Peace and War

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 As I sit out in the heat of May, I enjoy the cool breeze. I watch the cars go by at high speeds by my school. I sigh enjoying the outside world for once in my life the trees blowing in the wind shaking side to side with a silent rustle.I listen to the children play all their little games. As I sit here listening to the teachers disciplining their students to keep working. I look up at the tree that lay behind me. I think the world is at peace as this tree stands, but once it falls the end of peace, the start of war. The death of thousands of innocents and guilty, as the bombs, drop on towns, villages and cities. Guns blearing, tearing bodies apart with great force. The wars wage on for decades ending up in victory on one end and on the other devastation and despair. Peace starts once again for a few years but who likes boring ol' peace? Only a few people will like it but when they call for war. War starts up again, will war ever turn to peace and stay like this for eternity or will history remain the same and never change?

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