🌊Longing for the Woman of The Sea 🌙 [SeaMoon]

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[SeaMoon Comfort/Hurt]

A/N: omg i made something that wasn't the ancients-
just a heads up that half of this was written at 10 pm while at a friends house, so it may be a bit choppy!!
also lmao comfort hurt sounds so odd but its basically hurt/comfort in the other direction

The sea glistened against the soft moonlight, a gentle wave pattern moving back and forth as one stands in the middle of it all, unmovable but distracted.

Sea Fairy, a supposed goddess and protector of the sea, with soft hair that ran like a waterfall down her back and a dress of waves that swirled around her body, garments of beautiful sea pearls and coral washing in herself as her eyes fixed on the moon.

The stars looked awfully pretty tonight, glowing with the guiding souls of those lost within the galaxy, a bright moon illuminating it all. Another figure lay rested carefully on it, eyes closed and silent to whatever may be around them.

It was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen, a strange luminescent light that stayed for hours on end, circling the sky until the sun rose once again.

Her arms reached up in an unknown desire, she could feel the pain her fingers felt as they extended much too far, almost like they were a chained animal trying to get free.
She whispered praises directed to almost no one, mumbling compliments to nothing, nothing and no one, but the moon.

Moonlight, one who's eyes never opened for anything when her dreams were swirling in her head as her elongated hair blend perfectly with the beautiful galaxies she'd created, her deep blue dress fitting perfectly at the top, then falling down into a long majestic gown that blew with the winds that held the secrets of so many. She was one of the many serene beauties that were so rare, those who have seen her could have been dreaming.

A quiet hum rang throughout the clouds, the golden moon rocking back and fourth as it hovered over the sea, and a small unnoticeable figure reaching out so desperately.

Or.. maybe not so unnoticeable.

Gentle purple eyes open with the heaviness of a thousand years closed, but light lashes curiously blinking open.
She glanced for just a moment and just like that, everything stopped.
Her ocean blue eyes that shimmered so brightly in her light, serene face and indescribable expression as her extension softened, mouth opening wider by just a centimeter and a gentle gasp in a voice that Moonlight would hear only in her most favorable dreams.

Gorgeous, she was gorgeous, like a star that shone with so much confidence, it bleed upon the sky until it was golden.

Her hand, mesmerized by the beauty in front of her reached out, stretching farther as she leaned closer to the figure of the sea, mind frozen in what to say, but her mouth moved nonetheless.

"..starlight, you're the most beautiful thing i've seen.."
She mumbled under her breath, the moon moving closer to the large tower as her lips slowly curled into a small smile.

Sea Fairy just stared, her eyes glimmering as Moonlight hovered closer, finding herself inching forward as well.
Until it froze.
Until everything froze.
Her eyes shut on the impact, frost crawling across her face as she felt her body temperature drop, limbs suddenly going numb and breath falling to a complete stop.

The moon goddess took back her hand on instinct, watching as the woman in front if her slowly froze up, all life seeming to deprive of the figure as her hands outstretched for a final time, before meeting the same fate as her soul.
Her eyes widened with shock, then worry as she hovered as close as she could, cupping her hands around the fairy's cold face, while her feet brushed against the now frozen tower that stood above the rest.

"Oh no no no... poor thing.." she whispered once again, her hands falling as she realized the fate of this unfortunate soul that stood frozen in front of her.

Moonlight felt terrible, not just the mourning of one who lost a dream, but a part of her, a selfish part of her that wanted to know so much more about this girl, this beauty, this woman who she wanted to hold closely for no reason at all but comfort, who she wanted to be hers.

This was normal, she fell for those she couldn't have constantly, yet every single time it hurt more.

Her head fell down along with her eyes shutting, tears threatening to fall, sensitive tears threatening to fall.

She backed up, resting gently onto her moon, glancing away from Sea Fairy as she floated away, after all she did have duties to attend to.

Something as insignificant as a woman of the sea was not to pull her away from responsibility.

But somehow, even after years, she still felt a longing for something she could never have.

A longing for the woman of the sea.

[846 words]

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