part 8. the plan

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Sasuke woke up and looked down to see deidara. He smiled to himself. He didn't understand how this one blonde could make him smile so much. While he was lost in thought deidara had woke up and looked at sasuke. "Good morning." Deidara said softly with a smile.

"Good morning to you to." Sasuke said before he leaned over and kissed him.

"You look like something is on your mind." Deidara said. Due to all the time they been spending together, Deidara had become pretty good at reading sasuke.

"I was just thinking how did we end up in this situation. Like we hated each other due to us both loving itachi. But now we're like this its just weird. I never knew it was possible to love two people at the same time." Sasuke said. Deidara was trying to think how to even react to that.

"We can make this work for us though." Deidara said catching sasuke's attention. "We both love him and each other. We work as a team to get him." Deidara said. Sasuke started to think.

"That might not be a bad idea. But what do you suggest we do?" Sasuke said.

"You have been doing fine. The little whiny baby brother act has been working for you." Deidara said as sasuke started rubbing the back of his neck.

"You noticed that huh?" Sasuke said slightly embarrassed.

"Everyone noticed that." Deidara said flatly. "But the problem for me since before you even came here. I don't know what my plan could be." Deidara said.

"Seduction." Sasuke said. Deidara looked at him confused. "Look you can be pretty clingy. And you have the body that if dressed right could make someone want you instantly. Clingy plus attraction normally leads to bed. Now if you prefer feelings before bed. Then I've got nothing." Sasuke said.

"Do you even listen when you talk? I suggest you keep up the good innocent brother act. And you suggest bed." Deidara said. Sasuke just shrugged. "And of course you don't see a problem." Deidara said. Sasuke couldn't figure out where it went wrong. Sasuke figured fuck it and went to kiss deidara. He lifted deidara on to his lap. As they were kissing sasuke managed to get deidara's shirt off. And deidara was able to do the same to sasuke. Suddenly the door opened.

"Hey sasuk-" Itachi said before he stopped in his tracks shocked at the sight before him, a shirtless deidara was sitting on a shirtless sasuke in the middle of a heated kiss when he walked in.

"Dam don't you ever knock itachi?" Sasuke said annoyed. Deidara and itachi was still in shock. Sasuke was the only one that seemed to not be fazed by it. "Can you leave so we can get decent?" Sasuke said. Itachi exited without another word. "Dei look at me are you ok?" Sasuke said placing his hand on deidara's cheek. It snapped deidara out of his shocked state.

"Uh yea yea I'm good. Just got a little scared for a moment." Deidara said with a nervous chuckle. Sasuke pulled him into a hug, before kissing him.

"Come on let's get dressed." Sasuke said.

"I gotta go get some clothes from my room." Deidara said.

"Here just borrow something of mine." Sasuke said while handing deidara some clothes.

"This doesn't really look like my style but ok." Deidara said as he got dressed.

"This ain't half bad

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"This ain't half bad. I like your style." Deidara said.

"Well thank you." Sasuke said with a chuckle. Sasuke got changed into a similar outfit.

"You certainly look better with this style then I do

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"You certainly look better with this style then I do." Deidara said with a chuckle. They opened the door to a pretty upset itachi that was waiting for sasuke.

"What do you need itachi." He sounded more annoyed then attended.

"Well I was originally here to see if you knew where deidara was. Obviously you did." Itachi said looking away.

"Me? What were you looking for me for?" Deidara asked confused.

"Well I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out you know without me needing to watch over you." Itachi said nervously. Deidara was confused. Sasuke decided to step in at this point.

"That's great well now you two go have fun now. Bye see ya later." Sasuke said as he pushed deidara to itachi then walked off. 'He's gonna blow this isn't he?' Sasuke asked himself. He knew the blonde wasn't good with the whole date thing. Sasuke was pretty sure that he was only able to with sasuke because sasuke was younger then him. And he felt like he needed to take the lead. But when it came to itachi deidara became all flustered. It didn't go unnoticed that when it came to older guys deidara thought was cute he became an idiot. 'Keep your cool. Pleeeeaaaasssseee.' Sasuke silently pleaded to the blonde. Itachi decided to take deidara to a cute little restaurant in the closes town. It was a small town so no one should notice them.

"Itachi why did you bring me here?" Deidara asked.

"Because I know something I shouldn't." Itachi said lowly. Deidara looked confused. "Because I wanted to take you some place nice and get to know you more." Itachi said. Deidara was suspicious but allowed it. When they finished eating deidara wanted to watch the clouds outside the base. By the time it got late deidara had already fallen asleep. Itachi picked him up and took him inside. He bumped into sasuke. "Should I put him in your room or his?" Itachi asked lowly trying not to wake the blonde.

"Just put him in his." Sasuke said. "I wanted to see if I could spend the night with you anyway." Sasuke said. Itachi nodded before putting deidara to bed. Itachi and sasuke were laying in itachi's bed. Sasuke couldn't hold his tongue anymore. "Why are you so blind?" Sasuke said. Itachi sighed as he knew what is younger brother was talking about. He rolled over looking at sasuke.

"What now?" Itachi asked.

"Why can't you see when people love you?"

........... To be continued

Well I'm back. I'm sooooooo sorry guys this was supposed to be out yesterday but by the time I was done with everything I needed to do I was in so much pain and so tired 😫 don't hate me I'm only one person I try. But do enjoy guys. And do remember I love hearing from you guys. I love you all. Goodbye my lovelies ❤

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