part 4. stay away

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When itachi got up he was angry. His brother better be in bed or someone is dying. He got to sasuke's room, sasuke was already getting something to eat though. So when itachi got there he was pissed. He didn't find his brother but he found a sleeping deidara. He don't know why but anger started to just flow through his whole body. He yanked deidara out of the bed. Deidara woke up confused. "Itachi? What the?" Deidara said before he looked into itachi's eyes. Itachi had his sharingan activated. Deidara saw that he was angry. He was scared and hurt. Itachi was holding deidara up by his collar.

"Where... Is.... My..... Brother?" Itachi asked with anger.

"I- I- I don't know. He was in here last night." Deidara said scared. Itachi got angrier hearing deidara was in bed with his baby brother. Itachi dropped deidara.

"Get out of here and Stay away from him or I'll kill you." Itachi said with anger. Deidara scrambled his way out of the room. Sasuke walked into the living room seeing Kisame.

"Hey where's itachi?" He asked. Kisame looked at him worried.

"He hasn't seen you yet?" Kisame said alarmed. Sasuke just shook his head. "Where's deidara?" He asked. Sasuke's eyes widened. He now understood.

"I left him in my room!" Sasuke said. Both of them ran to his room. When they entered all they saw was itachi. "Itachi where's deidara?" Sasuke asked cautiously. Itachi just turned around and put a smile on.

"No need to worry about that. Don't run off on me like that again ok? You had me worried. Let's go get something to eat." Itachi said as he guided a shocked sasuke out the base to eat out. Kisame went to deidara's room to see if he was there. He knocked on the door.

"Go away." Was all deidara said. Kisame could hear the sadness in his voice. Kisame tried to enter but it was locked.

"Come on deidara open the door." Kisame said. Hearing that it was only Kisame he unlocked it. Kisame came in and saw him laying snuggled up in sasori's lap. Sasori looked sad for the young blonde. He was petting his hair while he was crying. "What happened?" Kisame asked.

"I fell for the stupid uchiha and itachi said I can't be around him. And now itachi is mad at me. I fell for them both and now I can't have either of them as long as he's angry." Deidara said. When he was done speaking his crying got worse. Kisame felt sad for the blonde. He went to walk up to him but sasori shook his head. Deidara was not in a good space right now. Kisame just sighed.

"I'm sorry deidara. I hope it gets better I'm gonna leave you be." Kisame said.

"If you want to help can you bring him some food? He hasn't eaten yet." Sasori said. Kisame nodded.

"Anything specific you want?" Kisame tried asking deidara. But he didn't answer so sasori did.

"Some cereal will be fine. His favorite is lucky charms." Sasori told him. He nodded and went off to get some. Kisame felt bad for the young blonde. There was no telling when this would get better. Or if it could even get better. When Kisame brought the cereal back sasori tried getting deidara to eat. He didn't want to though. Kisame thought it was best to leave this to sasori so he left. About an hour later sasori came to talk to Kisame.

"Hey how's he doing?" Kisame asked.

"Not good. What the fuck was itachi thinking? Does he know how the boy feels?" Sasori said angrily. Kisame just shook his head. Sasori was so upset seeing deidara like that.

Itachi had took sasuke to some restaurant in the nearest village. "So how you been sasuke?" Itachi asked. Sasuke just poked at his food looking down.

"Fine I guess." Sasuke said. Itachi frowned.

"What's wrong sasuke?" Itachi asked.

"What did you do to deidara?" Sasuke asked.


"You heard me. What did you do him?" Sasuke was getting angry.

"I didn't go anything to him. I just told him to get out of your room."

"Bull shit." Sasuke finally exploded.

"Look you think you know me but you really don't." Itachi said.

"I know you better than you think." Sasuke said before leaving.

"Wait." Itachi said but sasuke was already gone. He had to get away from his brother and fast. He never wanted to hit his brother as badly as he did at that moment. Sasuke just kept running. He stopped when he realized he somehow made his way to the water fall from yesterday. The lights where still wrapped around the trees. He turned them on and stood there for a minute. He took a seat on one of the rocks by the water and and just looked at the water fall. It was relaxing there. It made all his anger disappear.

Itachi was running around trying to find sasuke. He couldn't find him anywhere. He went back to the base and looked but he couldn't find him. He found sasori and kisame. "Have you guys seen sasuke?" He said. They shook their heads.

"How do you keep losing a whole human?" Kisame asked.

"Because he keeps running off. Maybe deidara knows I'm gonna ask." Itachi said.

"NO you stay away from him." Sasori yelled.

"No I need to find him." itching said. Before he could move though there was something around his neck. Sasori had wrapped one of his medal pieces of his body around itachi's neck.

"I said stay away from him." Sasori said with anger in his voice.

"Ok ok let him go. And you don't go to deidara's room." Kisame said. He had to defuse this before something happened. Sasori released itachi. They all sat at the dining room table talking. "We know he always comes back. So we just gotta wait it out." Kisame said. 10pm rolled around and sasuke decided to head back to the base. When he got there he heard itachi in the dining room so he was sure to sneak back to his room. He sat on his bed in a ball. The bed felt so empty and he felt like something was missing. He couldn't go to deidara knowing that itachi did something. And he wasn't gonna go to itachi as he was pissed at him. He heard a knock at his door. He opened it and sasori was there.

"May I come in?" He asked. Sasuke stepped aside and let him in. "I sensed you come back. Your brother is sometimes to stupid to realize though." He said with a little chuckle. It caused sasuke to let out a little chuckle too. "There we go there's that smile." He said to sasuke. "Can't sleep?" He asked. Sasuke shook his head. "Haven't slept alone yet huh? Still to new for you?" Sasuke nodded. "I can stay with you until you fall asleep if you'd like." Sasori said.

"Really?" Sasuke asked. Sasori giggled and nodded his head. He sat on sasuke's bed and rested sasuke's head on his lap. He started to pet his hair to sooth him. "Can you lock the door when you leave? I don't want anyone coming in." Sasuke said.

"Of course now rest sweetie." Sasori said. Once sasuke fell asleep. Sasori carefully moved and locked the door on his way out. "Goodnight." He whispered as he left.

Hey guys again sorry for the long wait but I been busy and I also been updating my one shots so go check them out if you want more. I love you all. And remember I love hearing from you guys. Goodbye my lovelies❤

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