part 2. why?

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Sasuke went to bed but he didn't want to sleep alone. He quietly went to itachi's room. "Hey itachi." He whispered. But he got no answer. "Hey big brother." He said. Itachi's eyes shot open once he heard that. Sasuke knew that would get his attention with how protective he is over his little brother. "Can I sleep in here with you? I just feel a little uncomfortable in this new place." Sasuke said with his lip out hoping to sell it.

"Come on." Itachi said tired while holding up the covers. Sasuke smiled and hopped in the bed. A few hours passed and sasuke couldn't sleep. He was laying there with itachi's arm draped over sasuke spooning him.

He wiggled his way to turn around

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He wiggled his way to turn around. He was looking at itachi just thinking. 'Help me brother. I shouldn't feel this.' Sasuke thought to himself. He placed a kiss on itachi's lips while lost in thought. 'Wait what did I just do?' Sasuke thought silently. He started to panic on the inside. He just rolled back over and tried to go to sleep.

The next morning sasuke woke up tired as he barely got any sleep. The bed was empty though it was only him. "Where'd he go?" He asked himself. He left the room and found deidara "hey idiot." He called out. 'Ugh here we go again.' Deidara thought to himself. But he just put on a smile and turned around. "Oh drop the smile we both know you don't like me. itachi isn't around. That's actually what I came to ask you about. Do you know where he is?" Sasuke asked deidara. Deidara looked around confused.

"No I don't actually. Mission maybe? But I don't recall hearing about one for him." Deidara said. Now sasuke felt panic sinking in. Deidara realized it immediately. He put his hands on sasuke's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Hey hey its ok. I'm sure he's fine." He told him trying to calm him down. Sasuke just nodded. "Wanna hang out maybe play a game so your not thinking of it." Deidara asked. Sasuke nodded with a slight smile. 'Why is he being nice when I've been being nothing but an ass to him?' Sasuke thought to himself.

Itachi was out with kisame. "I wanted to talk to you about something that happened last night." Itachi said.

"Ok itachi if this is stupid I will kill you. You have had me out the base since 9am its 3pm. This is ridiculous." Kisame said. Itachi sighed.

"Last night sasuke came to sleep in my bed. And I had a dream about him kissing me. Well I'm sure it was a dream. I don't think he would do that to me. I've been avoiding him all day. I left before he woke up and that's why we're still out." Itachi explained. Kisame was lost for words. He didn't know what to say.

"Hold up was it a dream or not?" Kisame asked.

"I told you I'm pretty sure it was." Itachi said.

"Pretty sure isn't certain. But let's go off it being a dream. Why would you have a dream like that?" Kisame asked.

"I don't know. I've been dreaming about having him back with me. And I thought it was because he was my brother, but I think it might have been more now. I've been having these weird feelings now. Every time he's close to me its weird. Even when he was in bed with me I started feeling weird so I just cuddled him and it eased the burning feelings a little." Itachi said.

"Wait do you have feelings for your brother?" Kisame asked confused.

"Is that what that is?" Itachi asked. "I don't like this." He said.

"It'll be ok." Kisame said as he put his hand on itachi's shoulder. "Your my friend so I'm with you 100%." Kisame said. Kisame knew about deidara's feelings for itachi, and now he kinda felt bad for the young blonde. While they were sitting there and an enemy came out of no where. They ended up in a full out battle. Deidara and sasuke felt itachi's chakra rise. They exchanged a look, and they went to find itachi. They found them and saw itachi getting attacked and were pissed. They attacked to protect their love.

They killed them out of pure anger of their lover getting hurt

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They killed them out of pure anger of their lover getting hurt. Kisame was standing there shocked with itachi. The last ones they were expecting was those 2. Maybe one of them but not both. Them 2 together was a rare sight unless itachi was with them. "Are you ok?" Sasuke and deidara asked in unison.

"Uh yea we're fine." Itachi said in straight shock. Sasuke smiled until he started seeing black. 'Shit i used to much chakra.' He thought before he passed out. Itachi got scared and ran up to him. "Sasuke sasuke are you ok?" Itachi said panicked. kisame walked over and put his hand on itachi's shoulder.

"He's fine. He used to much chakra. Let's get him back to the base." Kisame said. Itachi relaxed hearing that.

"I'll take him." Deidara said picking him up. Kisame and itachi were confused. They were unaware that the 2 spent hours bonding, due to itachi being gone and sasuke being scared of him not being there. They got back and deidara placed sasuke in his bed. Deidara sat on the edge of the bed to keep an eye on him. Itachi went to his room and sat on his bed. Kisame came in after him.

"You gotta figure out your shit." Kisame said staring straight at itachi.

"Yeah I know." He said sounding exhausted.

"Get some sleep. Goodnight." Kisame said as he left the room. Itachi just laid in bed trying to sleep.

Deidara looked at the clock seeing how late it was. "Shit I should get some sleep." He said to himself. Deidara got up and placed a kiss on sasuke's forehead. "Please be ok." Deidara whispered to a sleeping sasuke. He left the room and headed to his room. Sasuke's eyes opened for a minute. A small smile spread across his lips, and a light pink blush Spread across his cheeks. Before his eyes closed again.

Hey guys I know its been a while. I'm sorry for that. But I'm here again. Remember I love hearing from you guys so don't be afraid to comment. Love you all. Goodbye my lovelies.❤

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