[1] the arrival

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the arrival

you were talking with Tsireya about some silly gossip you heard from other na'vis in the village, when a voice suddenly called out your name.


you rolled your eyes when you heard your brother's voice, rotxo, calling your name: while tsireya laughed at the interaction. you looked up to the sky and saw that the eclipse began, meaning that it was now time to eat.

you and tsireya got up and went to the village center, and sat down on a wooden table near the maruis.

tsireya then broke the short silence by telling you the most juiciest piece of drama you've ever heard.

"seriously? no fucking way.." you exclaimed surprised, as you took a break from eating to comprehend the thing you just heard.

"what happened here?" ao'nung asked curiously, while he and rotxo sat down next to you on your table.

ao'nung sat next to you, and your brother sat down by tsireya. you and ao'nung have always been friends despite his not-so-friendly personality, and one time rotxo even said that ao'nung had somewhat small feelings for you.

you and tsireya became quiet, and suddenly burst out laughing. the two boys looked at each other confused, and they grew even more curious.

"you two girls are crazy." rotxo sighed and shaked his head. (as if he isn't some crazy boy himself too 🙄)

ao'nung nodded, and when he looked at you laughing, a little smile perked up on his face.

tsireya noticed this, and nudged at rotxo who was next to her. she gave your brother a 'yeah definitely' look, and rotxo shaked his head in denial, instead giving her a 'not happening' look.

the four of you finished eating, and decided to rest a little bit in your own maruis

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the four of you finished eating, and decided to rest a little bit in your own maruis. you waved at ao'nung and tsireya smiling, and you and rotxo went home.

an hour later, you were waken up by your brother shaking you. "hey wake up, let's go hunting with
the others."

you grumbled at first, but got up and followed after rotxo. "hey wait up skxáwng!!" you exclaimed, now running.

tsireya and ao'nung waved at you and rotxo and you waved back happily. there were tsireya, ao'nung, your brother of course, and other na'vis who you assumed were rotxo's and ao'nung's other friends.

all of you rode on your ilu's and began hunting for all sorts of creatures, the larger the better. you managed to catch some things, but they were all medium sized fish, so you always threw them back in the ocean.

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