part 10. forgive me

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"IMA let you guys talk. See you later." Kisame said as he left. Sasuke's grip tightened on deidara's hand. Deidara gave him a reassuring smile. They walked up to Itachi and sat on the bed. Sasuke went to talk but Itachi stopped him.

"Before you guys speak I wanna say.... I'm sorry. I'm an idiot and I'm just sorry. I care about both of you. I don't know much about love so I can't say if I love you. But I do know you guys mean the world to me. And seeing you guys the way I did today. It broke me into pieces to see that I hurt you guys like that." Itachi stopped and looked down at the bed. Sasuke and Deidara looked at each other and smiled. They both got next to Itachi as Deidara kissed his left cheek and Sasuke kissed his right. He looked up shocked at the boys. When he looked at Sasuke he had a wicked smirk on his face. It confused itachi for a moment. Both boys grabbed one arm and pinned him to the bed. "What the? What are you guys doing?" Itachi said confused.

"Don't you wanna make this better? This is the quickest way. Or if you don't want this we can just leave." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"I- I- I don't know about this." Itachi stuttered out.

"Ok then." Sasuke said as he let go. And got off the bed. "Come on dei." He said with his hand reaching out for Deidara to take it. Deidara took it and got up as they started to walk away.

'Fuck fuck fuck' Itachi started thinking. "Wait!" He said. They both stopped as a smirk spread across Sasuke's lips. He knew what he was doing. He turned to Itachi.

"Yes?" He asked amused

"Don't leave please." Itachi said. Sasuke heard the pleading in his voice. It sounded desperate. Sasuke looked down to see Itachi was covering a slight boner. 'It turned him on.' Sasuke thought to himself. Sasuke and Deidara went back to the bed. Sasuke cupped Itachi's cheek and kissed him. He kept deepening the kiss. He slipped his tongue into Itachi's mouth. Deidara went behind Itachi and started kissing and sucking his neck. He was leaving hickies and red marks everywhere. He wanted everyone to know Itachi was taken. The sucking and kissing on his neck made Itachi moan into Sasuke's mouth. Itachi could feel the smirk. 'smug little bastard.' Itachi thought to himself. Deidara wanted to reach more of Itachi so he started to remove his clothes. Sasuke realized and started to help. Sasuke removed his clothes and told Deidara to do the same. Deidara was to focused on Itachi so Sasuke went over and undressed him. Deidara took this chance to catch a kiss from Itachi. So Sasuke decided to focus on Deidara. who was already hard. Deidara knew what he wanted and he finally was able to get it. Sasuke decided to go down and lick his member. He heard a gasp escape his lips into Itachi's mouth. Sasuke smirked before he put his whole mouth over it and went down as far as he could. The sudden change made Deidara break the kiss and moan out. Itachi went over and started to play and lick Deidara's nipples. Itachi grabbed his lube and slicked up his fingers. He slipped one into Deidara and it went in easier than he expected. Then he realized Sasuke probably already had him. He was able to get two fingers in pretty easily. The third finger was a little harder though. once he got the third finger in he started scissoring his fingers. Itachi felt that he was prepared enough. Itachi slicked up his member and placed Deidara on his lap slowly. Deidara let out a loud moan. Sasuke moved from Deidara's member and stood up. Sasuke wanted to see what Deidara's mouth could do. He put his member into Deidara's mouth. Sasuke felt something licking up his leg. He looked down and saw it was Deidara's hand. He had realized Deidara only used the mouths on his hand if he was excited or fighting. Itachi started to feel something licking his neck he looked and realized Deidara put his hand on Itachi's neck. Deidara was a moaning mess, his moans being muffled by Sasuke's dick in his mouth. Itachi reached around and started to stroke Deidara causing more moans to pour out. Deidara ended up releasing everywhere his loud moaning was able to be heard as Sasuke removed his dick so he could hear him.

"itachi get up." sasuke said. Itachi got up and Sasuke pushed him down onto all fours. Sasuke slicked up his fingers and put one in Itachi. He realized Itachi was super tight. While he was working his fingers in slowly Deidara got up and went over to Itachi's mouth. He grabbed Itachi's head and shoved his dick in his mouth. Sasuke was finally able to get three fingers in and started to scissor his fingers. When he felt Itachi was ready he slicked up his member and slowly started to push into Itachi. Once he was all the way in he paused so Itachi could adjust. He started moving slowly at first trying not to hurt his brother. Itachi was getting impatient. He removed his mouth from Deidara's dick.

"Sasuke please faster, harder, i need you." Itachi pleaded with Sasuke. Sasuke smirked before he started to pound into Itachi. Sasuke grabbed Itachi's hair and used it to pull itachi back harder. Deidara put his member back in Itachi's mouth muffling his cries of pleasure. Sasuke gestured for Deidara to lean forward. He did so and Sasuke caught his lips in a heated kiss. Deidara put his hand on Sasuke's nipples for his mouth to suck and lick them. Sasuke started to search for Itachi's prostate. He knew he found it when Itachi clenched up with a loud muffled moan. Sasuke was starting to abuse Itachi's sweet spot.

"fuck brother I'm gonna cum." Sasuke said. Itachi didn't know why but hearing Sasuke call him that made him cum all over the bed. The clenching made Sasuke follow soon after. sasuke was slowly riding out their orgasms, as Deidara exploded. Deidara moved back so he exploded all over Itachi's face. Deidara leaned over and grabbed Itachi's chin to make him look him in the eyes.

" I told you art was an explosion. Right now you're looking like a really beautiful piece of art. Made from me exploding." Deidara said with a chuckle. Before he placed a kiss on Itachi's lips. Sasuke got up and got some raged for everyone to clean up. They removed the sheet and put a clean one on. Itachi lay down and Sasuke and Deidara lay on both sides of him and rested their heads on Itachi's chest. He looked down at the two boys.

"So do you boys forgive me?" Itachi asked. Deidara and Sasuke looked at each other and then looked up at Itachi.

"yes, we forgive you." They both said in unison. Itachi chuckled and kissed the boy's heads.

"Goodnight boys," Itachi said. He heard both boys whisper good nights as they drifted to sleep. Itachi smiled and went to sleep himself.

Hey guys I'm back. This was a long one. Here u are lol. Remember I love hearing from you guys. I love you all. Goodbye my lovelies❤

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