part 5. something is wrong.

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It has been weeks since itachi flipped out. Sasuke refuses to speak to him. Sasuke also hasn't seen deidara since then. Sasuke leaves everyday just to stay away from itachi. Everyday he stays out until late, sitting at the water fall. Today was no different at first but he ended up going back to the base earlier than usual. He got back at 3pm even though he knew itachi was probably around. As he thought he ended up running into itachi. "Hey sasuke haven't seen you in a while. Wanna hang out?" Itachi asked sounding happy. Sasuke ignored him walking right past him. He didn't even change his look to show he even heard him. To be honest at this point he probably didn't hear him. Sasuke became good at blocking out the voices of people he didn't want to hear. He went straight to sasori.

"As he been out his room?" He asked.

"No." sasori told him looking sad. Sasuke thought for a moment.

"Ok no I'm not doing this anymore. I'm going in there. Something is wrong." Sasuke said aggravated. Sasori's eyes widened. He didn't know how this was gonna go. He followed the young uchiha to deidara's room. Sasuke tried opening the door but it was locked. He started pounding on the door. "Dei open the fucking door." He yelled. He was getting angry. There was no response, but he knew the blonde was in there because of the locked door. "You have until I get to zero." He said through the door. "5........4........3.......2........1......0. THATS IT." Sasuke yelled. Then he kicked in the door. Sasori looked surprised.

"Didn't think of that." Sasori said nonchalantly. Sasuke rolled his eyes before he entered the room. It was dark. He turned on the light and the sight broke his heart.

Deidara was thinner then he remembered

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Deidara was thinner then he remembered. He could tell he wasn't eating. Sasuke was really upset now. "When's the last time he ate?" He asked sasori slightly irritated. He knew sasori didn't control deidara but he trusted sasori to watch over him.

"I don't know to be honest." Sasori said. Sasori knew he was leaving food at deidara's door. He looked over at his desk and saw a stack of old food. "And that's why." Sasori said pointing at the desk. Sasuke now understood. Sasori was doing his best and deidara was making it look like he was fine. Sasuke took a seat on the edge of the bed. He leaned down and looked at deidara's face. "Dei?" He said while moving some stands of blonde hair out of his face.

"S- sasuke? Is that you?" Deidara said weakly. "I- I don't want these dreams anymore. Please. Your torturing me at this point." Deidara said. He was out of breath by this point. So he just went back to sleep. He was in bad shape. Sasuke's heart was breaking. He stood up.

"Where is itachi?" Sasuke asked angrily.

"He went out." Sasori said plainly.

"You stay with him and make sure he's ok." Sasuke said as he went to find itachi. Sasuke was looking for what felt like hours. When he finally found itachi. Itachi didn't see sasuke until he got punched in the face. Sasuke was seeing red at this point. He was on top of itachi punching him. Itachi would not hit sasuke back. He knew what sasuke was upset about. Sasuke had been bottling up his emotions about what itachi did for all these weeks. He knew that sasuke knew exactly what he did thanks to sasori.

Sasuke's hits started to slow down until he stopped. He was out of breath. He got off of itachi trying to catch his breath. "Do you feel better?" Itachi asked flatly. Sasuke stared at itachi angrily still trying to catch his breath.

"Fix ............ It. Go........... Apologize........ Now" Sasuke said out of breath pointing towards the base. Itachi knew exactly what he was talking about. He looked down at the ground. He felt the need to listen to his brother. Because he knew he was wrong. They got back to the base and when itachi saw deidara it actually hurt him. He didn't think this would happen from him being angry. Of course itachi couldn't realize when someone had feelings for him. Itachi was a genius but couldn't figure out simple things like feelings. He looked to sasori and sasuke.

"What's wrong with him." Itachi asked. Something inside sasori snapped when he heard that.

"What the fuck do you mean what's wrong with him? You did this. He doesn't even think the people that he seen today is real. He's so out of it and has been avoiding everyone that he thinks we have all been dreams. He's sick and you did it." Itachi hurt but he rolled his eyes. He realized that deidara listen to him no matter what. He was always more dominant. And he was able to tell the blonde would submit to him.

"Deidara get up." Itachi said in an authoritative voice. It was like on instinct that deidara bolted upright. Eyes still mostly closed. Itachi leaned down. "Look at me." He said in the same voice. Deidara looked up at the man.

 Deidara looked up at the man

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"Stop your shit. You got everyone worried. Now go eat something." Itachi said. Deidara looked around seeing everyone looking concerned. He didn't think anyone would care especially not itachi. "And one more thing I will be watching over you until your better. So be prepared to spend a lot of time together." Itachi said before he stepped aside for deidara to get up. When deidara heard itachi say that he was actually excited. He got out the bed and went to the kitchen. Itachi started to follow. "See problem solved." He said with a shrug and walked off.

"Well I'm glad he's going to get better." Sasori said with a slight smile. He looked at sasuke that was angry. "Hey what's wrong? This is good." He said. The young uchiha gritted his teeth. He knew what his brother did.

"He was supposed to apologize. Instead he went everyway to avoid apologizing to get him out of bed." Sasuke said.

"Hm now that you mention it. He didn't say sorry. Dam" Sasori said thinking.

"I'm gonna kill him." Sasuke said leaving the room. Sasori followed taking the trays out of deidara's room.

Hey everyone I'm here again lol. Hope you enjoyed. Remember I love hearing from you guys like always. I love you all. Bye my lovelies❤

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