part 6. helping him.

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Its been a few weeks now and sasuke has noticed that deidara was doing better. Sasuke went to talk to him. He walked in to his room and itachi was already there making sure he was eating breakfast. "Get out." Is all sasuke said to itachi.

"Why?" He asked sasuke didn't answer. "Are u really still mad at me? Even after everything I did to make it better." Itachi said angry. Sasuke still didn't respond. Itachi just stood while rolling his eyes and left. Sasuke shut the door behind him. He sat on the edge of deidara's bed and pushed some of his blonde hair behind his ear.

"Hey how are u doing?" He asked sweetly. Deidara looked at him and smiled.

" doing fine itachi has been helping a lot. You should give him a break. He's trying he really is. But he can't make things better if you don't give him a chance to." Deidara said. Sasuke knew he was right, but something still boiled inside him. "And he did apologize for what he did." Deidara added. And there it was. Everything stopped and the anger subsided.

"He did?" Sasuke asked with a confused expression. Deidara just smiled and nodded. Sasuke's expression softened. He didn't realize how much itachi was really trying. He put his head down. "Well now I feel like a dick." Sasuke said.

"Thaaat's because you are. But we still love ya. Now go talk to him." Deidara said with a smile. Sasuke nodded and exited the room. Once the door shut deidara's smile dropped. He kept thinking about both the brothers. 'Why? Why do I do this to myself?' Deidara thought to himself. Sasuke went to find itachi. When he found him he couldn't look his brother in the eye. He knew he was wrong for assuming that itachi wasn't trying hard enough.

"Hey I just wanna say thank you for actually trying to help dei. And..... and I'm sorry" Sasuke said to him. Itachi smiled and grabbed his chin to look at him. When he did that sasuke froze as his heart started racing. Itachi chuckled.

"Its ok baby brother. And your welcome." He said with a warm smile. He kissed sasuke on the forehead, before pushing his forehead with his 2 fingers like he normally does. He walked away back to deidara's room smiling. When he got back to deidara's room. He found deidara laying on sasori's lap. "What happened. Is he depressed again?" Itachi asked concerned.

"Its nothing we're just talking can you give us a minute." Sasori said. After sasuke had left the room sasori went and checked on deidara. Which was a good idea. "Go on what were you saying?" Sasori said to deidara when itachi left.

"I feel like I keep putting myself through hell. I keep pushing the 2 men I love towards each other and away from me. When I realized I felt for itachi I was to much of a coward to say anything. Then his brother came along and being around him I realized that I have competition. Then being forced to spend time with sasuke when itachi just up and disappeared, made me ending up falling for another dam uchiha. Which makes no sense. We're both fighting for the same man. Even though they are brother's, he feels for itching too. But falling for that one made the other one hate me when he found me in his bed. But all I was trying to do was help sasuke because he was still unable to fall asleep here alone because of being in a new place." Deidara said as tears started to flow.

"Yea I understand that. I had sasuke fall asleep on my lap for the same reason. I left after he fell asleep, but it was because the same reason." Sasori told him.

"I just don't know what I can even do anymore." Deidara said.

"Well that's something you gotta figure out sweetie. Come now, dry those tears." Sasori said as he wiped deidara's face. "Now where's that smile." Sasori said forcing a smile from deidara. "There it is. Now I'm gonna go and tell itachi he can come back. Is that ok?" Hearing this itachi jumped to the other side of the hall. He had been listening in on everything and didn't know what to do or say. He was in complete shock. Sasori came out the room. "You can go back in now." He said as he walked away. Itachi gathered himself before walking back in the room. The rest of the day was filled with mainly silence as itachi's mind was still trying to process everything.

Itachi was laying in bed when he heard a knock and his door creep open. Sasuke poked his head in. "Hey big brother. I kinda miss having someone with me in bed. You think I could sleep in your bed tonight?" Sasuke said. Itachi just smiled and nodded. He scooched over so sasuke could climb under the covers. Itachi was still laying on his back staring at the ceiling. Sasuke looked up too. "What's so interesting up there?" He giggled. Itachi felt a warmth in his heart hearing his sweet giggle.

"Nothing." Itachi said before he quickly turned to sasuke and captured his lips. Sasuke froze he didn't know what to do. He didn't think this was something that would ever happen. 'Am am i asleep?' He silently asked himself. Figuring he was just asleep and there was nothing to be ashamed of he just melted into the kiss. Itachi felt sasuke relax and he smirked. Itachi's soft lips fitting perfectly with his felt like heaven. Sasuke kept deepening the kiss. When itachi didn't push away after that he really just didn't care. 'I know im definitely dreaming.' He thought to himself. Itachi's tongue demanded entrance. Sasuke let him in. They fought for dominance for a moment, before itachi won. Sasuke didn't care at this point though. They were exploring each others mouths before itachi pulled away. "We really should get some sleep." Itachi said out of breath trying to stop his erection from getting any worse. It was to late for sasuke though. He was already hard as could be. Sasuke whined at itachi's words. "I know I know but we need sleep ok." Itachi said before he pecked sasuke on his lips one more time. "Sleep ok." He said as he pulled sasuke to snuggle with him. He tried calming himself down so he could go to bed to. When he finally got himself to relax he was able to fall asleep with sasuke.

Hey guys this was supposed to be finished yesterday and I'm so sorry that it wasn't but I feel asleep I was so tired 😫 and people were wondering. Yes I did intentionally make sasori a mother type of figure. I just feel like at the base he would have more of that feeling. But no I didn't intentionally make Kisame a father type of like wait what's happening (while giving no help😂) and stop ur shit. 😂 it just came out that way while writing. But please remember guys I love hearing from you guys. I love you all. Goodbye my lovelies❤

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