part 7. was it a dream?

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Sasuke woke up in itachi's bed. He was confused. He don't remember getting into bed with itachi. He started thinking back to last night. 'I had a dream where I got in his bed. But that was just a dream right?' Sasuke started thinking to himself. He got out of the bed quietly and went to his room. He locked the door and sat on his bed. He just kept trying to figure out if it was a dream or not. He decided to take a shower just sitting there. "It was a dream right? It had to be. That would never happen. Why would he feel for me? I'm his brother. He wouldn't feel anything more.... Right?" Sasuke said to himself. He didn't know if he wanted to cry from not knowing. Or if he wanted to be happy from the possibility of it being real. When sasuke got out the shower and dressed he went to get something to eat. He saw deidara. "Hey have you seen itachi." Sasuke whispered to deidara. He just wanted to avoid itachi right now.

"Um no...... Why?" Deidara asked confused.

"Oh nothing." He slightly chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. 'Oh don't tell me he's avoiding him again.' Deidara thought to himself. "Wanna hang out anywhere but here?" Sasuke asked as he started eating his cereal.

"Uh yea sure. Just let me tell sasori so no one gets worried." Deidara said.

"Cool I'll go get ready." Sasuke said as he left with his cereal. 'There's something wrong.' Deidara thought. He went and found sasori.

"Hey I'm going out today with sasuke. But something is bothering me. He's acting like he's avoiding itachi again. Do you know what's going on?" Deidara asked.

"No yesterday they were fine. I don't know any reason he would be upset." Sasori said. "I think I'll talk to itachi and see what's up." He continued. Deidara nodded and walked off.

Sasuke had finished getting ready and deidara was already at his bedroom door when he walked out. "Hey you ready?" Deidara asked and sasuke nodded. "So where do you wanna go?" Deidara asked.

"Wanna go were I always go to relax. For when I have no plans and I go out without thinking?" Sasuke asked with a small laugh.

"Yea sure." Deidara said. Sasuke led deidara to the water fall from their date. Deidara saw where they were and his heart warmed up. Sasuke went over to a tiny little hole in the rock wall and moved a loose rock.

"Want something to snack on?" Sasuke asked. Deidara looked into the hole and saw sasuke had a blanket and bin full of snacks. Deidara looked at him in surprise.

"You really spend that much time here?" Deidara asked. Sasuke laughed.

"Yea I just filled my snack supply. So its not likely you would want something I don't have." Sasuke said as he let deidara pick whatever he wanted. Sasuke laid down the blanket for them to sit on. There was still something bugging him so he asked sasuke.

"Why does it seem like your trying to avoid itachi?" He asked. Sasuke was shocked at his sudden question. Sasuke decided to tell him what happened last night. Deidara started feeling bad for the young uchiha. "Maybe I can make you forget about last night." Deidara said slightly seductive. Sasuke's face started to turn red. Deidara leaned over him and connected their lips. Sasuke was shocked but relaxed into the kiss. Deidara pressed his tongue against sasuke's lips and he opened his mouth. They sat exploring each others mouths for a moment. Sasuke started getting hard causing him to start undressing deidara. Deidara didn't care. He just decided to undress sasuke as well. Sasuke was sitting up now so deidara straddled his lap with their lips still connected. Sasuke normally had lube in one of his weapon pouches. He felt it was safe to always have it handy. So he grabbed it. He broke the kiss for a moment.

"Are you a top or bottom?" Sasuke asked softly. Deidara bite his lip. He didn't think he would have to say this to sasuke.

"Uh uh I don't know. This this is my uh my first time." Deidara stuttered out. Sasuke was caught off guard. But he just smiled slightly and pulled deidara close.

"Its ok I've got you." He whispered into deidara's ear causing a shiver to run down his spine. Sasuke reconnected their lips. Sasuke slicked up his fingers and slipped his hand in between them to slid one into deidara. Deidara gasped at first but then relaxed into it while kissing sasuke. Sasuke slipped in another finger causing another gasp to come out. Deidara started moaning into the kiss. Sasuke started scissoring his fingers causing more moans to pour out of deidara's mouth. Sasuke felt he was ready so he slicked up his length. He then lifted deidara up and started placing him in his length. He had deidara lower himself down slowly to adjust so he didn't hurt himself. Once he was fully in deidara he gave him a minute before he started moving deidara up and down on his member. Deidara started to moan slightly. Until sasuke started to speed up slightly. Deidara's moans started to get louder. Deidara couldn't take it anymore.

"Faster please sasuke faster, harder, deeper please." Deidara said with desperation in his voice. Sasuke smirked and placed deidara onto his hands and knees. He started to thrust into deidara hard and fast. He searched for deidara's prostate. It was confirmed he found it when deidara slightly clenched and his moans got louder. He started to abuse his prostate causing deidara to release all over the blanket. Sasuke followed soon after. He slowed riding out their orgasms before he pulled out. He sat back down on the blanket against the tree out of breath. Deidara smiled and came over and snuggling against sasuke. Sasuke smiled and held him.

"We should probably take a dip in the water before he put our clothes back on." Sasuke said with a slight chuckle. They took a dip in the lake and got out the dry in the sun. They got dressed and sasuke made sure he took the blanket back so he could wash it. They headed back to the base holding hands. They stopped outside and deidara looked at sasuke.

"Are you still trying to avoid itachi?" Deidara asked.

"Eh I don't know. I can always just ignore him. I'll figure it out along the way." Sasuke said. Deidara smiled before placing a kiss on sasuke's lips. Sasuke smiled as they walked into the base. Deidara was holding his hand while holding onto sasuke's arm with his other arm. Snuggled into sasuke's side. They were walking through the base to his room while talking and laughing about nonsense. Itachi spotted them and was confused. Itachi looked to sasori and kisame that were confused as well especially with the fact that itachi told them about last night. Deidara and sasuke saw them but ignored their looks. They got to sasuke's room and sasuke asked if he was gonna stay in the room with him. Deidara went to his room to change. He came back to the room and got into the bed and laid on sasuke's chest. He snuggled into sasuke and sasuke smiled as he lifted deidara's chin to give him a kiss before they went to bed. "I love you sasuke." Sasuke heard deidara whisper.

Sasuke leaned down to deidara's ear and whispered. "I love you to dei." Deidara was shocked. He didn't think sasuke heard him but not only that. It was the first time sasuke used the nickname in front of deidara. He looked up at sasuke that was already drifting to sleep so he just laid down to sleep too.

Hey guys I know this chapter is a little long but I had a lot I wanted to put down. Please enjoy. And remember I love hearing from you guys. Don't be afraid to comment. I love you all. Goodbye my lovelies❤

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