part 9. f*ck up

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"What now?" Itachi asked.

"Why can't you see when people love you?" Sasuke practically screamed at him. Itachi was in shock at sasuke's out burst but it should be expected. He knew how deep both boys feelings ran. And he feels like an idiot for trying to ignore his knowledge. He feels like he's been trying to find ways around it instead of going right in and accepting it.

"Your tired sasuke. Get some rest." Itachi said. He didn't know how else to deal with this right now.

"Don't talk to me like I'm some fucking child ok. Don't act like im just tired or some shit. You bastard." Sasuke was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. Deidara had woke up as he heard everything. He went to go to the room as he continued to hear sasuke yell. "Fuck you itachi. Me and deidara both fucking love you. You fucking idiot." Sasuke yelled. Deidara stopped in his tracks. 'He didn't' deidara thought scared. 'Fuck' sasuke thought.

"I already knew." Itachi yelled. He got upset that his brother didn't think he knew. But he never said he knew before now so it was expected. Sasuke was in a state of shock. So was deidara on the other side of the door.

"You fucking knew?" Sasuke's anger was at its peak now. He ended up hitting his brother, before he stormed out not noticing deidara on the other side of the door when he left. Itachi looked at the door to see deidara standing there looking back at him. 'Fuck' itachi thought. Deidara looked like he wanted to cry. Sasuke was sitting on his bed curled up in a ball. He just started crying and he couldn't stop. "Who does he think he is?" Sasuke said to himself in between sobs. Sasori wanted to comfort sasuke that he knew was probably in pain, but he was comforting deidara that was crying.

"He knew this whole time and he did nothing. How could he?" Deidara managed to say in between sobs.

"Sweetie I'm gonna be right back ok? Not even 5 minutes." Sasori said. Deidara nodded his head will wiping some tears away. Sasori called Kisame over. "I need you to find someone to check on sasuke and you check on itachi. I'm taking care of deidara." Kisame nodded before sasori went back to deidara. Kisame thought for a moment. He thought in sasuke's issue a women might be best so he went to find konan.

Sasuke heard a knock at his door. "What?" He said loudly with his face buried into his arms. Konan came in and asked what was happening. Sasuke was suspicious about her concern at first, but then he just told her what was happening.

"Do you know how long he knew?" She asked him. His head was in her lap at this point while he still cried. He shook his head. He didn't know it just pissed him off. He heard another knock. "Come in" konan said. kisame stepped in.

"Itachi wanted me to give you this so you knew how much you mean to him. He kept these for years. And he hopped he would be able to add in the future." He handed sasuke a big leather book and left. Sasuke sat up to look at it and was shocked when he saw a bunch of pictures.

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There's 2 of Them? (deidara x itachi x sasuke)Where stories live. Discover now