking up, they quickly collect few cracked screens and a glitter pen, scribbling down a few words before tapping the screen, making it glow a bright teal against the sparkly letters.
Their little feet hop around, running throughout their massive workshop.

A different cookie turns over, her magenta eyes flashing annoyingly at the child running towards her.
Strawberry Crepe skids to a stop a few feet away, pulling out the big flashy screen with the sparkly words 'PLZ  FORGIVE ME??'
Black Raisin cocks an eyebrow up, adding to the awkward tension in the air before answering


They flinched with the response, losing their calm composure,
"wha-BUT WHYYY??" saying with their arms flailing towards their project dramatically, "Is THIS not enough??? What more do I have to do!?"

The darker cookie scoffs, clearly annoyed as she folds her single arm across her chest. "Well maybe you can start by not being such a brat??" her tone of voice being no louder than a sneeze, but still being full of anger, "..though I highly doubt you're even capable of doing anything good with your life."

Her words stung through Crepe like an electrical shock, "B-but I..." while shaking off small tears, they pout angrily "IT'S JUST A STUPID VILLAGE!!! YOU are just too emotionally attached and-and STUPID AND ANNOYING!!" They aggressively stamp their feet, whining and whining, throwing a fit in front of the shocked Black Raisin.

She steps back for a moment at the scene being made, before shooting her hand forward, sending a crow coming from seemingly nothing to bonk Strawberry Crepe, silencing them immediately. "By the witches will you be QUIET ALREADY??

Crepe gasped audibly, flashes of anger now beaming through Black Raisin's face. "You just go on and on on about your own problems without even CONSIDERING ANYONE ELSE!!" her usual calm composed state breaking up the louder she got, "I-I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY PURE VANILLA IS SPARING YOU!! IT'S RIDICULOUS."
Her eyes glaring daggers toward the now fear-struck child, clenching her fist as the tension in the room only grows.

Shakily, Strawberry Crepe steps back, stuttering and trying to muster some sort of response. What do you even say in a situation like this?
"...I-I'm sorry" they mumbled, it felt nearly impossible to speak any louder as the fear only grew in the small child.

"You always say that... tsk."
Black Raisin grumbled, turning around and stomping away.

On the other hand Strawberry Crepe managed to find enough confidence to speak again, "w-WAIT!! What about what Pure Vanilla said-?"

The large Wafflebot Hanger doors shut loudly, as if it were intentionally trying to sound mad. Well, Strawberry Crepe wouldn't blame anyone for being upset, truth be told they weren't really trying to actually apologize anyways, it was only fake emotions to make others feel bad for them.
But... they do owe Black Raisin an apology, they owe everyone an apology, why not do so?
They were selfish, it's something they've been told multiple times, but never had they really seen how it affects others.
It made Crepe feel.. upset? Angry? Some sort of indescribable combination of guilt and disappointment, but only in themselves.
Why couldn't they just be better? They had the skill to create a genuine apology, and had the authentic feelings of regret towards their past actions, so why didn't they just do that?

Small tears began to well up in their eyes, they didn't want to be selfish, they did want to be better, why couldn't they be better?
Strawberry Crepe's thoughts swarmed and swallowed them whole, a small whine escaping their mouth as they turn back to their original project, maybe their guilt'll go away if they leave it alone.
this was so hard to write help
sorry @gacha_gotcha5 for taking so long lmao
[693 words]

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