part 3. the perfect day?

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It was the next morning and itachi got out of bed and went to find sasuke. Sasuke wasn't in his room though. He couldn't find him anywhere. He found Kisame. "Hey have you seen sasuke?" Itachi asked him.

"No I haven't he's not in bed?" Kisame asked confused. He didn't think that he could get very far after yesterday.

"If he was in bed I wouldn't be asking." Itachi said plainly. Itachi was getting angry and worried. Sasori came around the corner as he heard everything. Itachi opened his mouth to ask but sasori just cut him off.

"Deidara." Is all he said itachi and kisame was confused. But itachi just decided to accept it.

"Where?" He asked feeling something rise in him. 'Hatred? No it can't be.' Itachi thought.

"I don't know where I just saw them together." Sasori said as he walked past them. Itachi was getting upset. He didn't know where his brother was. He only knew who his brother was with and that didn't make him feel any better. Itachi stood there for a moment and then looked at Kisame.

"I know I know find him I'm going." Kisame said. They both went to try to find sasuke.

Deidara was hoping from tree to tree with sasuke in his arms. "Is it necessary that you carry me?" Sasuke asked.

"You were the one that said you were in pain from yesterday. So I didn't want you to hurt yourself." Deidara answered.

"Where are we going anyway?" Sasuke asked with a little smile. A smile spread across deidara's lips.

"You'll see. You can't stay cooped up in the base all the time. So I'm taking you out for a while." Deidara said. Sasuke couldn't keep himself from smiling and laying his head on deidara's chest. Waiting to make it to where this man was taking him. 'God dam this asshole for making me smile. We're supposed to be rivals for itachi. This asshole.' Sasuke thought.

They finally reached where deidara was taking them. They were by a beautiful lake with a water fall hidden somewhere in the forest. Deidara set sasuke down on a blanket that had some lunch and snacks for them. Deidara took a seat next to him. "You like it?" Deidara asked as sasuke was staring in shock at the sight.

"Y-y-yea its beautiful." Sasuke said still amazed.

Itachi meet Kisame back at the base after searching. "You didn't find him?" Itachi said letting his anger leak through a little.

"How couldn't we find him. Due to yesterday he can't get far." Kisame said. Then itachi realized who was with him.

"Yes he could. He got deidara with him." Itachi stated a little irritated. Itachi was getting pissed at this point. 'Why does deidara have him?' Itachi asked himself. "If he hurts him. I'll kill him." Itachi whispered to himself. Even though he whispered Kisame still heard him. Kisame was worried for the young blonde.

Sasuke and deidara had finished lunch. Deidara was in the lake taking a swim. "Sasuke come join me." He told him. Sasuke shook his head no. "Come on please." Deidara said with a smile with his lip out. That caused sasuke to chuckle a little.

"Fine fine." Sasuke said as he got up. Sasuke removed everything but his boxers and got in. When he got in he realized the mouth on deidara's chest. "That looks like it hurts." Sasuke said lowly as he reached his hand to touch it. He pulled back.

"It doesn't hurt I don't remember if it did at first but it doesn't anymore. You can touch it if you want. You didn't have to pull away." Deidara said as he walked towards sasuke. Sasuke reached out and traced the mouth with his fingers. He was hypnotized by it. Deidara looked at him and smiled. He gently grabbed sasuke's hand pulling him out of his thoughts. Sasuke looked up catching deidara's eyes. Deidara pulled him in to a kiss. Sasuke felt like pulling away but he didn't want to. He let deidara deepen the kiss. Deidara slid his tongue along sasuke's bottom lip demanding entrance. Sasuke let him in. They fought for dominance for a minute but deidara won. They pulled away as a deep blush spread across sasuke's cheeks. They got out and relaxed on the blanket. It started getting late and deidara switched something on. A few trees had beautiful white lights wrapped around them. It instantly lit up the area. Sasuke was surprised at how much work went into this day.

Itachi had Kisame trying to calm him down. It wasn't working as well as Kisame had hopped. Kisame looked at the clock seeing it was now 8pm. He found it best to not let itachi know. That would have just made it worse. At some point itachi finally fell asleep on the couch while waiting for sasuke, due to Kisame playing with his hair. Deidara had carried sasuke back. Due to it being like 10pm sasuke fell asleep in his arms. Deidara walked into the living room seeing Kisame and itachi and he froze. Itachi was still asleep. Kisame waved silently for deidara to get out before he woke up. Deidara rushed to sasukes's room to put him to bed. He put him in bed and went to walk out. But then he felt something grab his hand. He turned around to see sasuke looking away. His face was noticeable red. "Don't leave me please." Sasuke said. Sasuke still wasn't 100% comfortable with sleeping there. It was still a little to new. Deidara smiled.

"Let me go change first." He said quietly. He sneaked out hoping itachi wasn't awake. He made it to his room and back without any incidents. Sasuke smiled when deidara actually came back. Deidara hopped in bed with sasuke and kissed his temple before spooning him.

Hey guys I know its been a while since I updated this book and I'm sorry. I still have my one shots I update to. Remember guys I love hearing from you guys. Love you all. Bye my lovelies.❤

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