🌸"you're safe with me"🌸 [purelily]

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[White Lily Angst, PureLily Hurt/Comfort]

-these are humanized cookies, but still refer to themselves as cookies
-I'm calling Pure Vanilla in this Vanilla Orchid bcus I think he got hid 'Pure' title after founding the Vanilla Kingdom
-in her vision, White Lily is hands and knees in a ball on the ground, but in reality, she's squatting

TW: Panic attacks, throwing up

"N-no... no no no, w-what is..?"
The land was so longer a lush green forest, but a crimson one, dripping with blood on every surface it could, mangled bodies of murdered cookies splattered all around like freak-show decorations.

White Lily stood in the middle, trembling, it felt like her entire body was frozen still, that it was impossible to move.

Her velvet eyes stared at the burning remnants of a world, and the more she did, the harder it felt to breathe.

'Inhale, Exhale' she tried to calm herself, but to no avail.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW WHITE LILY COOKIE?!" an unrecognized voice boomed over the shattered ecosystem, it was loud, too loud.

Lily flinched at the volume, scared hands covering her ears as she shut her tear filling eyes, breathing still out of her control.

Her stomach twisted up the more she gazed upon the horrible sight, throat starting to clench up.



She tried to speak, her voice trembling and choked sobs interrupting. A laugh bellowed over the land this time, a venom filled, twisted replacement of what's supposed to be a joyful laugh.

White Lily'a thoughts couldn't control themselves, 'shes right, this is your fault' 'you need to get out!!' 'you're going to die here', her grip in her ears began to pull on her soft hair, a useless attempt to shut them up as she whimpered more as the laugh grew louder, and louder.

Her legs- no, her entire body felt weak, her throat felt oddly watery and everything, everything was too loud..!


And that was the trigger.

Lily fell to the ground, hands and knees as her head tried to pull up at first, but instead a trail of her eaten foods, green and yellow, mixed up like a toxic oatmeal, poured out of her mouth.

It splattered onto the ground below her, more tears began to fall and mix within the barf.

White Lily felt like she was going to die, she was going to die she WAS going to die-

Her thoughts were louder than anything else now, a whimper left her throw-up dripping mouth, she was shaking now, disoriented.

She needed to run she need to get out she needed to run-

As if this were not enough torture, the bodies, the dead bodies of-... her friends..? No-no they weren't that before...

The bodies began to wail and cry, loud enough to pierce her very ears. They all begged for her mercy, they all pleaded for her to stop, they all were silenced, then started back up again.

Much like her thoughts, her breathing spiraled out of control, hyperventilating, as she tried to back up, crawl and contract into a ball to hide, but everything hurt, everything hurt.

"White Lily Cookie?"

She wanted to scream, but nothing came out as everything began to drown her.

"White Lily Cookie!!"

Her face felt hot, she was going to explode, she was going to explode-!!

It felt like the world was shaking with her, then-


Her eyes shoot open, but this time they really do.

Tears still flowing down from her eyes, the blurry figure of someone kneeling in front of her.

The world felt like it was spinning faster, her eyes blinking around in disorientation as she shuffled around trying to figure out where she ended up as her breathing only stayed the same.

"Lily!! P-please look at me, what- could you tell me th-the first 10 letters of the alphabet?"

The voice interrupting her swarming thoughts, the soft voice that wrapped their warmth around her shaking body.

As she mumbled, trying to pick up different words to answer its question, her breathing began to slow down the more she was distracted.

The tears hadn't stopped yet, but they weren't pouring as much as before, the fuzzy vision she woke up too faded away as she saw the face in front of her, the soft worried face of her dear friend, Vanilla Orchid.

"Do you... feel a bit better?"

The voice, his voice spoke with a sweetness that only she knew daily, calm and warm as he held her still trembling hand.

She subtly nodded, still feeling weak and emptied as she wiped the tears the stained her face.

"Good, good.. Y-you're safe now.."

He folds his arms under hers, pulling her into a gentle hug, allowing her to adjust herself to the position as she lets her knees fall to the ground, returning the hug back almost immediately.

"You're safe with me.."



and it's not even 1000 words im so disappointed in myself 😞


[869 words]

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