🍫Revival🌸 [cacaolily]

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Context: Dark Cacao had missed his dead wife, White Lily, so much, he decided to attempt to revive her with old magic.


Her body seemed lifeless, glowing, but lifeless. He had gotten his hopes up, hadn't he? Of course, the magic wouldn't work, it was centuries old.
He knew it wouldn't work, he knew, he knew, yet the tears still fell down his face and heart still felt empty.

'Why didn't it work..? Why can't she just be back now...'

The numbness that followed him throughout the entire research faded as his knees gave out and fell to the floor, it felt like she had just died today, and it pained him, it pained him more than anything in the world.
She wasn't alive, she wasn't, but she should be.

And that's when she woke up.

He heard shuffling around the circle of star dust, vision still blurry from the tears he looked up, not being able to see the dead- no, live body of White Lily animated awake before his very eyes.
Dark Cacao wiped his tears, drawing his hands near the source of sudden movement, 'this.. this couldn't be. Could it..?'
He began to crawl over; it was the only thing he felt he could do at the moment. His hands reach towards her body, it was warm.

Audibly, he gasps, watching her empty eyes take in more and more life as her chest lifts up and down in a steady pace. He pulls her up slightly, watching as the air enter her lungs, as the sound returns to her ears, as her eyes strain open to meet his, as her lips curl into a smile the moment she sees him.

"Dark Cacao..." her voice was raspy, softer than a pin dropping on the ground, but he heard her, her voice was the only thing he wanted to hear.

"MY LOVE!!" He barely even hesitates to pull her into a hug, the tears were back, but they weren't out of sadness anymore, no. His relief was like a wave of emotion and impulse that took over his entire body, holding onto her tightly as if she was going to disappear again if he let go. "My Lily, my one and only.. You're here in my arms- you're safe!!" he hysterically cries, the world seemed to all fade away, only the two left holding each other close.
White Lily did not cry, her body was too dehydrated for that, but her grip on him was strong. As the seconds went by that she could hold him the more alive she felt. Her body still limp and weak, but her mind was bubbling with joy.

It almost felt as if days were passing, they didn't want to let go of each other, not after the years they've spent apart. Only when White Lily gave out a small whimper from Dark Cacaos grip tightening all too much did they part.

"White Lily.. my love, please tell me this is not a dream."

She tries to speak, but nothing but pained breathes were heard, so she nodded instead, a look in her eyes that spoke thousands of words that were silenced by her physical state.

Dark Cacao understood, of course he did, this was the Lily he knew, the Lily he loved more than anything else in the world. He smiled, a smile that had not awoken in many years, he smiled admiring White Lily.
His hand holding hers, free hand cupping her soft cheeks, he whispered

"With all the stars in your eyes I don't think I could ever look away from you again."

White Lily smiled, then started to laugh, well- tried to at least, it was more of a mix between heavy breathing and high-pitched inhales, but a genuine laugh. Dark Cacao chuckled, leaning in to embrace his lover.
Their mouths connected, lips opening ever so slightly as Dark Cacao moved his hand to the back of Lily's head, faintly deepening their kiss. As distracted as he was by embracing her, he felt the rough patches of skin that lay on her chapped lips, her mouth being drier than a Cheese Desert, she was dehydrated.
Dark Cacao gently parted, stroking her long fluffy hair in his hands,

"Come on, let's go home, I'll craft you your favorite tea."

He slowly stood up, wary of if White Lily's physical state would cause her to fall unbalanced, offering his body as support. She managed to pull herself up, leaning on him shortly after as not to stumble to the ground.
One cautious step at a time, they make their way back to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, back to home.

also i took some ideas from my "but i want you back!" oneshot lol dont question it

[814 words]

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